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Seawell and the Great Light House

Started by Tokilin, March 23, 2014, 11:46:01 PM

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Jayne guard.

There's, literally, no other thought in his brain. 

Jayne is a wall
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 5, total 5[/blockquote]
Sustainability comes from small gestures. Don't let your comfort become waste.
~ cinema sign.


   The lizard men looked at each other. Their tongues flicked out and they all nodded. "We ssshalllll see how theee humansss react when weee returrrn with morrre. The firessss they've been setting have been to much. They sssshall all die." The lizard men walked off away from Seawell towards the ocean. In the direction they walk, between the moon and the heroes, smoke can faintly be seen whisking by. As per the groups, Leila and Zen take off after the Lizards. Jayne and Ray stay behind to watch the area.

   Leila and Zen follow the lizard folk. They seem pretty mad and easily fail to notice the heroes following them. Eventually, they reach the ocean shore and walk along it's beach. Finally, the heroes lose them when they enter a cave. Standing outside the cave are two more lizard men, they look like guards standing on either side of the cave's mouth. Leila and Zen get behind a boulder buried in the sand for cover. They're far enough away to make simple movements without being caught. Any closer and they'll have to be sneaky.

   Jayne and Ray sit back at the spot. Nothing seems to be happening, and from the looks of things it was nearing eleven o' clock.
Until next time, this was Toki
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[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 1, total 1[/blockquote]


Oh psh. Who needs to be stealthy when they have magic in their blood? Leila emits a chuckle, signifying a particularly prankish plan has just come to boil in the oh-so magical mind of hers. "Watch this," she whispers to Zen. She brings up a force of magical energy from her inner being and casts it through her voice box and out to the other side of the cave. To make sure her spell worked, she whispers, "Can you hear me?" to Zen. If all is well, he should not be able to. Though if she speaks any louder, the lizards SHOULD hear her from the opposite direction that the duo are actually situated in.

Cast ventriloquism

[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 2, total 2[/blockquote]
I should come up with a clever signature... eh I'll do it later.


   Leila tried her hardest to hide the fact that they were there. She even whispered. Unfortunately, while trying to impress Zen with her sophisticated magic, she failed to concentrate hard enough on the task. In fact, it was such a lack concentration that it actually caused more strain on her mind when she attempted it. The spell has failed. Fortunately, the Lizards still haven't found their hide-away.

   4 Strain to Leila
Until next time, this was Toki
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[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 1, total 1[/blockquote]


Well that didn't go as planned, she thinks, disgruntled. "Should I try again?" she asks Zen.
I should come up with a clever signature... eh I'll do it later.


Name: Zen Komanu               Bonuses:           Str: -2     Con: +2
Health Points: 7/9                                           Dex: +0     Int: +4
Strain Points: 17/18                                                                 Wis: +3    Cha: +0
Armour Class: 12                                              Luk: 16

  "It seems to be getting close to eleven. Maybe we should go back to the gate and warn Ashen about the attack."

~Zito #corrupt4dmins


"Good idea," Leila says. The port should be prepared for the assault. "Let's go," she says as she starts waking back.
I should come up with a clever signature... eh I'll do it later.


   Leila and Zen arrived back at the other two quarter after eleven. Jayne and Ray were resolute in their  watch, but unfortunately nothing aside from the lizard folk showing up had happened. Leila and Zen explained to Jayne and Ray (Not that they truly understood) what they had seen when they had followed the lizard men. Ashen had asked that they return at midnight, but at quarter past eleven nothing had happened. Do the heroes wait or return to the gate?
Until next time, this was Toki
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[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 1, total 1[/blockquote]


Jayne, although hungry, isn't one to disregard orders.  "I will stay a few minutes longer.  The lizard sandwiches could return", speaks the fighter plainly.  "Maybe we should split up, if one of you wants to warn the town"
Sustainability comes from small gestures. Don't let your comfort become waste.
~ cinema sign.


"We should warn the town, but I want to go back there where the lizards were and see what's actually happening." Leila replies. "How about Ray comes with someone to the gate, Jayne stay here and guard, and the other one of us go warn the city?" she suggests.
I should come up with a clever signature... eh I'll do it later.


Name: Zen Komanu               Bonuses:           Str: -2     Con: +2
Health Points: 7/9                                           Dex: +0     Int: +4
Strain Points: 17/18                                                                 Wis: +3    Cha: +0
Armour Class: 12                                              Luk: 16

   "Sounds good to me. Leila, how about you go back to the cave, I'll take Ray and go back to the gate, and Jayne, you be a wall."

