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Teamspeak updates

Started by Clay, February 03, 2014, 08:48:25 PM

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I will use this thread to keep people up to date with changes in TS.  <--Share the video


Moved the teampseak server to an old Linux box that has been sitting around collecting dust for a few years.
Still working out all the kinks but if you notice anything weird about the TS server let me know.  <--Share the video


AFK channel is now 24hrs, however, if we need slots people in AFK will be kicked.  <--Share the video


Removed unused Role Playing channels. I will reinstate them if needed. You can always create an extra channel if needed.  <--Share the video


Yeah they were kinda obnoxious
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We can't keep doing it without you!


Made a new user group in Teamseak called "Probation" . The members of this group have almost no perms. They can move channels and thats about it.

We will be using this group for trouble makers who don't necessarily break the rules but are a pain in the ass. AKA moving other people to different channels all the time. 

IF you see someone with a Skull and Cross bones next to their name DO NOT set their user group to "Gamer/ MineCraft".
Please help me spread the word about this new group and let everyone know not to give them "Gamer/Minecraft" in Teamspeak.

input is welcome.  <--Share the video


Is it possible to  remove the ability to change channels?  Since that's what the problem will be half the time
Like what you see here?

We can't keep doing it without you!


i dont want to make them the same status as guest. the ability to move channels is what separates guests from the annoy group.  <--Share the video

Clay  <--Share the video


If you are being trolled/annoyed r-click on the person and complain about them. Please be descriptive so the admins know why  you are complaining. The person will never know that a complaint was made. If someone gets too many complaints bad things automatically happen to them.

Please note that all complaints are taken seriously and will be looked into by admins. Please do not abuse this feature. There is a log on every complaint, who made it and when.  <--Share the video


Server was down for a long time yesterday and today, sorry guys. I will be getting a 2nd server running as a back up in the next week and post the IP here.  <--Share the video


Back-up server is online. It is to be used only as a back-up server. It is hosted by Flareside as a favor to Claytonia. We do not want people using this unless the primary server is down!

The ip, to be used when the primary server is down is

Bookmark the server now!  <--Share the video


Fixed the issue of not being able to download from the file browser.
You can now download (unlimited) and upload (1gb) to the TS server file browser.
As always please act like an adult. There are logs for everything everyone does in TS.  <--Share the video


Locking this thread so its easier to find updates without going through tons of posts. Everything about Claytonia is up for discussion please feel free to quote anything posted and start a new thread giving input.  <--Share the video


I have been asked about this twice in a week so I'm re posting it.

If you are being trolled/annoyed r-click on the person and complain about them. Please be descriptive so the admins know why  you are complaining. The person will never know that a complaint was made. If someone gets too many complaints bad things automatically happen to them.

Please note that all complaints are taken seriously and will be looked into by admins. Please do not abuse this feature. There is a log on every complaint, who made it and when.  <--Share the video


Lots of new people in TS lately and People are using the complaint system (finally!). I have learned a lot from the complains received so I scrapped the old permissions system and started with a new concept I saw while on a different TS.

New permissions system is in place.
Group Icons are gone.
New groups "User" and "Member" are in place.
Users can not move any clients. Members can move, and assign, both usergroups and have more permissions in general.

Here is the Idea, when a new person joins TS, set them to user. When they prove they are mature and join the community on the forums or in game for a while we promote to member.

Minecraft and gamer group will be deleted once the new groups are populated and tested.

As always your input is welcomed.
If you have questions or ideas please quote this post and start a new topic.  <--Share the video


Mostly everyone should now be in the group "User".
Gamer and Minecraft groups have been removed.
Please keep an eye on the Claytonians Unite channel for new/returning users that need permissions.  <--Share the video


There may or may not be an influx of people joining the teamspeak in the next few days. Please keep an eye on the entrance channel and assign permissions as needed.

Due to the expected increase of people i have made it so a pop-up message informs everyone of our website. I know its annoying, i dislike it as much as u do and It will be removed in a few days. I'm doing this to try and get our forum new members who can help make it active again.

