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Seawell and the Great Light House

Started by Tokilin, March 23, 2014, 11:46:01 PM

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   So I'm going to attempt a nice little campaign... I'll work on the details later... As opposed to Furries world campaign he's doing, I will be attempting miniature campaign and incidents set in his world. Of course, this will also help expand his world as not everything can happen in the four or five towns that currently exist. Because my campaign will be simple little excursions and events, this gives you the chance to have multiple characters. Naturally, you can't use the characters from other campaigns while they are currently in one. In order to participate in this campaign, you must make a new character or use one who is not currently involved in a separate campaign.

The Setting

   Seawell is a port town on the south-eastern end of the northern continent (See the updated world map here). It's a very prosperous town, trade flourishes and fish collectors show off their collections with pride. The city is lined with wooden buildings and the paths are slabs of stone, evenly set into the ground making beautiful walk ways. Walls surround the town, but they're not very big. the walls set about 10 feet high, just enough to keep various things from getting into the town easily. The walls are needed as various creatures attempt to attack the town because of it's population and various goods held within the walls. Naturally, the guild in this town helps protect it's people, accepting quests and doing various other helpful things.

Notable Buildings:

  • Inn
  • Fishery
  • Guard Building at the Town Gate
  • Guild Hall: "The Piscus"
  • General Store
  • Weapon and Armour Store

The Problem

   Seawell normally does just fine, in fact it does better than most towns since it trade quite regularly with the southern continent, which wasn't affected by the fall of The Capitol. Recently however, the town has been suffering as ships that have been scheduled to arrive haven't arrived. The guild, busy fending off increasing attacks from the various monster in the area, haven't had enough free members to investigate. In response to their dilemma, they've hired up to four adventurers to hopefully solve the problem.

Special Notes
   This is of course, my first forum campaign. I'll be working things differently. You'll of course need to make a new character for this campaign (Unless you happen to have a free one). The restrictions for the characters who take part in my campaign are as follows:

  • Your character must be a race and class from the 3.5 players handbook, most of them can be found here.
  • Your characters equipment will consist of leather armour and a weapon of your choice. Keep in mind that you get one weapon, and it comes from the 3.5 simple equipment section. There will be a list up shortly. You will have no gold to start with.
  • Description is wonderful, yes. But try to leave a lot of the surroundings to me and focus on your characters actions, feelings, and thoughts. Accidently adding a detail can make it not only harder for you guys to advance in the story, but can alter the story all together. Please keep your characters alignment in mind during your actions.
  • Keep and eye out for sub text, I'll explain various things from my thought process on how I do some of my rolls to random compliments for playing good.

   If you have any more questions, let me know. I'm normally found in the Dungeons and Dragons section of TeamSpeak. I will be a stricter DM, I'm just trying to force kinks out of the system. To enlist your character in this quest, simply post here. When I reach four or get tired of waiting for applicants, I'll start. In your post, paste a copy of your characters character sheet so I can find it easier. There should be a copy in both the Toki's Campaigns Created Character Sheets section as well as here. I'll have you modify it as I see needed to fit the requirements of a starting character. It sounds mean, making you change something, but hopefully it will make the campaign harder as well as more fun.

   Adventurers Enlisted by The Piscus Guild: 4/4
Until next time, this was Toki
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[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 1, total 1[/blockquote]


I, Jayne of Cobb, would like to apply to this guild,

Name: Jayne of Cobb     Gender: Male     Age: 29

Race: Half-Orc                    Class: Fighter                  Alignment: Neutral Evil

Level: 1         Armour Class: 10 + 2 + 3 = 15         Health Points: 9 + 2 = 11

Stats (modifiers):     
Strength:      17 (+3)    Constitution: 13 (+1)
Dexterity:     17 (+3)    Intelligence:  11 (+0)
Wisdom:      10   (+0)    Charisma:      9 (+0)

Luck:            11

Class & Racial Bonuses:
half-orc: +2 str, -2 cha, -2 int
Dark Vision: Orcs can function just fine without light
Auto Languages: Common and Orc
Fighter: +1 to hit with melee weapons

Unique Skills:
Power Attack: On my action, before making attack rolls, I may choose to subtract a number from all melee attack rolls and add the same number to damage.  This number cannot be more than my current hit modifier.