~Zito #corrupt4dmins


   Ray nods his head in agreement, and looks to Jayne for an answer. Ray doesn't think Jayne will disagree, but Jayne is still entitled to his opinion.
Until next time, this was Toki
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[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 1, total 1[/blockquote]


Jayne wall
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 20, total 20[/blockquote]
Sustainability comes from small gestures. Don't let your comfort become waste.
~ cinema sign.


   Jayne took his position, standing firm with his arms at his sides. He really did look like a wall. With that notion the heroes took off in their separate directions.

   Zen and Ray arrived back at the gate, Ashen was looking over papers giving a couple of orders to some people who then took off past the two heroes. Runners most likely. Ashen followed his runners with his eyes to make sure they took off, and they landed on Zen and Ray. "You two are back early, something happen that quick?" Ashen had a bit of worry in his face.

   Jayne remained resolute throughout his watch, nothing has happened since the Lizard Men showed up.

   Leila headed back to the cave, crouching behind the rock she was behind previously, should could see the two Lizard Folk who had been guarding the mouth of the cave had left. She didn't know where, but they weren't at the entrance.
Until next time, this was Toki
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[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 1, total 1[/blockquote]


Wait wait Leila meant Ray come with whoever was going to the lizard place, not the safe gate! Oh well. It was too late to call Ray back now. Leila and Itzal walk to the cave she was just in a few minutes before and scan the outside of the cave.

Spot check
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 10, total 10[/blockquote]
I should come up with a clever signature... eh I'll do it later.


   With Itzal's eyes and Leila's sharp vision, she deduces that there aren't any Lizard Folk on the outside of the cave. Unfortunately, the moon doesn't shine to far into the cave and it is covered in a veil of darkness. No movement can be seen through the shaded cavern though.

   Although I talked to you in Steam to clarify what you meant, Zen's post completely screwed me over on the placement of people XD

   Hopefully you won't get into tooooo much trouble, heheh
Until next time, this was Toki
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[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 1, total 1[/blockquote]


Name: Leila               Bonuses:           Str: +0     Con: +2
Health Points: 10/10                                           Dex: +1     Int: +3
Strain Points: 13/16                                                                 Wis: +1    Cha: +1
Armour Class: Sorcerer                                           Luk: 9

Hm let's see if she can take a peek into the cave? Leila reaches up into the air in front of her and motions to grab something. A glowing orb appears (or should appear) to form in her hands. She holds her palm out and the little wisp of light hovers up and down. She casts it out into the cave as if she was throwing a ball and hides behind the bush as she observes what the wisp illuminates.

Dancing Lights
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 8, total 8[/blockquote]
I should come up with a clever signature... eh I'll do it later.


Name: Zen Komanu               Bonuses:           Str: -2     Con: +2
Health Points: 7/9                                           Dex: +0     Int: +4
Strain Points: 17/18                                                                 Wis: +3    Cha: +0
Armour Class: 12                                              Luk: 16

   As Ray obviously couldn't, Zen explained the situation to Ashen. "The Lizard men are going to attack. Soon. We were at our post, and a few of them showed up. They seem to think that it is us who are attacking them. I believe someone is setting us up to take the fall. Trying to instigate a war. After they spoke, they took off, and Leila and I followed them to a cave. The cave was guarded, so we couldn't go any further. Jayne is currently watching our post, and Leila went back to the cave. I think we need to prepare for the attack."

~Zito #corrupt4dmins


   Leila successfully created her orb, which then promptly floated though the air into the cave. The orb shattered upon hitting the roof at the back end. At about 20 to 30 feet into the cave, it seems as though it descends into the earth. While it didn't look like a straight drop into it, it did look rather steep. Steep enough that if there was loose sand or gravel on the slope, it would be rather difficult to get out of the cave.

   Zen's comments brought some thought to Ashen's face. "Are you sure they said the humans where attacking them? I don't recall giving any orders for an assault. We have been having enough problems with them just showing up near the city in groups of 5 or 6... You're right in saying we need to prepare for the attack. But why on earth did that girl go to the cave all by herself? Lizard Folk aren't something a single person can handle easily. As of right now, you need to go get Jayne and get back-up to that girl as soon as possible."[/I][/color] Ashen motioned for some more people to come over, he said some things that escaped to two heroes ears and just like before, the people took off into the night.

