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Started by Tokilin, April 01, 2014, 02:52:07 AM

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   So it's evident that I suck, despite my level 30-ness. I need to learn how to use more champs, particularly ADC. I haven't got a rune page for it yet, but it's on my list of things to save IP for. So as an aspiring learner of ADC champs and various other places, I ask for help. At some point, who wants to start going into norms/int bots while I butcher our team's ADC? (Gotta start somewhere)

   Of course, if you need to learn how to do something and someone plays a mean something, advise is always welcome. I like my mid champs, of course, everyone does. I'd have no problem watching a game or participating in a game were you're learning how to do a role I know how to do (slightly).

   Looking over this post, I hope it makes sense? It's much to late for me to be up. I had early shift this morning x.x
Until next time, this was Toki
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Hey I'm by far no pro either :p But I do main adc so I could help you out. If anyone can help me with support, that would be great. I hate supporting. So much. Unless it's a carry with a butt-load of cc that I can build damage on after the adc is fed (like Anivia or Ashe). I don't know if I can teach very well, but I'll sure try. Maybe I can support ashe in intermediates so I can sort of be adc to help you? I dunno. We'll see how it goes if we do it :p Or... maybe doing it in normals would be better. I have a tendency to wander off to lala land in bot battles :p
I should come up with a clever signature... eh I'll do it later.