Leather Armor (+2 AC)
Morningstar (1d8, x2 crit @ 20; bludgeoning and piercing dmg)
Standard Adventurers Kit

Other Stuff:

Experience: 0

Height: 6' 5"          Weight: 235 lbs

Sustainability comes from small gestures. Don't let your comfort become waste.
~ cinema sign.


   You're not applying to the guild, you're applying to be a part of the quest. Unless there are major discrepancies with your character, there shouldn't be a reason for the guild to not accept your help. This is just to make sure characters have been built right and letting me know that your character would like to take part in this quest.

   The Piscus guild has acknowledged that you will help with their dilemma and will contact you with more information upon finding a few more adventurers to help. We thank you for your quick reply.
Until next time, this was Toki
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[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 1, total 1[/blockquote]


" makes no difference to me", Jayne says with either indifference or ignorance.  It's difficult to translate his half-orc facial expressions.  "You have my blade"

Jaybe of Cobb has a morningstar in his inventory, so obviously its a metaphorical suggestion.  Try not to explain it too in depth to him. 
Sustainability comes from small gestures. Don't let your comfort become waste.
~ cinema sign.


Zen Komanu would like to aid the guild in this endeavor.

Name: Zen Komanu     Gender: Male     Age: 29

Race: Human     Class: Sorcerer     Alignment: Lawful Evil

Level: 1   Armour Class: 10 + 0 + 2 = 12   Health Points: 8 + 2 = 10

Strength: 6 (-2)    Constitution: 14 (+2)
Dexterity: 11 (+0)    Intelligence: 18 (+4)
Wisdom: 16 (+3)    Charisma: 11 (+0)
Luck: 16

Strain Points: 18

Racial and Class Bonuses:
Human: Starts with two unique skills instead of one
Sorcerer: Has the ability to learn and use spells, Familiar (Raven [Can learn one language])
Languages: Common

Unique Skills and Feats:
Evocation Level 2

Sickle (1d6)
Leather Armour (+2 to AC)
Standard Adventurer's Kit

Other Stuff:

Experience: 0

Height: 6' 2"          Weight: 190 lbs

Zen's Header

[b]Name:[/b] Zen Komanu               [b]Bonuses:[/b]           [b]Str:[/b] -2     [b]Con:[/b] +2
[b]Health Points:[/b] 9/9                                           [b]Dex:[/b] +0     [b]Int:[/b] +4
[b]Strain Points:[/b] 18/18                                                                 [b]Wis:[/b] +3    [b]Cha:[/b] +0
[b]Armour Class:[/b] 12                                              [b]Luk:[/b] 16

~Zito #corrupt4dmins


   The Piscus guild of Seawell looks forward to working with you, Zen. Once we contact more adventurers to help with this endeavor, we shall call you to the guild to explain things in more depth.
Until next time, this was Toki
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[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 1, total 1[/blockquote]


Leila and Itzal have nothing better to do and figure they could be of some use here.

Name: Leila     Gender: Human     Age: 20

Race: Human     Class: Sorcerer     Alignment: True Neutral

Level: 1   Armour Class: 10 + 1 + 2 = 13   Health Points: 8 + 2 = 10

Strength: 11 (+0)    Constitution: 14 (+2)
Dexterity: 13 (+1)    Intelligence: 16 (+3)
Wisdom: 12 (+1)    Charisma: 13 (+1)
Luck: 9

Strain Points: 16

Racial and Class Bonuses:
Human: Starts with two unique skills instead of one
Sorcerer: Has the ability to learn and use spells, Familiar (Itzal the great black hawk [+3 Spot Checks])
Languages: Common

Unique Skills and Feats:
Evocation 1
Illusion 1

Short Spear (1d6)
Leather Armour (+2 to AC)
Standard Adventurer's Kit

Other Stuff:

Experience: 0

Height: 5' 3"          Weight: 110 lb

Yeah I didn't write this yet. Basically she's Arya's ignored little sister who left Port Unity (their home city in the south-eastern part of the map) about 10 months ago. She's bitter about her sister always having the attention because she came back from the dead and her parents and everyone else always fawned over her because she died and could go between the spirit world and the overworld and they didn't care much for Leila who was smarter and prettier than Arya but mostly normal. She came by Itzal (his name means shadow opposed to Mayar meaning moon glow. Leila means secret as opposed to Arya meaning truth) as a show of her sorcery powers to her parents but her parents didn't think much of i (Arya had a glowing spirit wolf. You can't beat that). Uh yeah that's basically it. Maybe I don't have to write it all fancy like now that I have this.

