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The Southern Isle

Started by furryoldlobster, April 24, 2016, 07:53:11 PM

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Dahlia moves to an overseeing position:

Dahlia plants her feet on the ground and leaps towards a shrubbery several meters behind the group!  She hits the ground hard, knocking the air of her lungs.  After a brief pause,  the cleric, now in a prone position on her stomach, looks up to see she didn't quite reach her target.  She crawls an extra half meter the plant, but is now out of melee distance of the mirignat.

Battle Order

Rovin, Dahlia , Leneord, Felicity, Mirignat

Definitely roll.  Even if you think you aren't sure, roll for good measure.   It helps me provide description with how well you succeed.
Sustainability comes from small gestures. Don't let your comfort become waste.
~ cinema sign.

Yellow Goat

Name:Leneord               Bonuses:           Str: +3     Con: +2
Health Points: 27/27                                           Dex: 0     Int: -2                                                            Wis: -1    Cha: 0
Armour Class: 9                                           Luk: 1

Leneord closes in on the injured mirignat. He grasps for the beastly insect, attempting to safely pin it to the ground.

Bug Hug!
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 18, total 18[/blockquote]


Bug Hug!:

Leneord charges the beast and tackles it to the ground, grabbing its appendages, and doing his best to avoid the animal's deadly stinger.   The two tumble back and forth, each trying to gain the advantage.   The mirignat's mandibles slice into the fighter's shoulder, but he does not give in.  He holds the grapple until the creature is successfully subdued.

3 damage inflicted on Leneord

Battle Order

Rovin, Dahlia , Leneord, Felicity, Mirignat

Leneord has the creature in a grapple.  Now every turn of the battle, the mirignat will have the opportunity escape the hold.   Until it is free, the monster will have a lower AC, and will not be able to attack.

For those curious of how this event occurred from the DM side:

Yellow rolled a natural 18.  I added his strength modifier of +3, which comes to 21.   With creature's strength and dexterity modifiers, I must roll at least a 19 to avoid the grab.  I rolled a 3.   Ok, so Leneord definitely successfully grappled, however the creature gets a free chance to attack called an attack of opportunity.  This attack can happen during the initial grapple attempt, during which the armor and shield bonus to AC is negated.  This means I must roll a 9 to hit Leneord.   I roll a 13, which means the monster hit Leneord.   I then roll a d4 for damage and add in strength modifier to calculate damage done to Leneord. 
Sustainability comes from small gestures. Don't let your comfort become waste.
~ cinema sign.


Name: Felicity              Bonuses:           Str: +2     Con: +1
Health Points: 18/18                                           Dex: +2     Int: 0                                                                 Wis: +2    Cha: +1
Armour Class: 14                                         Luk: 14

The shock of the event's just past, left the rouge in awe. She had never expected someone to ACTUALLY try and hug the bug. Still possessing the sights, she is locked in place, frozen. Her face leaving no doubt of her bewilderment.

Stunned by.... well that.....
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 7, total 7[/blockquote]


Felicity's jaw drops as Leneord continues to hold the creature at bay.  It is quite a spectacle.   The mirignat struggles while the fighter grabs whatever he can to keep the beast still.  Just when it looks as if it is finally compromised, the monster frees its wings and begins beating them.  Each individual wing smacks Leneord's face, over and over.  His hand releases several arms to control the wings.   However, it gives the mirignat enough space to twist out of the fighter's grasp.   

The monster, now within a meter's distance of the giant, looks straight at him.   

It doesn't move, but instead tilts its head to the right like a confused dog.  It simply stares at Leneord, as does the rest of the group, contemplating how this could happen.  Within that moment, everyone notices his clothes have been smeared with the creatures deep purple blood (or at least some kind of viscous substance that leaked out of its arrow wound).  The monster ignores Leneord, and turns towards a no longer gawking Felicity, who is ready for the next attack.

Perhaps exhausted from the struggle of Leneord's grapple, the creature doesn't attempt to fly towards Felicity.  Instead, it scurries on the ground towards her and at the last moment, lunges stinger first at the rogue.  Fortunately for her, she is quite dexterous.  She grabs the incoming stinger mid-air, and using the creature's own momentum, swings it around her and then releases.  She sends the mirignat tumbling back to where it started in the middle of the battlefield.   