   Jayne stood stiff as a wall. Nothing was happening and it was about quarter till midnight. Perhaps the lizard folk showing up was all that was bound to happen?
Until next time, this was Toki
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[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 1, total 1[/blockquote]


Nothing. There was nothing here. That's strange. The lizards were guarding this place before. Where did they go? Something big must be happening for them to abandon their cave. She has to go back to Ashen and tell them the lizard folk had already left. Leila starts off running to Jayne the Wall to drag him back to the city to face whatever may come.
I should come up with a clever signature... eh I'll do it later.


Jayne see's Leila run up to him and insists that he's needed at the city.  Jayne doesn't question Leila for a moment, and gathers any supplies he may have placed down whilst becoming a wall.  He starts walking back to the city, hoping Leila won't be far behind. 
Sustainability comes from small gestures. Don't let your comfort become waste.
~ cinema sign.


Arriving back at the port, Leila runs to Ashen as fast as she can. She muffles her heavy breathing by inhaling through her nose so she doesn't appear weak to the guild leader and Zen. Through her heavy breathing, she says, "The lizards have left their cave. I believe- huff- that they're already on their way here."
I should come up with a clever signature... eh I'll do it later.


   Ashen looked Leila up and down, she looked hectic after running so much. Ashen nodded to Jayne and turned to Leila. "You're sure they left? I think I know what cave you're talking about. It's a pretty deep cave that has a slope that descends into the earth. They may have all been just in the cave. But from the looks on this map, the cave you guys are describing isn't their main cave... why are they bunched there? Their normal cave system is further up the shore..." Ashen pointed on a map that seemed to detail the coast. "We'll send men to the cave you guys talked about, can you guys investigate the cave that they normally inhabit?"
Until next time, this was Toki
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[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 1, total 1[/blockquote]


Leila nods. "Will do, sir," she says, determined to prove to the world of her worth. "What shall we look for specifically while we're there besides whether or not they are there? Anything particularly important we should know about?"
I should come up with a clever signature... eh I'll do it later.


Name: Zen Komanu               Bonuses:           Str: -2     Con: +2
Health Points: 7/9                                           Dex: +0     Int: +4
Strain Points: 17/18                                                                 Wis: +3    Cha: +0
Armour Class: 12                                              Luk: 16

   Not seeing the reasoning behind abandoning the place they know the Lizards will be for a place they knew they were not, Zen questioned Ashen's logic. "Why do you want us to go out there, when we know they will be attacking here? We should defend the town, not their cave."

~Zito #corrupt4dmins


"Its a cave", Jayne proclaims.  "It doesn't mean its their cave.  The Future Sandwiches could be using an entire maze of caves".  Jayne may not know much about fancy words and scholarly books, but he understands battle strategy.  The Lizards that Leila found sounded more like pawns, meant to distract and separate.   

Time is limited as well.  If Leila, Zen, and Jayne were to join everyone in defense, their mission, and the future of the city, would be at stake.  "We aren't here to thwart an attack that may not even happen.  There is a very real cave, with very real answers.  That's where we should be"

Sustainability comes from small gestures. Don't let your comfort become waste.
~ cinema sign.


   Ashen watched as the four adventurers took off towards their destination. The adventurers wandered along the shore for a good distance until they reached the cave that was guarded by the lizard men, hiding behind the same huge boulder, a good view of the area showed to Folk were around like before. The heroes slinked past the cave undetected and further along the shore towards the cave Ashen had mentioned. The cave Ashen had mentioned was very far off, the cave the heroes had found was only a fifteen to twenty minute walk, it'd be about an hour and a half until they arrived at the cave. About twenty minutes out from the cave the heroes encounter a ship wreck. It looks fairly recent. The ship's hull suffered serious damage, it looked natural though, like rocks had smashed into it creating huge gashes into it's side. Aside from that obvious fact though, the ship itself looked almost whole.
Until next time, this was Toki
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[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 1, total 1[/blockquote]


A ship wreak?  So maybe this is where the ships have been disappearing to. "Hey guys, let's check out this place! If there aren't any survivors, maybe we can still loot the ship," she says to them. Leila walks closer to the wreckage and scans with Itzal the exposed areas of the ship for any signs of life or loot.

Spot Check
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 13, total 13[/blockquote]
I should come up with a clever signature... eh I'll do it later.


Name: Zen Komanu               Bonuses:           Str: -2     Con: +2
Health Points: 7/9                                           Dex: +0     Int: +4
Strain Points: 17/18                                                                 Wis: +3    Cha: +0
Armour Class: 12                                              Luk: 16

   "I think we need to keep moving. We're not here for this ship, we're here for the cave further up the shore. We can come back to this later, after this attack."