Leila's Header

[b]Name:[/b] Leila               [b]Bonuses:[/b]           [b]Str:[/b] +0     [b]Con:[/b] +2
[b]Health Points:[/b] 10/10                                           [b]Dex:[/b] +1     [b]Int:[/b] +3
[b]Strain Points:[/b] 16/16                                                                 [b]Wis:[/b] +1    [b]Cha:[/b] +1
[b]Armour Class:[/b] Sorcerer                                           [b]Luk:[/b] 9
I should come up with a clever signature... eh I'll do it later.


   The Piscus guild accepts your help generously. We shall find one more to aid you and then we shall explain our dilemma.
Until next time, this was Toki
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[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 1, total 1[/blockquote]


   Ray approaches the guild help recruiters and waves his arms sporadically. He then stands tall and points his thumb towards his chest, fist closed as if saying "I'm your man for the job". Smiling, he awaits an answer.

Name: Ray Milx     Gender: Male     Age: 48

Race: Half-Elf     Class: Cleric     Alignment: Good

Level: 1   Armour Class: 10 + 1 + 2 = 13   Health Points: 7 - 1 + 8 = 14

Strength: 10 (+0)    Constitution: 9 (-1)
Dexterity: 12 (+1)    Intelligence: 16 (+3)
Wisdom: 13 (+1)    Charisma: 8 (-1)
Luck: 10

Strain Points: 16/16

Racial and Class Bonuses:
Half-Elf: Low-Light Vision (Can see twice as far as normal in low light situations), +2 racial bonus on diplomacy and gather information checks
Cleric: Access to Domains. (2 points per level. Current Total: 2)
Languages - Common and Elven

Unique Skills and Feats:
Healing Domain 1
War Domain 1

Light Crossbow (1d8)
Leather Armour (+2 to AC)
Standard Adventurer's Kit

Other Stuff:

Experience: 0

Height: 5' 11"          Weight: 173 lbs

   Ray Milx is a mute. We're not even sure how we know his name. He wanders the world trying to right things he believes is wrong and loves to help others. Unfortunately, his inability to speak gets in the way of such things and is normally only useful in battle. With brown eyes and blonde hair, he stands with a normal build. He was never the prettiest person, constantly getting into fight because people didn't understand what he meant by an action, his face is slightly marred by battle.

   (Just a character I made more as a filler for some campaigns. He'll typically just follow the party around and really only do something in battle. Should the party split up, he goes with the group that has the least amount of people.)
Until next time, this was Toki
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[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 1, total 1[/blockquote]


   You can help as well, sir. All four of you, please come to the Piscus guild at noon to be informed.
Until next time, this was Toki
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[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 1, total 1[/blockquote]


   The four adventurers walked into The Piscus guild hall. Only tables and chairs decorated the scene as a lone man sat at a table motioning for the four to have a seat. When the four seated themselves,  the man began to talk. "Sorry you have to see our guild in such a sad state, but we've been busy repelling the Lizard Folk from our city. Lately they've become a lot more active and it's become troubling. To top it off, some ships that were supposed to bring supplies for the guild haven't come into port. Our supplies are running low and if our men can't get re-supplied, the battle will turn even more gruesome. It's already to the point that we haven't been able to keep our hall clean." The man runs his finger across the table, removing a thick layer of dust in it's wake.

   "While we keep the Lizard Folk away from the town, we need you to figure out what's happening to our shipments. We can reward you as best we can. The sooner we get the problem done, the bigger the reward. I'm afraid that after three days, we won't have enough to supply a reward." The man looked down in embarrassment. "That's the basic layout of the problem. With that said, we have a few rooms arranged for you at the inn for when you need to sleep." The man stood up and walked to the door, leaving the heroes sitting at the table. Looking back he said "For the record, my name is Ashen, I run the Piscus Guild. I'm headed back to the Lizard Folk now, I suggest you start your search at the fishery. Most of our shipments come by sea, so they might know something." Ashen walked out of the building, and headed towards the Guard Building at the gate.