Battle Order

Rovin, Dahlia , Leneord, Felicity, Mirignat
Sustainability comes from small gestures. Don't let your comfort become waste.
~ cinema sign.


Name: Rovin               Bonuses:           Str:+1     Con: +1
Health Points: 13/13                                          Dex: +2     Int: 0
Strain Points: 9/9                                                                 Wis: 0    Cha: +2
Armour Class: 13                                           Luk: 8

   Rovin draws, aims, and fires a second arrow at the beasts head. Hopefully he'll take it out this time.

[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 17, total 17[/blockquote]

~Zito #corrupt4dmins



6 damage inflicted on Mirignat

Rovin's arrow flies true and strikes the mirignat through one of its compound eyes.  It immediately collapses to the ground while its legs twitch and spasm.  The mirignat has been defeated.

All players receive 200 experience points.
Sustainability comes from small gestures. Don't let your comfort become waste.
~ cinema sign.


Name: Dahlia               Bonuses:           Str: 0     Con: +1
Health Points: 18/18                                          Dex: +1     Int: +2
Strain Points: 17/17                                                                 Wis: +1    Cha: +1
Armour Class: 11                                           Luk: 8

Watching the Mirignat collapse to the ground after taking a direct hit to the eye, Dahlia hesitantly  climbs out from behind the shrubbery she had been watching from.
As she returns to the group, who all seem to be standing in place staring at the now dead insect; she notices Leneord's wound from where the creature had pierced him earlier.

"Here Leneord, let me try and help you" she motions to the giant.

She had never had a chance to use her healing magic outside of training, but everything she had learnt was for this purpose.
Raising her staff slightly, she attempts to cast a basic healing spell

Cure Light Wounds
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 18, total 18[/blockquote]
Like what you see here?

We can't keep doing it without you!


Cure Light Wounds:

Spell causes 4 strain on Dahlia
Leneord regains 3 hit points

An aetherial glow eminates from Dahlia's staff and in moments, Leneord's wound has already closed itself.  There's no scar or even any evidence injury.

Casting spells causes emotional strain on the caster.   Casting lower level spells is easier to cast when the user is a higher level.  Dahlia has knowledge of third level cleric healing magic.  However, the spell she cast is only level 1.  At her level, this would normally cause 5 strain upon the caster, but she rolled so successfully, has proper attributes, and unique skills that make casting slightly easier.  Strain points regain on their own, but resting (sleeping, meditating, stopping for a sandwich, anything that isn't walking around or combat) speeds up the process.
Sustainability comes from small gestures. Don't let your comfort become waste.
~ cinema sign.

Yellow Goat

Name:Leneord               Bonuses:           Str: +3     Con: +2
Health Points: 27/27                                           Dex: 0     Int: -2                                                            Wis: -1    Cha: 0
Armour Class: 9                                           Luk: 1

"Thanks Dolly." Leonord says, and looks again at the slain mirignat. He kneels down and gently pats the dead beast on the head. "I'm sorry buddy. Maybe if I had held you tighter..." Leonord tears up a little bit, sad that the mirignat had to be killed.


Name: Rovin               Bonuses:           Str:+1     Con: +1
Health Points: 13/13                                          Dex: +2     Int: 0
Strain Points: 9/9                                                                 Wis: 0    Cha: +2
Armour Class: 13                                           Luk: 8

   "So what now?" Rovin asks. He's still a bit shaken up from his close brush with being impaled.

~Zito #corrupt4dmins


Every member of the group surveys the battlefield.   The definitely dead, yet still twitching orange exoskeletoned beast lies on the ground.  Its back legs involuntarily kick its once plentiful bounty of pollen off and to the earth.   The battle fooled nobody's sense of direction, and knew exactly where they were headed before the interruption.  Leneord's clothes are still smeared with the mirignat's blood, but besides that, everyone else is untouched by the encounter.  The big brute doesn't seem phased.   In fact, he just keeps looking up.  He's peering at the flowers from which the creature gathered the pollen on its legs.  Everyone else joins in slowly, but simultaneously.

Lenny found something.   The flowers from which pollen was gathered looked different than unvisited ones.  The petals are folded inward, closing off where the creature would gather more pollen.  They look ahead to the north, and see every single flower is still open.    They look to the east and quickly notice the petals are folded just like the one above them.   

