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The Shaded City Mystery

Started by furryoldlobster, February 26, 2014, 12:51:41 AM

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'So Arya has Knifey!', Colfar thinks to himself.  But wait....what if the Sorcerer is lying??

Lie Check
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 3, total 3[/blockquote]
Sustainability comes from small gestures. Don't let your comfort become waste.
~ cinema sign.


Lie Check

Colfar analyzes Zeeto's face and body language.  He's absolutely certain that he's 100% unsure if the Sorcerer is lying.
Sustainability comes from small gestures. Don't let your comfort become waste.
~ cinema sign.


Name: Arya/ Mayar               Bonuses:             Str: +1     Con: +1
Health Points: 10/10                                             Dex: +3     Int: +1
Gold: 5                                                              Wis: +0    Cha: +0
Armour Class: 16                                              Com: +0   Luk: 19 ^-^
SP: 7/14

"Um... yeah you've proven yourself. Here, take Knifey," Arya gulps. "Take this too." She offers the hunting knife once again. "It's sharper. S'kavara, we shall discuss some more once this danger has been dealt with. I suggest you help us too, else our dead, cursed bodies will surely go attack you." Sure? No, she wasn't sure. But if she did get cursed and die while he went AWOL, she knew she was going to sure try hunting him down, undead or not.

It's that spirit thing she saw before. It must be. Does she really have to go into the spirit world to kill that Thing? Her face pales at the thought. That Thing is the only spirit to ever affect her. Its very being screams unnatural evil. And to face it alone? Arya resolves to face it in the overworld first. If its vessel is weakened, perhaps the cursed spirit will be too. Then, the spirit girl can determine whether or not a voyage to the spirit world is required. She wishes she wasn't so hasty trying to ward everyone. Arya is still tired from that attempt. For now, she readies her mind bow and waits to attack.
I should come up with a clever signature... eh I'll do it later.


"ow my arm" Kirito turns from his arm to Colfar "so you think i like putting people into that state you think i'm a brat!"


Colfar is grateful that Knifey is back where he belongs.  He accepts Arya's other blade as partial compensation, but really, the half-ling should be using some sort of ranged weapon.  A sling would be perfect...

Colfar brings Knifey to his ear in order to better 'hear' the cutlery once again.  "Knifey says he can lead us to safety, and even knows of this cave you speak.  There are conditions", Colfar pauses for dramatic effect.  "You need to apologize to Knifey.  And you have you mean it!"

A slightly devious smirk creeps over the half-ling's face.  "And I get to try out a new spell on Kirito!", Colfar bargains.  "Deal?"

Before anyone says anything Colfar throws the gifted second blade high in the air above Kirito!  The cleric runs to the psion, and lifts his tiny hands as high as he can...

Materialize Small Shield
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 18, total 18[/blockquote]

Sustainability comes from small gestures. Don't let your comfort become waste.
~ cinema sign.


Colfar's Spell

Just a moment before the blade hits the psion, the air solidifies above him.  The shield blocks the incoming projectile which falls harmlessly to Colfar's feet. 

Spell causes 8 strain on Colfar

"Gather your gear", he says after picking up the blade.  "We travel eastward, around the lake"

Sustainability comes from small gestures. Don't let your comfort become waste.
~ cinema sign.


Arya's heart jumps into her throat. Bad idea bad idea VERY BAD IDEA why oh why did she give the lunatic a sharp knife Kirito is gonna dieeeee! Oh. Shield. Still, he could have failed that shield! With a loud exhale of breath, Arya pulls herself together and says, "I sincerely apologize to Knifey. I hope we can still be friends." Her eyes shift to the reanimating body. "Now can we go to that cave? I don't want anyone else to get hurt by that thing."
I should come up with a clever signature... eh I'll do it later.


Name: Aila Drakesberth               Bonuses:           Str: +1     Con: +1
Health Points: 11/11                                        Dex: +2     Int: +0
Gold: 2, 5 SP                                                        Wis: +0    Cha: +2
Armour Class: 14                                             Com: +3   Luk: 15

   Aila stood up, it was about time she got an answer. Even if they didn't actually say it. Treasure hunting it was. Making sure she had all of her equipment, Aila watched the party ready to follow on their leave.
Until next time, this was Toki
   How useful was this post?
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 1, total 1[/blockquote]


Kirito heart pumping walks over to Arya "i'm going to stay by you for now"


Zeeto begins to follow the seemingly-completely-out-of-his-mind-yet-somehow-competent half-ling in an easterly direction. "So, Colfar" He asks the half-ling "What did you do before you were helping out the Alchemist?"

~Zito #corrupt4dmins


"Yeah that's a good idea," Arya says as she eyes the halfling. She puts an arm around Kirito and unconsciously puts herself between the two as she walks. "So how much farther is it to the cave?" she asks curiously.
I should come up with a clever signature... eh I'll do it later.