~Zito #corrupt4dmins


   Leila surveyed the ship from head to toe, and the places she couldn't see Itzal did. Viewing through the holes in the ship, nothing could be seen. It seemed as though anything of value or use on this ship had been picked clean. The whole ship couldn't be surveyed through the simples holes and deck though. A large gapping hole was in the side about ground level that would allow access to the innards of the ship. It was dark, and the breezes from the sea seemed to create a low howling throughout the ship.
Until next time, this was Toki
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[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 1, total 1[/blockquote]


Seeing nothing of interest, Leila nods at Zen's suggestion. "Yes, there doesn't seem to be anything here. We can come back later if necessary." She continues to walk towards their destination.
I should come up with a clever signature... eh I'll do it later.


Jayne agrees, and surveys the area as he follows Leila.

Spot Check
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 16, total 16[/blockquote]
Sustainability comes from small gestures. Don't let your comfort become waste.
~ cinema sign.


   The four heroes walk towards their destination, with Jayne eyeing anything that moved or didn't move. Unfortunately, nothing was there to be seen except sand, rocks, and the occasional crab scouring the beach for some sparse morsel for it to devour. It was a pretty simple beach, the grass to their left cut off about 10 meters from the shoreline, which connected to the ocean. The ocean seemed to go out forever, even more so in the night. With it being half moon, there was enough light to reflect off of the water but not illuminate all of their surroundings. Of course, Ray and Jayne had no problems seeing.

   It was a little while still, but eventually the heroes reached the cave. Before them stood a huge hole about six meters high, four meters wide. Nothing could be heard or seen from the cave. A quick check on the surroundings showed there was no sign of life near this cave, not even the custom trenches the Lizard Folk created with their tails while walking across sand. The heroes stand side by side about 6 meters from the entrance to the cave.
Until next time, this was Toki
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[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 1, total 1[/blockquote]


Jayne attempts to light a torch

[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 5, total 5[/blockquote]
Sustainability comes from small gestures. Don't let your comfort become waste.
~ cinema sign.


   Jayne pulled one of the torches from his backpack, his flint and steel with it. Upon striking the flint and steel together, spark fly. It takes a while, but eventually Jayne gets the sparks to land on the tip of his torch. The stunted embers burn on the tip of his torch, Jayne blows on them and sends them flying off of it. He'll have to try again. After bout 4 more repeats, Jayne has himself a nicely burning torch, albeit the time and effort he put to it was probably a little over-kill.
Until next time, this was Toki
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[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 1, total 1[/blockquote]


"Eat torch, stupid cave!", yells Jayne precisely before he throws the light source into the cavern. 

Roll For Good Measure/Distance thrown
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 20, total 20[/blockquote]
Sustainability comes from small gestures. Don't let your comfort become waste.
~ cinema sign.


   Jayne hurled the torch into the cave, it's arc just below the roof of the hole to maximize distance. The torch dropped straight down upon hitting a wall, it seemed as though the cave turned slightly into the earth as it progressed further. The trail the torch illuminated showed nothing, not even the sand was disturbed in the cave. It was obvious this cave hadn't been touched for a while. If the heroes had to take a guess, it would be able two and a half weeks since it was last entered.
Until next time, this was Toki
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[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 1, total 1[/blockquote]


Name: Zen Komanu               Bonuses:           Str: -2     Con: +2
Health Points: 7/9                                           Dex: +0     Int: +4
Strain Points: 17/18                                                                 Wis: +3    Cha: +0
Armour Class: 12                                              Luk: 16

   "It's obvious this cave has been abandoned for awhile. We should head back to the city" Zen suggests.

~Zito #corrupt4dmins


"Wait," Leila says. "I'm going to explore this place. It might have some clues about why the lizards are attacking the port. If you're right and the cave is abandoned, there won't be any resistance. There might be something they left behind. And besides, if we do meet resistance, Jayne is a wall." Leila's stubborn mind is made up on the matter and it'll take persuading to deter her from exploring. Upon walking up to the entrance, she peers in to see what the thrown fire has illuminated. What if she finds some rare lizard treasure? Or prisoners secretly locked inside and Leila herself freed them? Oh, the things she could tell her parents! And they would see. Leila of Port Unity is a legend!

Spot Check
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 11, total 11[/blockquote]
I should come up with a clever signature... eh I'll do it later.