Important note about post-battle.   Check out the battlefield.   Loot things.   Spot check the area.   Grab your recently used projectiles.   Most DM's will not remind you to do this, so its up you to remember.   New knowledge can be integral to the story, or at least lead to bonus rewards.   
Sustainability comes from small gestures. Don't let your comfort become waste.
~ cinema sign.

Yellow Goat

Name:Leneord               Bonuses:           Str: +3     Con: +2
Health Points: 27/27                                           Dex: 0     Int: -2                                                            Wis: -1    Cha: 0
Armour Class: 9                                           Luk: 1

Leonord solemnly picks up the mirignat's gathered pollen off the ground.  "I'll make sure your family gets this so you don't have to worry about them in bee heaven" he says to the bug's twitchy corpse.  Leonord looks around for a moment, not wanting to stain all his belongings bright yellow. He plucks a nearby fern branch and uses it to wrap the pollen into a manageable bundle.

Leonord gives the mirignat one final goodbye pat, then slowly stands back up. He looks at the rest of the group. It seems they might still be gathering themselves after that scuffle. Eager to make good on his promise, he tucks the pollen bundle into his pack and examines the eastward folded flowers as far as he can see.

Spot Check
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 17, total 17[/blockquote]


After gathering up as much pollen as he hold in his leaf, Leneord stares down the long alleyway of trees to the east.  As far as he can see, every flower above is closed up on itself.  He doesn't spot any mirignats, which makes sense since all these flowers have been visited.  Any insects are probably above the treeline varying their payload from point to point until heading back to the hive.  A quick glance at the ground shows tiny piles of pollen every once in a while, also going eastward.   No doubt this is from the gathering process.   Some of the pollen is bound to fall to the earth.  This trail of golden powder most likely leads to the creatures' hive. 

Spot checks are a unique check when the other player can actually still interact even before the GM responds.  Players may still talk with one another, attempt actions as long as they remain in the particular area (i.e. climb a tree, perform other checks, loot, etc).   This will keep the game moving forward.   
Sustainability comes from small gestures. Don't let your comfort become waste.
~ cinema sign.


Still a bit confused at the giants actions, she looks up to see the roof of the forest. After thinking for a few seconds she decides her course of action. "I think it would be best to get a birds eye view. I will try to shimmy my way up one of the trees, and in best case peer out above the roof."

She approaches the towering tree that once laid to her left. After looking for a few good foot holds, she leaps up and begins trying to climb.

Am I a monkey????
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 16, total 16[/blockquote]


Name: Rovin               Bonuses:           Str:+1     Con: +1
Health Points: 13/13                                          Dex: +2     Int: 0
Strain Points: 9/9                                                                 Wis: 0    Cha: +2
Armour Class: 13                                           Luk: 8

Rovin walks over the Mirignat's body and retrieves his arrows, stashing them away where they belong. He then looks around the area to figure out their next course of action.

To see what he could see:
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 12, total 12[/blockquote]

~Zito #corrupt4dmins


Am I a monkey?:

Felicity eyeballs the branches above her and with the grace of a lemur, launches herself from branch to branch, and quickly scales to the treetops.   From there, she looks observes all she can for 360 degrees.  Ahead to the north she spots the ocean.  It's still a few hours away, but even through the jungle, the group could feasibly arrive not long after sundown.  She looks to the east and sees the fleet of mirignats, gathering pollen for their hive.  She has trouble spotting anything to the south or west besides the green sea of leaves and foliage.   No mirignats are particularly close by.  The rogue spots their flight pattern and notes that a majority of the creatures congregate not more than an hour away.  It's a good bet that the hive is near the gathering of mirignats.   

With his arrows now gathered, Rovin investigates the battlefield.   Unfortunately, nothing different from Leneord's check is revealed.
Sustainability comes from small gestures. Don't let your comfort become waste.
~ cinema sign.


She makes her way down the tree, careful not to slip. Upon reaching the base, she turns to recount what she saw to the group.


Name: Rovin               Bonuses:           Str:+1     Con: +1
Health Points: 13/13                                          Dex: +2     Int: 0
Strain Points: 9/9                                                                 Wis: 0    Cha: +2
Armour Class: 13                                           Luk: 8

   "So it would seem we need to head east then" Rovin states.