   The heroes are left sitting at the table, what do you plan to do?
Until next time, this was Toki
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[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 1, total 1[/blockquote]


Jayne looks around the table, studying his surroundings...

spot check
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 1, total 1[/blockquote]

"I'm Jayne...of Cobb.  I didn't volunteer for any mission. I'm here for the gold.  What brings you here?" the half-orc asks the other adventurers.   
Sustainability comes from small gestures. Don't let your comfort become waste.
~ cinema sign.


Zen looks around at the rest of the group before answering. "I'm here for the gold as well. If it pays, I slay. That's what I always say. Hopefully we'll get to do some slaying at some point." After answering Jayne's question, Zen asks the flailing-arms man "So, why not just say you want to help? It seems easier than looking like an idiot flailing your arms around like that."

~Zito #corrupt4dmins


   Jayne: Looking around the room, Ashen was true to his word. There is a thick layer of dust on all of the flat surfaces, even some of the vertical ones. No one is left in the room except for the four adventurers. Stairs lead off to the second floor at the back of the room, a sign saying "Guild Members Only" blockades the way. The exit of the building is opposite of the room from the stairs, a large marlin hangs above it. Jayne shifts his body to get a look at the rest of the room but he accidently kicks of a layer of dust which irritates his eyes, causing him to tear up and obstruct his view.

   Ray: Ray points to his mouth and then waves a flat hand in front of his throat as if saying his voice was cut out. He then points to the other members of the group as if saying, "you guys lead".
Until next time, this was Toki
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[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 1, total 1[/blockquote]


"Great. So We've got a mute, a Half-Blind-Half-Orc, a woman who is silent so far, and myself. We're going to conquer the world with this lot!" Zen says sarcastically. "Well, what's the plan then? We need to do something quick, as it seems we only have three days."

~Zito #corrupt4dmins


"That man has given us a mission.  Perhaps we should tend to that. .  This one", referring to Ray.  "seems to have something lodged in its pie gullet".  Jayne attempts to stand up, but, due to his impeded vision, promptly stumbles out of his chair which breaks under the awkward new weight distribution. 

Jayne, now on his back, suggests a plan.  "We should head to the docks and ask around".
Sustainability comes from small gestures. Don't let your comfort become waste.
~ cinema sign.


Leila bristles at the insinuation that she won't talk. The great black hawk on her shoulder ruffles his feathers at the movement. "I was not paying attention. That is all, gold-digger," she shoots. Instantly, Leila is not a fan of this "Zen" fellow. He's snotty, sarcastic, and arrogantly confident. Sort of like herself. At least the half-orc was to the point. "As for me, I have nothing better to do, so you two cupcakes better make this quest interesting. I want a nice little story to tell when I go back home," she says as she examines her nails. They're clean cut and filed to perfection. It seems the little man can't talk. Fine. Leila plans on ignoring him until he is needed. One less snot-mouth to deal with. "Yes, let's go to the docks," Leila agrees. The woman stands up and walks out the guild, not looking back to see if the others were coming. The sorceress is in it for the adventure, not playmates.
I should come up with a clever signature... eh I'll do it later.


   The four adventurers begin their quest, headed to the Fishery first. It was on the south-eastern end of town, towards to ocean. About five stalls greet them at the edge of the area towards town, each selling their own product from types of fish to fishing supplies. Behind the stalls there are large crates, barrels, and piles of fresh fish that lead straight to docks. There are only two ships in port, and it didn't look like they were leaving any time soon. It was easy to guess what the place smelled like.

   Despite being an important area, the Fishery seemed rather deserted. Only 3 stalls had people manning them and you could only see about 4 others walking around the area working on their various tasks.
Until next time, this was Toki
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[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 1, total 1[/blockquote]


Jayne has done his best freeing his eyes from the debilitating dust along the journey, and surveys the fishery.

Spot Check
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 10, total 10[/blockquote]
Sustainability comes from small gestures. Don't let your comfort become waste.
~ cinema sign.


