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Started by mattstep, June 27, 2013, 09:27:58 PM

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I would like to apply for member here are my details

Age: 17
gender: male
location: australia
timezone: australian est
Fav Game: happy wheels
Found server: Friend
MC time: 5 years
pets names: ollie and buzz
Good at: mining and farming
IRL good at: Everything
Fav Music: IDK just like funny parodies?
Like Sport: Im OK with it
Play Sport: not really
Other communities: i dont know i keep forgetting
Play game: 11 am to 12pm
do i like bacon: YESYESYESYES
Been in heli: no
Raids Allowed: no
Away from home country: no

Just to let you know my in game name is mattstep.


Thanks for joining the server and Welcome to our community.
A list of commands avilable to members can be found Here.
We hope you continue to be an active member by utilizing our forums and join us in our Team Speak 3 voice chat server.
Steam IGN  : Mzmerize761
Xbox Live IGN: Mzmerize761


Uhoh, Devo has some Aussie competition! Hehe.. welcome, mate! Hope to see you in-game soon, and I hope you enjoy yourself in wonderful Claytonia!

-Kaz, Forum King and Server Admin
Stay Cool 8)


Hi there and congrats i finding what i think is one of the best servers out there. Again if you have any question do not hesitate to ask we are all very friendly here and willing to help. Just a few things to start we are a mature server, and there are some threads that are marked 18 and older please be mindful of these threads. also late on weekends we do a community build and stream on twitch your are welcome to join up at anytime. Information on this event can be found here


welcome to the server :D a member A list of commands avilable to members can be found Here.
We hope you continue to be an active member by utilizing our forums and join us in our Team Speak 3 voice chat server.-Fishingrat7


Yes welcome, as someone that is not here that long my self, i can say i hope you enjoy it here as much as i do, everyone is sound, and i do think this is one of the best server and community's here in MC :)
It's all fun 'n games till someone loses a keyboard!