~Zito #corrupt4dmins


Name: Rovin               Bonuses:           Str:+1     Con: +1
Health Points: 13/13                                          Dex: +2     Int: 0
Strain Points: 9/9                                                                 Wis: 0    Cha: +2
Armour Class: 13                                           Luk: 8

   Tired of waiting, Rovin begins to head east, whether they follow him or not.

~Zito #corrupt4dmins

Yellow Goat

Name:Leneord               Bonuses:           Str: +3     Con: +2
Health Points: 27/27                                           Dex: 0     Int: -2                                                            Wis: -1    Cha: 0
Armour Class: 9                                           Luk: 1

"Let's get going then" the giant affirms. Leonord beckons to Dahlia and Felicity and follows suit after Rovin.


Follows the group, twirling a Shuriken around her finger.


Leneord, Felicity, and Rovin begin heading east with the presumption that Dahlia will follow at some point.  They travel on some kind of animal trail.  Its very narrow and is constantly intercepted by vines, roots, and various other flora.  Its easy enough to climb over, or in Leneords case, simple walk through the foliage.  Sound emanate from all around them.  Creatures of all shapes and sizes beckon one another.   It doesn't take long to hear the mirignats above them.  It began,  as a faint hum, but is now becoming constant barrage of buzzing.  Every few seconds the group hears another one overhead, probably flying to its hive.  After only twenty minutes of travel, they arrive upon a small break in the path.   No more than ten meters from the break in the trail lies a cave of some sort.  The opening looks to be around one meter wide by two meters tall.   

Does the group wish to investigate?
Sustainability comes from small gestures. Don't let your comfort become waste.
~ cinema sign.

Yellow Goat

Name:Leneord               Bonuses:           Str: +3     Con: +2
Health Points: 27/27                                           Dex: 0     Int: -2                                                            Wis: -1    Cha: 0
Armour Class: 9                                           Luk: 1

Leonord is immediately captivated by the cave. "Wow, a hole!" He points it out to the others, even though it is obvious and in plain sight. He waltzes up to the entrance, bends over slightly with his hands on his knees, and curiously peers inside.

Spot Check
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 8, total 8[/blockquote]


Leneord, without fear of recourse, sticks his head in the dark hole.  The floor, walls, and even the ceiling of the cave are cold and covered with small track marks of dirt and pollen.  It clear to the fighter that it has been used recently by mirignats.  The sunlight doesn't seep very far into the structure, so Leneord can only see a few meters into it.  From what he can tell, the cave keeps the same dimensions.   

Does Leneord wish to travel onward?

Sustainability comes from small gestures. Don't let your comfort become waste.
~ cinema sign.


Name: Dahlia               Bonuses:           Str: 0     Con: +1
Health Points: 18/18                                          Dex: +1     Int: +2
Strain Points: 13/17                                                                 Wis: +1    Cha: +1
Armour Class: 11                                           Luk: 8

After catching her wits, Dahlia realises she's been left behind by the others.
She admired their spirit in taking down a Mirignat, but still felt as if they didn't understand the grave situation they were getting themselves into. A single Mirignat is a great win, but that doesn't have any comparison to walking into one of their hives.
She sighed, before reluctantly grabbing the straps of her pack and walking on, following where she heard the thumps of the Giant's footsteps coming from.
"This can't be good...." she muttered under her breath

Sorry guys, had real life stuff happening
Like what you see here?

We can't keep doing it without you!


Dahlia hustles eastward and quickly finds Felicity and Rovin standing at a 'y' in the path.   They are both staring at Leneord who is head first and on his knees at the mouth of a cave. 

Not a problem at all.  Life happens. 
Sustainability comes from small gestures. Don't let your comfort become waste.
~ cinema sign.

Yellow Goat

Name:Leneord               Bonuses:           Str: +3     Con: +2
Health Points: 27/27                                           Dex: 0     Int: -2                                                            Wis: -1    Cha: 0
Armour Class: 9                                           Luk: 1

Leonord reaches inside and gives the inside wall of the cavern three solid knocks. "Hello!" His own loud voice in the cramped space momentarily startles him. "Is anyone home?" He asks, no quieter than before. He waits and listens.

