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Aurelion Sol Discussion

Started by Zito, March 09, 2016, 10:48:07 AM

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So, what are your first impressions of this champ? Personally I think he's going to be very powerful in the jungle, but also viable in the mid lane. His kit is definitely a jungler's kit, but I can see how roaming from mid would be very easy with it as well.

~Zito #corrupt4dmins


Jungle Top lane if you ask me, Mid could work but i think he would lose easily
From Lizard to John O' Groats, is the land I own


Think he is going to be a ditto to galio, being semi tank with mana, ap and cdr. Check out the stats on the abilitys the ap ratios, cooldowns and cost.

His base stats and ratios are definitely good lategame. But having 100 mana cost on Q at rank 5, and a 40 mana per second drain on W is what makes me think he will be built like galio.
Probably getting Abyssal, Roa, tear, chalice, frozen heart to sustain his damage. Sure these items don't have as much ap as morellos or deathcap but the point is to be a bit more on the tankier side and to not go oom every minute.

Now sure your ap wont be as high but remember that his base damage is already good. Rank 5 Q will easily hit for 400 magic damage and will stun for 2 seconds and with max cdr you can spam it every 5 seconds. To add even more cc you can have rylais adding both damage and defense, I think the slow may synergize with his passive as well.

Can be played mid, top as jungle I can see it, even galio jungle is a thing. But I think it could be too niche for jungle sure he could roam across the walls on the map which is unique. But I think there are champions that have better clears and more impactful ganks. I think he wouldn't deal too well with being counter jungled he would either die or at best concede the camp.
Could be like a level 6 jungler where he would use E to get behind the enemy and then ult them back towards his team.
Oh, you think darkness is your ally, but you merely adopted the dark. I was born in it, molded by it.


Yeah his jungling early isn't the best, but after the first few levels it's pretty easy. Rylai's does proc off of his passive, I can confirm that. I feel like the tankier build on him might be deadly, but his ap ratios are very good. If you build him with about 600 ap then you can one shot squishies :3

~Zito #corrupt4dmins


After seeing Aurelion in several games, I'd have to say the squishy ap build is just not his thing. Even when they get kills, the Aurelions with no defense just end up dying too much. I'd say his best build would be something along the lines of RoA, Rylai's, Liandry's, with some tankier items like Frozen heart in there maybe (If in lane). Or for the Jungle, I'd say Echoes, Rylai's, Frozen Heart, Tank items.


~Zito #corrupt4dmins


Lol I knew it. Looking at his kit and his numbers I thought that the cdr would abuse his reliable Q damage and the tankiness would cover up the unreliable damage from his passive.
I'd imagine full tank is doable probably sunfire>frozen gauntlets>abyssal>spirit visage>situational. Could probably run the same setup mid against melees.

Will probably pick him up and run some tests after they reduce his price.
Oh, you think darkness is your ally, but you merely adopted the dark. I was born in it, molded by it.


Yeah I'm planning on doing the same. I'm going to run him jungle, top, and maybe even support. Full tank might be fun, I'll definitely try that one lol.

~Zito #corrupt4dmins