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Asian's Attempt at Socializing..

Started by Sei_Ryoku, April 02, 2014, 08:10:00 PM

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In an attempt to post as many things in a forum as possible before going off to college and getting sucked into the mindless cycle of studying, eating, and sleeping, I took it upon myself to try to post at least one thing a day.. So here is today's! ^_^

Beware. Not at all Minecraft related.

In a couple of days, I will be turning 18 (*happy dance*). Perhaps it is because of this, that I dreamt that I was luxuriously sipping a glass of wine.. And it tasted really good, like some sort of buttery honey. Needless to say, I was confused when I woke up, since in reality I absolutely abhore the smell of alcohol - it does not agree with my stummy. When I told my parents about my dream, my dad laughed, saying perhaps my "thirst for alcoholic goodness" was waking up (In Korea the legal age to drink is 19, which is 18 in most countries).

Have any of you had drinking alcohol or any sort of "I'm turning 18, let's celebrate" type of dreams the week/day before you turned an adult?
Or is it just me, and my never-ending strangeness?

- Sei
I am Asian.   ...   That is all you need to know.


I didn't really have any dreams like that, but that's just me. However, I was slightly focused on High School Graduation that week as well. I turned 18 the day before I graduated lol.

~Zito #corrupt4dmins


O.o I'm sorry. ^_^ The day before a graduation?! Goodness.
Graduation for me is two months away... And we still have school afterward, because of all the snow days..  ><

I see. So I *am* a weird mortal. ^_^

- Sei
I am Asian.   ...   That is all you need to know.


Drinking age here is 21 but i had a fake ID at 17. what a PARTY ANIMAL I was.
No dreams about it because i was already a drunkard, haha.  <--Share the video


Even at age 29, I refuse to be an adult.
Sustainability comes from small gestures. Don't let your comfort become waste.
~ cinema sign.


We're all weird, it's not just you XD. Trust me, I'm probably a lot more weird lol.

~Zito #corrupt4dmins


Mr. Clay. Fake ID's?! *le gasp* How could you?  .. XD  I think it was you that I met in Vanilla. It was nice meeting you! I would be a party animal, but I am the most introverted human known to mankind.. So probably not. ^_^

Mr. Furry.  Don't we all? ^_^

Mr. Zito.  ... No, sir. I know I'm the strangest.. *cough* It's 3 in the morning and I'm Minecrafting *cough*

- Sei
I am Asian.   ...   That is all you need to know.


If I had internet at home I would be playing League of Legends all night XD. I used to play Minecraft all night when I had internet lol.

~Zito #corrupt4dmins


Mr. Zito. What *is* League of Legends? All my friends used to play it (now they're wrapped up in Call of Duty or Halo or some other shooting game).  I stay up late regardless or not I have internet.  ;D   Insomniacs for the win (Except I do sleep a lot -- just not in the night)!

- Sei
I am Asian.   ...   That is all you need to know.


League of Legends is a Moba style game. Basically, you have two teams of 5 (In Classic). Each person chooses a champion that they play as, and they attempt to push through the other team's defenses and destroy the opposing Nexus (Basically their home base I guess you would call it). I have only played for about a week or so, so I can't really explain it very well. Toki or Millarz could tell you more. All I know si that it is really, really fun. I'm completely addicted to it. Check out the League of Legends section here on the forums for a bit more info. I highly recommend anyone to try it. It has a bit of a learning curve, but after a wekk, I know quite a bit about it. It's really a learn as you go type of thing. The tutorial is very helpful as well. I'm going to stop rambling now XD.

~Zito #corrupt4dmins


Hm. That does sound like fun.. ^_^ Thank you for the in-dept description. And don't worry, sir, I probably ramble more than you do... ^_^

- Sei
I am Asian.   ...   That is all you need to know.


Sustainability comes from small gestures. Don't let your comfort become waste.
~ cinema sign.


What challenge would that be Furry? :o

Also, No problem Sei!

~Zito #corrupt4dmins


Sustainability comes from small gestures. Don't let your comfort become waste.
~ cinema sign.


   What?! We're having a ramble off?! Pick a topic. I want in. I'll do my best to take first! :)

   And hello Sei, sorry for barging in on your topic XD
Until next time, this was Toki
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Hello Mr. Tolkilin! ^_^

Ramble off.. Hum.. *laughs maniacally* I believe I ramble most, good sirs.. You have no idea who you're up against. >:)
I am Asian.   ...   That is all you need to know.


Video games is the topic, start the rambling...  <--Share the video


What, no one is going to ramble on and on and on about the Vidja-games?

~Zito #corrupt4dmins