Listen Check
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 15, total 15[/blockquote]


Leneord receives no response from his query.  he is surprised when his words don't echo as much as they should.  Something must be dampening the sound.  It could be the mirignat wax that the group seeks!   

I forgot to add the gear you were given earlier to your character sheets.    It's been added. 
Sustainability comes from small gestures. Don't let your comfort become waste.
~ cinema sign.

Yellow Goat

Name:Leneord               Bonuses:           Str: +3     Con: +2
Health Points: 27/27                                           Dex: 0     Int: -2                                                            Wis: -1    Cha: 0
Armour Class: 9                                           Luk: 1

Leonord pulls his head out of the cave and waves to the group. "Hey guys! The hole is full of yellow dust and it's quiet in there too!" Leonord stands aside to allow the others a view of the cave. He rummages through his pack for a torch and the flint and steel, then fumbles with them trying to figure out how to light it.

Thanks for adding the gear, Furry! It helps loads.


Lenny has used flint and steel before.  It comes in handy quite a bit on the farm.  The torch is made of a simple piece of wood, roughly seventy centimeters in length.   The end is wrapped in cloth, but Leneord quickly unravels it.  The wood is dipped in tar, or something similar.   He balances the torch on his knee and strikes the steel against the flint.   Sparks hop from the implemant, into the air, and drop on the torch.   It ignites immediately.  The light is ample enough for ten meters of visibility.   The cave ahead goes at least that far.   The light reveals even more pollen on the walls.  Leneord's hands and knees are covered with the golden powder.     
Sustainability comes from small gestures. Don't let your comfort become waste.
~ cinema sign.

Yellow Goat

Name:Leneord               Bonuses:           Str: +3     Con: +2
Health Points: 27/27                                           Dex: 0     Int: -2                                                            Wis: -1    Cha: 0
Armour Class: 9                                           Luk: 1

Sensing that the others may be skeptical of how obviously safe and vacant the cave is, Leonord volunteers himself to lead the way.
The dimensions of the cave make shuffling through it terribly awkward, being too high to necessitate crawling, but too low for him not to chafe his head on the rough, pollen-coated ceiling were he to assume his natural gait. Leonord enters the cave, torch first, and maneuvers as best he can while bending his back and knees to prevent any comical head injuries.

Am I posting too much? I don't mean to be hogging the adventure, but I don't want to let it stall either, and no one else is showing any interest in this cave business. :(
If I can change anything about the way I post to better invite the contributions of other players, please do tell. I'm still very inexperienced at this.


Name: Rovin               Bonuses:           Str:+1     Con: +1
Health Points: 13/13                                          Dex: +2     Int: 0
Strain Points: 9/9                                                                 Wis: 0    Cha: +2
Armour Class: 13                                           Luk: 8

   Rovin proceeds to slowly follow behind Leneord, bow at the ready.

Don't worry about posting too much. You can post ten times in a row if you like tbh.

~Zito #corrupt4dmins


One careful step at a time, Leneord leads Rovin through the cave.  Their shadows dance on the walls as the torch's blaze flutters unevenly.   After a few minutes of moving forward, Rovin's keen elvish ears pick up something.   He stops the two for a moment, and then Leneord hears it too.  Its the sound of scuttling legs tapping against the ground.  The sound of the hurried steps crescendos until Leneord finds himself face to face with another mirignat.   Its orange exoskeleton is nearly identical to the one that the group faced early, but it is much larger.   This one is the size of a large dog.  It stares at the fighter.   It knows something is there and investigates Leneord with its antennae with particular interest in its bretheren's blood that remained on his clothes.   It hasn't completely dried yet.  Its mandibles open and what can only be described as a tongue with a million tiny "feelers" on it unravels out.  It licks the substance, then steps back.  Hastily, the creature turns around and disappears down the tunnel to return a moment later with something in its jaws.   It shoves the gooey, golden, sweet smelling substance onto Leneord's shirt, and spreads it around using its "tongue".  Then the mirignat returns to the darkness, not even noticing Rovin behind the giant.   

Sustainability comes from small gestures. Don't let your comfort become waste.
~ cinema sign.


Name: Dahlia               Bonuses:           Str: 0     Con: +1
Health Points: 18/18                                          Dex: +1     Int: +2
Strain Points: 13/17                                                                 Wis: +1    Cha: +1
Armour Class: 11                                           Luk: 8

Dahlia stands there, staring at Leneord in confusion over what just happened.
Could it be that perhaps in the relative darkness of the caves, the Mirignats resort purely on their sense of smell?