   Jayne surveys the area, he doesn't see much. All of the people walking around the area seemed to be male, aside from one of the stall people who happens to be a female. Three seagulls were arguing over a small fish on some tall crates near the ocean. A depressing atmosphere seemed to linger in the air. It seemed as though the people were disappointed about something, all the while continuing to work.
Until next time, this was Toki
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[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 1, total 1[/blockquote]


Leila also scans her surroundings to see if she see something Jayne has missed. She has Itzal look with her.

Spot Check
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 8, total 8[/blockquote]
I should come up with a clever signature... eh I'll do it later.


   Leila doesn't notice anything different about the area, but one of the personnel strolling about happens to notice the party. "Hey, Folks. You must be new to this area, all you seem to be doing is standing around and staring at the fish, haha. Can I help you with something?" The one who addressed them is an average height man with sun kissed skin. His hair is dark from the sun, and freckles adorn his face. He seems to be between the ages of 25 to 30.
Until next time, this was Toki
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[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 1, total 1[/blockquote]


Name: Zen Komanu               Bonuses:           Str: -2     Con: +2
Health Points: 9/9                                           Dex: +0     Int: +4
Strain Points: 18/18                                                                 Wis: +3    Cha: +0
Armour Class: 12                                              Luk: 16

   "We're with the Piscus Guild. We know that some ships with supplies from the Southern Continent have gone missing somewhere between here and there. We want to know why. Do you have any ideas as to the cause of this?" Zen replies to the Tan Man.

~Zito #corrupt4dmins


   "Naw, I ain't got a clue." said the man, who replied to Zen of course. "I do know it's been a real hassle though. If you didn't notice, this place isn't very packed. Couple weeks ago, there were crates and people galore here. Suddenly we started gettin' attacked by them lizard folk and ships started disappearin'. Now all we got left are these here crates. Can't go very far out from town without the supplies for the ships, y'know? Barely keeping ourselves afloat with the two ships over there." The man hinted towards the two docked ships in the port by motioning his head towards them. "We only been usin' them for fishing as of late. Even then we can't go to far out into sea to catch the real gold getters. Can't risk losing them in a storm. Maybe one of the captains can give you a better idea on the situation. But ah, if the harbor master sees me lolly gagging around talking to tourists, he'll ring my neck. Hope you folks solve the problem, it'd be a real help to this town." With that the man walks away, the adventurers quickly lose sight of him amidst the crates.
Until next time, this was Toki
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[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 1, total 1[/blockquote]


Name: Zen Komanu               Bonuses:           Str: -2     Con: +2
Health Points: 9/9                                           Dex: +0     Int: +4
Strain Points: 18/18                                                                 Wis: +3    Cha: +0
Armour Class: 12                                              Luk: 16

   Turning back to the rest of the group, Zen sees them looking around the dock area. "Well, looks like we need to find ourselves a captain. One of those ships should have one." Without waiting for a response, Zen starts heading for the ship nearest them.

~Zito #corrupt4dmins


Jayne nods in agreement, although splits up from Zeeto to head towards the further of the docked ships.  This way the group can cover more ground during the limited time of this mission.  The half-orc does his best to survey the area as he walks towards his destination.

Spot Check to study surroundings along the way
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 3, total 3[/blockquote]
Sustainability comes from small gestures. Don't let your comfort become waste.
~ cinema sign.


As Zen gets closer to the ship, he turns around and surveys the area. After seeing what he can see, Zen turns back around and looks at the rest of the area in front of him. He then continues on his way to the ship.

Spot Check:

[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 10, total 10[/blockquote]

~Zito #corrupt4dmins


   Nothing changes for the two heroes but the perspective that they see the Fishery from. The back of the boxes show the same sign of wearing as the front of the boxes, sea wind can be abrasive sometimes.

   The ships look almost identical, aside from the flags they fly. One is a blue triangle with a fish on it while the other is a square red flag with a chest one it. The ship with the chest on it is the further away from the two.

   Zen: You climb on the ship to find it deserted aside from a crew member scrubbing the deck. He looks up at the footsteps Zen makes while climbing aboard the ship. He wears a blue headband, keeping his sweaty hair tied out of his eyes. He stand about 6 foot 2 and has scars on his bare torso from who knows what. "Oi, you can't just hop aboard a ship wit-" He looks Zen up and down. "Ah, you must be new, I can tell from your stance and equipment. The mops are over there, grab one and help me finish this blasted thing."

