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Server Crash

Started by Tokilin, October 27, 2014, 11:11:13 PM

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   I just realized I walked west in my search for cows x.x

   I received an internal server error. I apologize for my foolishness.
Until next time, this was Toki
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It'll be down until I'm home then.. I still have no idea what causes it
Like what you see here?

We can't keep doing it without you!


The server crashed on 10/27/2014

Tokie and I were the only people online, I was running from human to dwarf. No idea what Tokie was doing at the time


He's already made a thread saying that he walked westward lol
Still no clue what causes it, but there's something out that way that's been causing crashes for a while
Who's afraid of the big, bad wolf...


dont worry about double posts on server crashes. I prefer it if everyone created a post instead of no one. thanks for letting the admins know.  <--Share the video


Yeah I'd much rather everyone let me know than no one

Its something to do with one of our mods and something to the west... The crash logs and such arent helping at all

Like what you see here?

We can't keep doing it without you!


We need to send someone into the matrix to figure it out.
Someone above the crash...
We need... The One
Who's afraid of the big, bad wolf...


Like what you see here?

We can't keep doing it without you!


NEO! Bring your magic rabbit, that computer whore of yours, and lets BOOGIE!
Who's afraid of the big, bad wolf...


Well. That escalated quickly.

~Zito #corrupt4dmins