The villagers have never had anyone come back alive from a Mirignat hive, so it would make sense that a lot of information is unknown. No-one even really knows what the hive looks like beyond the first 10 meters.
"It's the blood" she whispers to the others.
"It recognises the blood from the other one we killed in the jungle"

She begins to wonder if it's too far back to go and gather some more from the dead Mirignat
Like what you see here?

We can't keep doing it without you!

Yellow Goat

Name:Leneord               Bonuses:           Str: +3     Con: +2
Health Points: 27/27                                           Dex: 0     Int: -2                                                            Wis: -1    Cha: 0
Armour Class: 9                                           Luk: 1

Leonord can't restrain his laughter any longer, from not only finding another mirignat, but also how ticklish its tongue and seemingly friendly its behavior was. "Bahahaheheheh!" he chortles. "I guess someone was home after all." He turns around slowly and carefully in the confined space to face the others. "Oh, hello Dolly! I'm glad you caught up." Leonord smiles, happy to see the faces of friends illuminated by the torchlight, though he wonders where Felicity is. "So you think he mistook me for his bee friend because of this goop?" He tugs at the front of his shirt with his free hand. It peels off him, heavy and damp with the mixture of mirignat fluids. "Take some of mine if you want." He offers. "You too, Rovin. I've been covered in enough bug slime for one day."


Name: Rovin               Bonuses:           Str:+1     Con: +1
Health Points: 13/13                                          Dex: +2     Int: 0
Strain Points: 9/9                                                                 Wis: 0    Cha: +2
Armour Class: 13                                           Luk: 8

  "How much of this stuff do we need? Didn't Leneord get enough of the honey?" Rovin asks, dodging away from Leneord's bug goop.

~Zito #corrupt4dmins


Slowly trails behind the group.

Yellow Goat

Name:Leneord               Bonuses:           Str: +3     Con: +2
Health Points: 27/27                                           Dex: 0     Int: -2                                                            Wis: -1    Cha: 0
Armour Class: 9                                           Luk: 1

Seeing that his generous offer had no takers, Leonord decides not to waste any more torchlight just standing around and reorients himself to face the untraveled darkness. Leonord slaps his forehead with his free hand. "Aw darn, I forgot to give that bee his friend's flower stuff." He grabs the pollen parcel from his pack so he'll have it in hand the next time he encounters the mirignat and continues to lead the group through the cavern.


Name: Rovin               Bonuses:           Str:+1     Con: +1
Health Points: 13/13                                          Dex: +2     Int: 0
Strain Points: 9/9                                                                 Wis: 0    Cha: +2
Armour Class: 13                                           Luk: 8

   Rovin cautiously follows the "Giant", ready for anything.

~Zito #corrupt4dmins


Name: Dahlia               Bonuses:           Str: 0     Con: +1
Health Points: 18/18                                          Dex: +1     Int: +2
Strain Points: 13/17                                                                 Wis: +1    Cha: +1
Armour Class: 11                                           Luk: 8

Realising that her staff was giving off a faint glow, she put it away in an effort to keep their noticeable presence at a minimum.
The Mirignats didn't seem to have great sight; if what had just happened was anything to go by, but minimising the possible light sources may help at some point.

Dahlia realised that the group had no intention of turning back, despite her warnings. She let off a faint sigh, before having a quick glance around to see if there was anything of use around them.

Spot Check
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 9, total 9[/blockquote]
Like what you see here?

We can't keep doing it without you!


Dahlia looks ahead as far as she can while Leneord spreads the creature's blood on his group.   Rovin, Dahlia, and Felicity each get a healthy dose on their armor.   The cleric can't see very far forward or backwards.  The cave keeps its dimensions, and it goes on for at least 10m more.   Past that is more darkness.   

The group slowly moves forward, each keeping a keen ear to the sounds of mirignats around them.   After a few minutes, they come to a section of the cave that branches out from the main path.  The group can see into it.  The room is five meters by five meters with the same size ceiling as the main cave. The torch lights it very well.  The group notices the walls are different.  The are lined with giant honeycombs.   Each hexagonal cell is the size of a full plate helmet.  There are at least a dozen cells, each made of the golden mirignat wax and filled with honey.   

