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CSPCV: Or, how I Stopped worrying and learned to Avoid the Wolf

Started by Blaidrug, August 12, 2014, 05:54:41 PM

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Anyone see that series of posts Sacheveral made on the MCForums a few weeks back?
He found a random village and did "scientific tests" on them?

Well! What if I put up a series here on the forums, maybe work on a video series for it as well... Where I test aaaalll~ kinds of things on our villager cousins with the available tools in this mudpack? :3

I would post my results ever so often (once a week seems to infrequent, maybe every other day?) and my processes in sciencing. :3

Y'all should totally give me ideas on what to do to them, what to test, what IRKING questions you've been dying to know the answers to

CSPCV = Claytonian Society for the Progress of Cruelty to Villagers
Who's afraid of the big, bad wolf...


I haven't watched much of sach but sounds like a great idea.
Oh, you think darkness is your ally, but you merely adopted the dark. I was born in it, molded by it.


that would be great. im sure we could have a lot of fun with it  <--Share the video


DO IT! I'd love to read the updates about tortured; or rather 'experimented on' villagers!

~Zito #corrupt4dmins


This has only been postponed due to the needs of my kingdom -- the city needs to be finished before I can begin my experimentation.
Who's afraid of the big, bad wolf...


Ok! So this whole idea has evolved into a youtube series in a SSP world!!

First few episodes shall involve getting the village protected from the zombie hoards, as well as possibly getting supplies gathered and various facilities, my main base, etc all set up :)

BUT!! What would you people like to see I try first? Any buuurrrnning questions you've had about how things from this modpack work? Maybe something about the behavior of villagers? Or maybe even just something interesting (read: possibly hilarious) that should be done?!
Who's afraid of the big, bad wolf...