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Mini-game Whitelist

Started by Mzmerize761, June 27, 2013, 05:24:47 PM

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Some mini-games that are played on the server require additional steps to be played correctly. Therefore, in order to make sure that all mini-games work perfectly I am creating a whitelist for members. If you wish to play mini-games on this server, please make a post here saying you want white listed. I will then add you to all mini-games on the server.

The only requirement is that you are already a member of the server.

Also posting your IGN: here would be helpful

Steam IGN  : Mzmerize761
Xbox Live IGN: Mzmerize761


I want to be on the white list please. :)


If i'm on i'll gladly test the games D: the mini games :D just ask me whenever i'm on


Ive never tryed the games, but would not mind seeing them, so it be great if you could whitelist me for em!
thanks  :)
It's all fun 'n games till someone loses a keyboard!


Whitehawk, freitag, and fish. Your all whitelisted.
Steam IGN  : Mzmerize761
Xbox Live IGN: Mzmerize761


I would like to be whitelisted please :D

~Zito #corrupt4dmins


As I forgot about this post I never got to say thanks,
Thanks  :)
It's all fun 'n games till someone loses a keyboard!

Toa Mata Nui 9

Can you white-list me, please?

Toa56584 on YouTube.
~Current Claytonia Vanilla Minecraft Photographer, Toa Mata Nui 9

(If you need to contact me, you can usually find me on Steam.
However, I will try to check my inbox on the forums more often, so if I'm not [available] on Steam, try PM-ing me here.)