Sorry about the late update.   I will be way more active this week.     

Sustainability comes from small gestures. Don't let your comfort become waste.
~ cinema sign.

Yellow Goat

Name:Leneord               Bonuses:           Str: +3     Con: +2
Health Points: 27/27                                           Dex: 0     Int: -2                                                            Wis: -1    Cha: 0
Armour Class: 9                                           Luk: 1

"Wow! What's all this?" Leneord exclaims in fascination as he lumbers into the room. The sweet scent of the honey makes him salivate a bit. He sets the bundle of pollen down next to the entrance and approaches the nearest honeycomb. He brings the torch close to examine its contents and scoops a small sample of the rich golden substance with his finger.

Spot Check
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 11, total 11[/blockquote]


Leneord inspects the sample of the substance.   The thick golden syrup smells incredibly sweet.   It is identical to what was smeared on the fighter's clothes.  Although he has never worked with beehives directly, Leneord has been on a farm long enough to understand the basics.  Bees lay their eggs in these hexagonal cells so that the newborns may hatch, eat a delicious first meal, and then burst out of the cells, ready to work.   He imagines these creatures aren't dissimilar and immediately scans for any signs of larvae or eggs.   He finds no such evidence of either.   
Sustainability comes from small gestures. Don't let your comfort become waste.
~ cinema sign.


Smiling to herself, she approaches a cell not far from the Giant, and without hesitation, takes a dollop with her finger, and quickly pops it into her mouth.

Taste test... I think...
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 4, total 4[/blockquote]


Felicity's taste buds tingle as she tries the honey.  It's as sweet as any the rogue has ever tasted.   Any and all weariness dissipates as she immediately feels a burst of energy.  Even though it was just a dollop of the substance, Felicity is completely pumped.   
Sustainability comes from small gestures. Don't let your comfort become waste.
~ cinema sign.


Name: Rovin               Bonuses:           Str:+1     Con: +1
Health Points: 13/13                                          Dex: +2     Int: 0
Strain Points: 9/9                                                                 Wis: 0    Cha: +2
Armour Class: 13                                           Luk: 8

   Shortly after Felicity tastes some, and doesn't drop dead, Rovin walks over and takes a large chunk for himself

How tasty is it?
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 9, total 9[/blockquote]

~Zito #corrupt4dmins

Yellow Goat

Name:Leneord               Bonuses:           Str: +3     Con: +2
Health Points: 27/27                                           Dex: 0     Int: -2                                                            Wis: -1    Cha: 0
Armour Class: 9                                           Luk: 1

"Dolly, will you hold this for a bit and keep the wall lit up?" Leneord asks Dahlia, offering her the torch while grabbing his axe from his pack then nodding towards the cell he was examining. "I'm going to try to chop that part of the wall free so we can take it. One will be enough, right?"


Name: Dahlia               Bonuses:           Str: 0     Con: +1
Health Points: 18/18                                          Dex: +1     Int: +2
Strain Points: 13/17                                                                 Wis: +1    Cha: +1
Armour Class: 11                                           Luk: 8

Dahlia notices the Giant motioning towards her, offering the torch. She takes it, holding it closer to her body in an effort to gain some additional warmth.
"Be careful, we don't know what could be on the other side of that wall" she mentioned

The entirety of the situation made Dahlia's head spin. She had gone from being someone who had rarely even left the village, to now marching her way to certain death inside a Mirignat hive.
The surreality scared her slightly, but mostly gave her a sense of pride and satisfaction.

"We're going to do this!" she thought to herself

Sorry for the delay, been busy still
Like what you see here?

We can't keep doing it without you!

Yellow Goat

Name:Leneord               Bonuses:           Str: +3     Con: +2
Health Points: 27/27                                           Dex: 0     Int: -2                                                            Wis: -1    Cha: 0
Armour Class: 9                                           Luk: 1

After sizing up the cell, Leonord readies his battleaxe like a batter preparing to swing. He brings down his axe with a flurry of cleaving strikes to sever the cell's connection to the adjoining honeycomb wall.

Hulk Smash Chop!
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 20, total 20[/blockquote]

No worries, slat. :) Forum adventures are slow-paced by nature.