   Jayne: Climbing aboard the Red Flagged Ship, Jayne spots two men sitting at a table having a couple drinks. Around the deck there are about 20 people tending to various things, from swabbing the deck to coiling ropes. The men at the table seem engrossed in their drink and conversation. Jayne seemed to be unnoticed until one of the crew working on the ship spoke up. "You're not one of the usual loaders, what brings you to this ship?" The man faced towards the two men sitting at the table and barked: "Hey Captain! We gots a guest!" Both men at the table look up from their drinks, towards the half-orc who hopped aboard.
Until next time, this was Toki
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[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 1, total 1[/blockquote]


Jayne is surprised at the hospitality of these men.  He didn't think they'd welcome a half-orc so quickly, but is grateful, nonetheless.   He quickly glances all around him on the ship's surface, awaiting the captain. 

Spot Check
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 14, total 14[/blockquote]
Sustainability comes from small gestures. Don't let your comfort become waste.
~ cinema sign.


Leila follows Jayne, as he is the one Leila can stand out of the two of them. She stops by one of the stalls first though, leaving Jayne to board the ship first. Approaching the stall keeper, Leila says, "Hello. What are your prices for fish today?" She wants to see how badly this problem is affecting the market. And if this stall keeper is cooperative, maybe some key information could be slipped?
I should come up with a clever signature... eh I'll do it later.


   Leila: The person at the stall looked relieved at the sight of Leila approaching as opposed to her other companions. He waited patiently for her to talk first, to which he replied: "Ah yes! Fish prices!" The man proceeded to pull out a fish about a foot long. "Fresh! I promise! We just got a whole stock of them in! 5 SP each, enough to feed a small family, I promise!" It was obvious he was trying to pawn this fish off to Leila. Looking the fish over, one could see the gills turning yellow with a string pungent smell coming from it.

   Jayne: The two men stood up pin almost unison. One had a blue captain hat on while the other had a red. The red captain spoke first. "Come now, don't look surprised! Half-Orcs and the sea belong with each other. Unwelcome on land by the lubbers, our ships welcome the strong bodies you have. Everyone here knows that, and they welcome the help. The sea is a dangerous place, everyone watches everyone's back. I take it you're here to join our crew?" After the, the man with the blue hat spoke up. "Yes, but if you're still attached to the land, join me! I run the fishing ship behind us. We make more frequent stops at land than these traders... although..." The captain's voice trailed off. Picking up where the blue captain left off, the red captain began again. Although now isn't the best time to join us... we've been using only my ship, this fine vessel here for the past two weeks. It's bigger so it's a bit safer to be out on the sea with, but we haven't gone to far. We need supplies and our outside sources keep going missing. We of the trade and exploration ship have been reduced to fishermen." The blue captain cut in. "What's wrong with being a fisherman? We get paid more often. Although sometimes our catches aren't as big as yours... Either way, You should head back to town and mull it over. The sea is a long, wary life. I'm sure we'll have our supplies in a few days, this lull can't go on forever!" With that, the captains returned to their seats and back to their drinks. "You're welcome to join us for a drink, we haven't much though..."
Until next time, this was Toki
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[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 1, total 1[/blockquote]


Name: Zen Komanu               Bonuses:           Str: -2     Con: +2
Health Points: 9/9                                           Dex: +0     Int: +4
Strain Points: 18/18                                                                 Wis: +3    Cha: +0
Armour Class: 12                                              Luk: 16
Gold: 0

   Looking offended, Zen replied to the man "Actually, I'm not here to swab the deck or join your crew. I'm looking for your captain. Any idea where I might find him?"After asking his question, Zen looks around the ship to see if he might spot the captain.

