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Plugin Requests

Started by Clay, February 23, 2013, 04:47:44 AM

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What plugins would you like added to Claytonia?  <--Share the video


I would like to request for plugin because of the fact people can work together such as friends.


Faction plugins are nice. I really prefer Towny over Factions, but they're both good. The issue is you also need to set up an economy plugin. It takes a lot of time to setup those plugins; when I tried setting up my own mini server I gave up after becoming frustrated getting them to work.

Good suggestion, maybe in the future it's something Clay could add if people want it.


There is already an economy plugin installed, he just needs to set up permissions. As for factions last i heard was he was planning on doing exactly that, but as tmagtuna said, give him some time to find the right one and get it working.



This looks like a really cool plugin. I am working on a new world that has a lot more plugins for the players who want them.  <--Share the video


I was wondering if there is a mod that does the same thing as economy but uses gold nuggets as currency instead if invisible digital cash. I thought it might be a bit more fun.


Up dates break plugins   until the update drops and I fix all the plugins we have I won't be adding any new ones. That being said ... If a few more people would prefer this economy over the one we are using now I would happily install it. Thanks for the suggestion  <--Share the video


Don't know if there is a plug-in out there that lets jukeboxes keep the record on loop, but if there is I say get it. It's the little things that count.


What if we added factions to the server? Kaz, Mez and I were talking about it and we thought it would be fun in the server. What do you guys think?


I think this could be sweet, but then again it would push it farther from vanilla.


yea i guess but oh well nevermind
hello please reply if needed??


Factions plugin makes a bit of lag, then people randomly join gets a place and no1 can ever get that place. its also very glitchy


Here He Here He fellow claytonians I would love it if you stode behind me in convincing clay to put in the mod for the server. I know alot of us do Large builds and im a big fan of using mods to help accentuate the game so here is the deal this plugin has to be installed on both client and server side to work. we are not sure what would happen if say person 1 had the mod but not person two and person two went into person ones house. so its a bit risky but could be worth it please reply with a yay or nah for the vote please. lets get this mod in the bag yall.



Stay Cool 8)


I'm loving the idea it will help mewith my big builds alot cuz i can never quite fill them :)
From Lizard to John O' Groats, is the land I own


I actually quite like the idea, but my only fear would be that it would turn into a roleplay server and i know that lots of people grief things when its with Factions, i do like the idea though i can see how we could implement competitions and things into that, but it could also split the community
From Lizard to John O' Groats, is the land I own


i have been working on my village and i need a way to sell land for houses but it is really hard to do that with the region and i don't want a million people added to my region and than get griefed and not know who did it thanks for taking the time to read this :D

-fishingrat7 :)


interesting we would have to brainstorm on this matter?


sure :D thanks for taking a look at it


find a stand alone plugin at that does what u want and link it in this thread on the forums
STAND ALONE means it doesn't need other plugins to work  <--Share the video


So i know alot of people have started doing videos for youtube and things and i thought a couple of things that could be added onto the server to help could be Camera studio

and Timelapse Mover

Both are good i believe the Camera Studio one is better but i dont know if it is compatible with the Server, Just an idea :)
From Lizard to John O' Groats, is the land I own


thanks woodsy, ill look into both of them this week  <--Share the video


i was thinking of posibly treecap and turning leaf pop wich will get rid of the *floating trees* forever :D


What plugins would u like to see on claytonia.

mcmmo will not be installed, sorry  <--Share the video


Quote from: rage_storm on June 15, 2013, 02:47:51 PM
Thanks for using the forums rage. My ultimate goal with this server is to keep it semi vanilla. Installing fractions would make it a fractions server. If we get enough donor to afford a 4th server I would love to have a fractions server.  <--Share the video

This plugin is pretty neat. Bridges, gates that can be retracted by a sign or redstone. Also, vertical lifts that can be used by right-clicking a sign. And more.


i was thinking about a backpack plugin or something. it will help the people who like to move houses alot take a lot more of there stuff around. also helps with miners who like to stay down in the caves stay longer.
People say powerful beings find anger when they have no room for love. What made you so?


Maybe when they update this mod there can be another world.


Okay so this looks really cool but I don't know if I would dig this or not because of the disgruction it would cause


Quote from: brandonschrand1 on July 04, 2013, 02:59:42 PM
i was thinking about a backpack plugin or something. it will help the people who like to move houses alot take a lot more of there stuff around. also helps with miners who like to stay down in the caves stay longer.

I definitely agree with this, as I am a miner that stays down there for extreme amounts of time. The problem is, I never get around to playing on any of the Claytonia servers except for the Tekkit server :(.

~Zito #corrupt4dmins


O i too would love a backpack plugin! did not even know one was out there :)
It's all fun 'n games till someone loses a keyboard!


I'm not sure that there is, but I know there are a lot of mods for them XD

~Zito #corrupt4dmins



Just curious, how is the fight for plugins on Tekkit going? I would love Essentials  ;D

~Zito #corrupt4dmins


well, as of yet we dont have any because all plugins do is crash the server.

So Clay is going to try and work it out at some point as to how to make Tekkit and plugins work peacefully together to create Minecraft happiness


I am Co-Owner on a Tekkit server, and I could ask my friend who is Head-Admin on there how he got them to work. I know it is a pain, because he hates doing it XD.

~Zito #corrupt4dmins


Take it up with Clay man, I know Prime said today that Clay has tried to work them out with little success, I mean just basic stuff would be amazing to have like protections and /sethome is really all ya need


Yeah, that's about all I want is /sethome and the other essentials commands. I'll have to find a way to talk to Clay :/

~Zito #corrupt4dmins


Team speak all week at midnight to 4am eastern USA time.
Or a really long pm/email  <--Share the video


Pm/email will have to be, because I can't be on that late :/.

~Zito #corrupt4dmins