   Leila peered down the cave, her eyes adjusting slightly to the increased darkness. It seemed like a black hole with a light at the centre, emitted from the torch at the back wall. Nothing could be seen, past the light. Using her peripherals, she eyes the walls and the floors and see nothing out the ordinary in a cave. Moss, wet stone, dry stone, and a few bugs.
Until next time, this was Toki
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[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 1, total 1[/blockquote]


"My Orcy sense is tingling!", Jayne exclaims, pointing his right index finger in the air.  "I will follow you Leila".   Besides, Jayne needs his torch back. 
Sustainability comes from small gestures. Don't let your comfort become waste.
~ cinema sign.


   I'm assuming this means that Leila and Jayne enter the cave?
Until next time, this was Toki
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[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 1, total 1[/blockquote]


Leila goes much deeper into the cave and looks around.

Spot Check
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 17, total 17[/blockquote]
I should come up with a clever signature... eh I'll do it later.


   The two heroes walk further into the cave, Jayne stooping to pick up his torch. Leila took a good look around, viewing the walls you could see wear and inspecting the dirt, dried old skin and black charred wood. Although nothing looked recent, it was easy to tell now that they were in the cave that this truly did belong to Lizard people. Judging from the age of the skin, Leila could tell that this cave abandoned about two and a half weeks ago. The wood specks in the dirt seemed to be used more for smoke than lighting the way. Perhaps to drive something out. The trails of skin and black char continue deep into the cave out of sight. The caves descend further into the earth, if the heroes were to continue, they'd probably get lost without help of some sort.
Until next time, this was Toki
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[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 1, total 1[/blockquote]


This cave has been abandoned for two weeks? Where have the lizards gone then? A whole species doesn't just disappear into thin air only to reappear and attack ports. Leila informs Jayne of her conclusions and says, "Let's go back and report this. There must be some other place they keep their base now. Perhaps it is out at sea." She walks back out the cave and blinks back into the sunlight.
I should come up with a clever signature... eh I'll do it later.


Name: Zen Komanu               Bonuses:           Str: -2     Con: +2
Health Points: 7/9                                           Dex: +0     Int: +4
Strain Points: 17/18                                                                 Wis: +3    Cha: +0
Armour Class: 12                                              Luk: 16

   Seeing Leila walk back out, Zen asks "Are you satisfied?" and walks back to the gate where they last saw Ashen.

~Zito #corrupt4dmins


   By the time the heroes returned to the gates, the sun was peeking out over the horizon. The heroes were exhausted slightly, but nothing they couldn't handle. Ashen watched as they walked in and gave a simple report. "The cave was abandoned? Two weeks ago was about the time the ships started vanishing and the lizard folk started attacking. This can't be a coincidence... The little black specks you saw in the dirt must have been used to smoke out the Lizard Folk, why would someone purposely agitated large, scaly beasts?" Ashen's brow furrowed in thought. He then looked up at the heroes. "You did wonderful work. Word has already been sent to the ship masters, you can head there now or rest at the Inn for a while. You came through with your end of the bargain, so I'm sure there will be some delicious food for you there." Ashen waited for any last words from the heroes before busying himself with more papers and notes.
Until next time, this was Toki
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[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 1, total 1[/blockquote]


Name: Zen Komanu               Bonuses:           Str: -2     Con: +2
Health Points: 7/9                                           Dex: +0     Int: +4
Strain Points: 17/18                                                                 Wis: +3    Cha: +0
Armour Class: 12                                              Luk: 16

   "What of the attack?" Zen inquired. "How will you defend against them with such a small amount of Guild Members left?"

~Zito #corrupt4dmins


Jayne isn't bothered by low numbers of guildies.  He's surely as great a fighter as five of their warriors.  He wishes Ashen luck, and heads to the inn.  The half-orc's concern lies elsewhere.  The rumbling of his stomach indicates the possibility of a severe meat deficiency.  As soon as he reaches the inn, Jayne plans to scan the environment for possibilities of cooked animal flesh. 

Meat Check
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 7, total 7[/blockquote]
Sustainability comes from small gestures. Don't let your comfort become waste.
~ cinema sign.


Leila is happy to follow Jayne to the inn. Her sister's SBD looked awfully annoying to deal with, so Leila has never given herself the chance to find out if she has it as well. The fight could wait, and the sorceress isn't concerned with the impending battle anyways. It'll be a cake walk, she thought. The three of them- wait- four of them against a bunch of stupid enlarged reptiles? Psh. She's faced harder monsters in her sleep. For now, though, the cocky snot scanned the inn with Jayne for meat.

Bacon? Meat?
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 6, total 6[/blockquote]
I should come up with a clever signature... eh I'll do it later.