Spot Check:

[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 18, total 18[/blockquote]

~Zito #corrupt4dmins


   Zen: You look around the deck to see just this man standing here. The man watches you look around before cluing in that you're looking for someone in particular. "Ah, the captain! Sorry bud, but this ship has been docked for a couple weeks. Lack of supplies means we had to cut down on what we do best. We use the bigger ship ahead of us because it's sturdier on the sea. Can't risk losing what supplies we have... You should be able to find the captain over there. Sure I can't change your mind to help?" The man gave a sheepish grin at his request.
Until next time, this was Toki
   How useful was this post?
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 1, total 1[/blockquote]


Name: Zen Komanu               Bonuses:           Str: -2     Con: +2
Health Points: 9/9                                           Dex: +0     Int: +4
Strain Points: 18/18                                                                 Wis: +3    Cha: +0
Armour Class: 12                                              Luk: 16

   "No, sorry. I have other matters to attend to." Zeeto turns and walks down the gangplank. He walks over to the other ship, admiring the craftsmanship of the vessel along the way. Once he gets up the gangplnk, Zeeto sees two men sitting and wearing funny hats. "Excuse me, I am looking for the captain of this vessel. Would either of you happen to know where I can find him?"

~Zito #corrupt4dmins


Leila scrunches her nose ever so slightly at the smell of the fish. "That would make good crab bait, at least," she says. The more rotten the bait, the larger the yield as far as crab fishing goes. If she didn't have to cooperate with this man, she'd have asked him if he took her for an idiot, calling the fish fresh. But alas, she needs answers. The sorceress starts interrogating."Do you have any idea why the shipments aren't coming in?" she asks.
I should come up with a clever signature... eh I'll do it later.


   Zen: As you walk away from the man, you could feel his dismay at not getting help for his cleaning. When you ask the men in 'funny' hats where to captain is, they grin at each other. "They're probably at the inn, drinking away the last of their dreams. Whatcha be needin' with our captain?" The man in the blue hat said, taking a large drink from his cup. "Yeeeeah, at the inn. That's where you'll probably find 'im" The red hatted one said.

   Leila: The stall owner looked a bit dismayed at Leila's answer. If she knew it would make good crab bait, she probably knew it wouldn't make very appeasing food. His voice grew a little flatter when he realized he wasn't going to be making any money off of this woman. "Eh... Not much. We keep sending people out to sea to order supplies for our stalls, but they never seem to come back. It's been a few days since we sent our last order out, and we didn't even send it far. Should have had word on their return this mornin'... but nothing." With a last attempt at a sale "So if you're not gonna be buying it to eat, wanna buy it for crab bait? 3 SP, just for you."
Until next time, this was Toki
   How useful was this post?
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 1, total 1[/blockquote]


Name: Zen Komanu               Bonuses:           Str: -2     Con: +2
Health Points: 9/9                                           Dex: +0     Int: +4
Strain Points: 18/18                                                                 Wis: +3    Cha: +0
Armour Class: 12                                              Luk: 16

   "I'm with the Half-Orc. We're with the Piscus guild. Our job is to find out what's been happening with all the ships vanishing, and no supplies arriving. Would you have any ideas on that?"

~Zito #corrupt4dmins


"Thank you. I'll call you when I become a crab fisher," Leila replies curtly. She then walks towards where Jayne situated himself on one of the boats. So people are disappearing somewhere in the ocean perhaps? It seems the quartet is destined to take a boat out to sea.

(Why do I feel so guilty being mean to a made up merchant ._.)
I should come up with a clever signature... eh I'll do it later.


   The two people with the hats looked at each other and then back at Zen, then sighed almost at the same time. "Alright, we're the captains. Both of us captain these ships. Bet you can't guess which ones, eh?"
He pointed at his hat. "You're the ones the guild set to look for the missing ships?" Eyeing you up and down, the red captain looks a little disappointed. As far as we ca-" Leila climbed onto the deck. The blue captain was already on the case though. "Good evening Madam, welcome to my humble vessel! Would you like a tour of it? It's truly one of the greatest."

   It seems the two captains have been distracted by the presence of a woman on their boat.
Until next time, this was Toki
   How useful was this post?
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 1, total 1[/blockquote]


Now there was a fine gentleman who knew what he was doing! Leila smiles at the blue captain and bats her eyes ever so flirtatiously. "Such a kind gentleman. I'd be honored to take your tour," she says in a slightly airy tone. Leila adds a curtsy for good measure. The hawk on her shoulder is displeased by the sudden change in altitude and makes a small squawk.
I should come up with a clever signature... eh I'll do it later.