Just a reminder

If you are being trolled/annoyed r-click on the person and complain about them. Please be descriptive so the admins know why  you are complaining. The person will never know that a complaint was made. If someone gets too many complaints bad things automatically happen to them.

Please note that all complaints are taken seriously and will be looked into by admins. Please do not abuse this feature. There is a log on every complaint, who made it and when.  <--Share the video


Lots of new people in teamspeak throughout the day :)
However, We still have people joining and then disconnecting after sitting (for a few min) in the channel that says "Read description" and not reading it. If you are on TS please keep an eye out for people who cant't read, for new people. Talk to them if u have time and set there server group to User so they can experience the TS.  <--Share the video


I should point out that bb code doesn't work on phone apps, so your intro message looks bad there

Also, there's no channel descriptions on phone apps either
Like what you see here?

We can't keep doing it without you!


Ts was a happening place today!
A max of 26 people where online at one time and 47 people throughout the day!
Also 30 new unique views to the website today alone!

Continue to keep an eye on the "Read Description" channel to give new people permissions as needed.  <--Share the video


I stay connected to the server so I can more easily view logs. Im tired of being poked while in AFK channel. The channel name is AFK which means Im AFK. People poke me daily saying "I need an admin" then log off before I can get back to them. This has continued even after creating a channel called "I need an admin" which, in the description, tells them how to get a hold of me. /Rant

People can no longer see who is in the AFK channel. They are AFK anyway so it really should not matter who is in there anyway.
If someone asks to speak with an admin tell them to go to the channel "I need an Admin" and read the channel description.

If you really don't like this, create a new channel and go in there while you are waiting for someone to join, hanging out,  watching tv , doing homework, muted, watching porn, or just AFK.

As a reminder

If you are being trolled/annoyed r-click on the person and complain about them. Please be descriptive so the admins know why  you are complaining. The person will never know that a complaint was made. If someone gets too many complaints bad things automatically happen to them.

Please note that all complaints are taken seriously and will be looked into by admins. Please do not abuse this feature. There is a log on every complaint, who made it and when.  <--Share the video


This means EVERYONE will need to have permissions reset. I tried really hard to avoid this but there is no way around it.

More Information coming ASAP. Just a heads up that someday soon when u log on to the server it you will be set as guest.

More information will be made available on this post as soon as possible.  <--Share the video


im a day late on this post...
As most of you already know, There is a new ts server up and running. its the same IP as the old one so no need to update bookmarks. Everyone will need to be set to the user server group but for the 1st week of the server guests can give themselves perms.  <--Share the video


I reached out to a group of, what seems like, adult/mature gamers today and offered them our TS. The goal is to get new faces on TS and the forums so when you are looking for someone to game with you can find them right here on Sometime in the next day or two there should be a new group of 5-15 people on the TS please help welcome them to the community. As always if they cause any trouble or are complete assholes use the complaint system in TS and I will be around ASAP to take care of it.  <--Share the video


TS has had over 60 unique hits daily for the last three weeks. We have had 25 or more people connected at the same time every night for two weeks.
I have made changes to channel descriptions over the last few days and after adding the image 5 people have liked our Facebook page.
I changed "Join our steam group" to and in the last 2 days over 15 people have joined our group.

I got to thinking (it hurt) if people don't like to read text but they will read text in an image I'll make an image with text in it and hopefully people will read... The idea is that we will have less people breaking the rules (it has been an issue lately) if they can read the rules in an image instead of plain text.

Your thoughts, ideas, and requests are always welcome. We would love to hear what you think in this thread.  <--Share the video


The host we use for TS gives us 600MB of data transfer per month. We have used it all in 15ish days.
I have cut the avatar size down to 50kb for people in the "User" group but I'm keeping it at 200kb for donors. If the problem arises next month I will take further measures to conserve data.

PS. Most of the data is probably used by the handful of <18 year olds who change their avatar 5+ times each time they connect.  <--Share the video


We have had a full TS server at least one day per week for the last month because of this I purchased extra slots. We can now have 64 people in our server.  <--Share the video