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Karashla MCF copy

Started by Clay, July 02, 2013, 06:14:24 PM

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In Game Name


Wolverhampton - England

Time zone
GMT +1

Favorite game other than MineCraft
League of Legends

How you found out about the server? (post friends name if you were refered)
ChaoticRainbows recommended me

How long you have played MC
Since March 2011

What you are good at in MC
​Building, being persistent to be able to get materials

What you are good at IRL
Manual things, done a lot of Plumbing + Heating/Factory Work/Roofing

Type of music you like
Ranges from day to day, currently Machine Gun Kelly

Any chance you will join us in voice chat?
Yeah for sure, won't be always though - my ears are very sensitive to loud noises

What time do you normally play game?
Ranges to be honest depending on the day, and what I'm doing, but usually 5pm onwards.

Do you like bacon?
Who doesn't?

Why should you be white listed on our Vanilla server
Mmm - I'm a friendly enough guy. Don't hack/cheat, try to get along with everyone I meet as long as they are respectful. I can be active on forums, and have experience OP'ing - I know the workload for mods so I won't waste your time with trivial requests.

Are you allowed to grief on this server?
No, and I wouldn't dream of anyway  <--Share the video