Name: Zen Komanu               Bonuses:           Str: -2     Con: +2
Health Points: 9/9                                           Dex: +0     Int: +4
Strain Points: 18/18                                                                 Wis: +3    Cha: +0
Armour Class: 12                                              Luk: 16

   "Ahem" Zen clears his throat and walks between the annoying woman and the captains. "I believe you were saying something?"

~Zito #corrupt4dmins


Leila turns to her unfortunate party member and says, "How rude! This kind gentleman was about to take me on a tour and you interrupted him." Turning to the captains, she says, "I apologize on behalf of my party member. Now, where were we?" She smiles at the captains again and cocks her head to the left.
I should come up with a clever signature... eh I'll do it later.


Jayne is content to hear half-orcs aren't universally dismissed, although it seems both captains might be a little too interested in the fighter.  "I'm not looking to become anyone's first mate...", Jayne starts.  "But I can't refuse the honor of drinking with manly seamen".  Jayne regrets his poorly worded sentence immediately.  Before he corrects himself, Zen arrives on board; Leila soonafter.

Jayne, after standing awkwardly in silence, finally asks "Jayne still drink?"
Sustainability comes from small gestures. Don't let your comfort become waste.
~ cinema sign.


Name: Zen Komanu               Bonuses:           Str: -2     Con: +2
Health Points: 9/9                                           Dex: +0     Int: +4
Strain Points: 18/18                                                                 Wis: +3    Cha: +0
Armour Class: 12                                              Luk: 16

   "Woman, I don't know what your problem is, but I would appreciate you not interrupting my  conversations. Now, what were you saying, captain?"

~Zito #corrupt4dmins


Leila gives Zen a toothless smile. It's the kind of smile that conveys not an inch of warmth with steel cold eyes that shoot daggers into his soul. "Woman," she states quietly, still smiling. Her features drop to a glare, yet the effect of her expression stays the same. "Woman?" The sorceress walks very close to Zen and hisses too low for the captains to hear, "Don't you dare call me 'woman' like that ever again or I'll have your tongue cut out, worm."
I should come up with a clever signature... eh I'll do it later.


Name: Zen Komanu               Bonuses:           Str: -2     Con: +2
Health Points: 9/9                                           Dex: +0     Int: +4
Strain Points: 18/18                                                                 Wis: +3    Cha: +0
Armour Class: 12                                              Luk: 16

   Speaking just as low as the arrogant Sorceress, Zen replies angrily "I suggest you back off, before you get hurt. I wouldn't want to hurt a female, but if it comes to it, I will."

~Zito #corrupt4dmins


"Oh but honey," Leila says, dropping all pretenses of her previous chill. Her eyes go sweet and pleading. "You wouldn't do that to me, now would you? I was actually starting to like you." Her eyes drop sadly. She sighs and looks up again at him. She puts her hand to his face gently. "You're such a handsome man." Her fingers run down his cheek. When her fingers get to his mouth, a ray of ice shoots from them to seal his mouth shut. All her warmth drops in an instant and she stands smiling callously at him. "So keep your mouth shut and don't ruin the image."

Ray of Frost
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 4, total 4[/blockquote]
I should come up with a clever signature... eh I'll do it later.


   Leila's hand on Zen's face suddenly became cold, so cold that frost began forming on Zen's face. Unfortunately, it wasn't enough to seal Zen's mouth shut in a layer of ice. The spell however, was strong enough to let Zen know that something had just happened.

   3 Strain to Leila
Until next time, this was Toki
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[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 1, total 1[/blockquote]


Name: Zen Komanu               Bonuses:           Str: -2     Con: +2
Health Points: 9/9                                           Dex: +0     Int: +4
Strain Points: 18/18                                                                 Wis: +3    Cha: +0
Armour Class: 12                                              Luk: 16

   At the frost forming on his face, he gains a slight look of surprise. When he realizes it didn't work, however, the surprise turns into a smirk. "Is that the best you can do? It will take more than a bit of ice to phase me." At this, Zen's hands begin glowing with a red hot flame. He then attempts to focus the flame into a ray, and direct it at the sorceress.

Scorching Ray at the Arrogant One

[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 14, total 14[/blockquote]

~Zito #corrupt4dmins


"two-half people have all the fun..."
Sustainability comes from small gestures. Don't let your comfort become waste.
~ cinema sign.