As the group travels, Colfar answers all the questions he can.  "Owl Exterminator", he answers Zeeto.  "Very profitable during sudden owl infestations, but as you probably noticed, its been a little bit of a fowl drought as of late".  Knifey continues to 'lead' Colfar as he explains the journey, "If we make good time, we'll make it to the cave before nightfall".

They travel for a few hours, surprisingly without incident.  The once ominous lake doesn't seem quite so dangerous during light.  Birds fly above.  All manner of tree dwellers scurry from branch to branch.  If it weren't for the flaming spasmatic corpse earlier, the journey would might be called perfect.  At Knifey's request, they stop at a clearing that allows perfect access to the lake.  "Knifey overheard you need fish.  That's a perfect spot".

Zeeto and Colfar recover 4 strain
Sustainability comes from small gestures. Don't let your comfort become waste.
~ cinema sign.


Seeing that someone does remember, he turns around, but as he goes to speak he notices the knew undead creature flailing around. A look of surprise was shown even on his face. After what seemed more then a few seconds, he watched as the crispy corpse fell to the ground. He didn't think it would be able to return to a stand position. After then watching the group fall into the hands of the crazy half ling once again, they begin walking towards what should be the caves. While they walk he waits for them to stop talking before he adds his own words."I am from Pansa Shima."


Name: Zeeto Nailo               Bonuses:          Str: +1     Con: +1
Health Points: 10/10                                      Dex: +3    Int: +3
Strain Points:   16/20                                     Wis: +2    Cha: +1
Armour Class: 16                                         Com: +1    Luk: 9

   "Pansa Shima? I've never heard of it. Is it across the sea?" Zeeto replies to S'kavara. Looking back at Colfar, Zeeto asks "Owl Exterminator, eh? Seems like a fun job. Maybe I could join you once business picks up again. Another question, where did you learn your magic?"

~Zito #corrupt4dmins


Pleasantly surprised that the panther spoke voluntarily and of nothing pertinent to the current conversation, Arya turns around to look at the cat. "Oh? That's a cool name. Where is that place?" she asks.
I should come up with a clever signature... eh I'll do it later.


"Yes, Elf, it is some way off the coast of this land. I believe that answers your question as well, Woman."


Name: Zeeto Nailo               Bonuses:          Str: +1     Con: +1
Health Points: 10/10                                      Dex: +3    Int: +3
Strain Points:   13/20                                     Wis: +2    Cha: +1
Armour Class: 16                                         Com: +1    Luk: 9

   Now slightly intrigued, Zeeto asks the Anthros "How did you end up in Shaded City?"

~Zito #corrupt4dmins


"I walked there."S'kavara knew what the elf was really asking, but he didn't really want to answer that question.


Arya knew the panther had purposefully avoided the question, but she decides not to press for questions at the moment. He is still a flight risk and has tried to leave the group twice already. The ranger really doesn't want to drive him away with pestering on personal matters. Instead, she gets out the fishing pole her party had recovered from the flailing sea-lion tail, prepped the line, and casts it at this perfect place. "We can catch an actual fish for you now, S'kavara. For the shop keeper too!" she says with a content smile. Fishing reminds her of her childhood where she had no cares at all. Ah, the good ole days.

Fishy wanna bite?
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 16, total 16[/blockquote]
I should come up with a clever signature... eh I'll do it later.


Name: Aila Drakesberth               Bonuses:           Str: +1     Con: +1
Health Points: 11/11                                        Dex: +2     Int: +0
Gold: 2, 5 SP                                                        Wis: +0    Cha: +2
Armour Class: 14                                             Com: +3   Luk: 15

   Aila took the second rod, a huge smile adorning her face. It was one of the few genuine smiles, carefree and full of life typical one of her age should normally show. She was excited to attempt this endeavor. Mimicking Arya, Aila baited her rod and threw it out into the water, sadly it didn't go very far. It took her a couple tries before she could get the line out to a decent enough distance that something bigger than a minnow would take notice of it. Sitting, she awaited a response from the rod hoping to catch the first fish in her life.

   Fishy wanna bite?
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 13, total 13[/blockquote]
Until next time, this was Toki
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[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 1, total 1[/blockquote]


Aila AND Arya's Cast

After seeing Arya prep and cast her lure, Aila does her best to mimic the ranger.  It worked!  Within moments both have prey at the grasp of their fish collecting tools.  They display their prizes to the group. 

The fish are a normal human males arms-length, although Arya's is slightly larger.  The creature is unique.  Its dentition is something all on its own, with triangular teeth packed tightly so as to interlock flesh; no doubt it makes for rapid puncturing and tearing.  Each one weighs at least enough to be a meal for two. 

