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Guild Wars 2

Started by Tokilin, January 30, 2015, 09:12:30 PM

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   I play it, and I like it. I don't really play it often though, I have no one to play with. There's a new expansion coming out to re-work the skills and stuff to make "ever growing characters" but I haven't really read up on it. If anyone else here plays, I'd love to join up with them sometime :)
Until next time, this was Toki
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[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 1, total 1[/blockquote]


Oh I didn't see this before! My bad :p We should totally play together some time. What character(s) do you have? I have a lv 80 human necro, lv 80 charr thief, lv 8 sylvari mesmer, and lv 2 asura ranger.
I should come up with a clever signature... eh I'll do it later.


I don't play to terribly often (I have no one to play with. I'm an anti-social bug.), my highest character is about 55? Norn Thief. I'd be willing to make a new character so we can play or something. I don't have a character to compare to your others xD
Until next time, this was Toki
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[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 1, total 1[/blockquote]


I'm totally up for that. I'll catch you on steam or something or you can catch me. I'm a bit busy this week though.
I should come up with a clever signature... eh I'll do it later.


It's alright, haha.

I'm just getting back from a 2 week trip down in the states to visit family and friends.
Until next time, this was Toki
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[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 1, total 1[/blockquote]


Awesome! Hope you had a good time. Hop on steam and maybe we can play later today.
I should come up with a clever signature... eh I'll do it later.