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Most Overpowered & Under powered Champions?

Started by JudgeCrane, May 04, 2014, 12:30:08 AM

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Open to discussion on champions you think are too good at what they do, and some that are just not as good at their roles as others.

My first champ I think is OP is Udyr at lv 1 with tiger stance as long as he has your in range he can maul you to death even if you are the tank. His tiger stance scales very well with AD and even though he is a simple champion with a move speed buff to get in and stun you his damage output early on can be scary if he does catches you. I don't think he needs a nerf hes fine where he is, I think its funny how just by simple auto attacks he can vaporize you.

For a under powered champion I think of poppy her early game is pretty terrible against most bruisers, she has a insane lategame and its difficult for her to win some trades. Your opponent would have to make a lot of mistakes if you are even able to get your stun off once or twice during the first 5 minutes.
Oh, you think darkness is your ally, but you merely adopted the dark. I was born in it, molded by it.


I think Fizz is severely overpowered compared to most Mid-Laners. Every time I go up against Fizz Mid, I lose. He always does his jump and dodge and al that and avoids all of my attacks. If I get ahead of him it's alright, but if he is ahead, or we're even, it's gg for me...

Any thoughts on Junglers?

~Zito #corrupt4dmins


Fizz definitely gets annoying when hes untargetable it makes him unpredictable.
Oh, you think darkness is your ally, but you merely adopted the dark. I was born in it, molded by it.


Just started playing Jax. Jax is the most OP champ I have ever played XD. First time in a Normal with him, which was my Third time using him, I went 11/6. The 6 were only because I kept getting focused by three of them at a time XD. I always took one or two with me though, and that is too much lol.

~Zito #corrupt4dmins


I currently main udyr and am very experienced with it. I'm not sure if you're talking about him top or jungle, but I always take phoenix stance first.


You can take Tiger stance and jungle with it if you're going Feral Flare though, I've done it. It is kind of OP, because you do so much damage late game, and early game as well. Of course, FF got nerfed, so it isn't as good now...

~Zito #corrupt4dmins


Trust me, always go phoenix first in the jungle. Here is what I do in terms of leveling skills. R>Q>E>R>R>E>R>R>E>E>W>E>Q>Q>Q>W>W>W>W
Turtle stance is useless. Get that around level 11. Max bear after Phoenix. Tiger is only good for the attack speed buff paired with phoenix. Don't tell me that tiger is better :) I can always prove you wrong.  8)


I like using Tiger in comination with the others. If you go Tiger and then Turtle, you get the Lifesteal, and the attack speed for awhile.

~Zito #corrupt4dmins


you should always take Phoenix first for jungle works better and fizz isn't really op jax neither i main jax top i play jax alot and he is easily countered just like fizz as long as u know how to counter them u have to now the champion your playing and the enemy