Colfar does his best to explain his magic.  "Whoa whoa a half-ling a drink first.  Its only been a few hours since you allowed that villainous psion access to my brain! "

Sustainability comes from small gestures. Don't let your comfort become waste.
~ cinema sign.


Name: Aila Drakesberth               Bonuses:           Str: +1     Con: +1
Health Points: 11/11                                        Dex: +2     Int: +0
Gold: 2, 5 SP                                                        Wis: +0    Cha: +2
Armour Class: 14                                             Com: +3   Luk: 15

   Aila was ecstatic. Not only was it her first time fishing ever, she had actually succeeded in catching one. Looking at Arya, Aila asked the question: "So how many do we have to catch? and uhh... who has to carry them?" Aila pulled the hook out of the sharp toothed fish's mouth, strung a rope through the fish's gills, and hung the fish from a tree. Turning back to the water, after baiting of course, Aila tossed her lure into the water.

   Another fishy gonna bite?
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 20, total 20[/blockquote]
Until next time, this was Toki
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[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 1, total 1[/blockquote]


Aila's Latest Cast

It doesn't take long for Aila's second catch.  She reels it in and has her prize just dangling above the water when...


Another fish attempted to grab the hooked one, and became caught itself!  Before Aila can bring that one even larger one does the same!!!!

Aila caught 3 fish with one bait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sustainability comes from small gestures. Don't let your comfort become waste.
~ cinema sign.


Name: Aila Drakesberth               Bonuses:           Str: +1     Con: +1
Health Points: 11/11                                        Dex: +2     Int: +0
Gold: 2, 5 SP                                                        Wis: +0    Cha: +2
Armour Class: 14                                             Com: +3   Luk: 15

   Aila's eyes were huge. Never in her dreams did she believe that she'd catch 3 fish, at once! Like before, Aila strung the fish up and re-baited her hook. She was determined to top her last catch. With fire in her eyes, she casted her lure out as far as she could, visions of more fish fresh in her mind. She could do without the smell though.

   Can Aila top her last catch?
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 18, total 18[/blockquote]
Until next time, this was Toki
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[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 1, total 1[/blockquote]


Name: Zeeto Nailo               Bonuses:          Str: +1     Con: +1
Health Points: 10/10                                      Dex: +3    Int: +3
Strain Points:   16/20                                     Wis: +2    Cha: +1
Armour Class: 16                                         Com: +1    Luk: 9

   "Ok, another time then." Zeeto replies to Colfar. "S'kavara, you walked across the water from Pansa Shima to get to Shaded City? That's impressive." Zeeto said with a slightly sarcastic tone. "Nice fish collecting there Aila!" Zeeto cheers as Aila catches an amazing three fish... With one cast! How she managed it with just one bait her first ever time fish collecting, he'll never know. All Zeeto knew was that it was impressive.

~Zito #corrupt4dmins


Aila's Fish Collecting Attempt

Aila's lure pierces through the air and lands some 100 paces away.  Only minutes later she feels the familiar pull on her line.  She reels in another flesh eating fish, nearly identical in size to her very first catch.  This is easy!!

Colfar feels no need for fish collecting or questioning the Anthro Panther.  He proceeds to sit under a nearby oak, and nap until his allies are ready. 
Sustainability comes from small gestures. Don't let your comfort become waste.
~ cinema sign.


Still waiting for an answer from the Manther, Zeeto stares out at the lake, and thinks about their journey so far. Wow. They've come a long way since those first Goblins. Goblins, Sea Lions, Man Eating Fish, an insane large human, among other things. Yet, they still haven't figured out who destroyed the guild. Or why for that matter. This Manther has the answers. He is not going to leave without telling them to the group, Zeeto thinks. He'll make sure of it or die trying. They've come too far for the answers to literally just walk out of camp.

~Zito #corrupt4dmins


Name: Aila Drakesberth               Bonuses:           Str: +1     Con: +1
Health Points: 11/11                                        Dex: +2     Int: +0
Gold: 2, 5 SP                                                        Wis: +0    Cha: +2
Armour Class: 14                                             Com: +3   Luk: 15

   Aila strung her last fish up with the rest. Five fish total, she was happy. Laying the rod on the ground near the water Aila exclaimed: "Ah, well I've had enough fishing. You cans have a stab at it, it's not as hard as some people seem to make it sound." With that statement, Aila sat down under the same oak tree as Colfar. Pulling out her comb, she began to re-straighten her hair waiting patiently for the group to move on. Or at least something else to distract her for the next few minutes.
Until next time, this was Toki
   How useful was this post?
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 1, total 1[/blockquote]


standing next to Arya for a while know he ask's her "how did you start  your adventure"


Arya is quite pleased at her first catch of the day. She goes bug eyed at Aila's second one though, and admittedly a twinge of jealously tickles the back of her brain. Beginner's luck. Arya is not going to even pretend she could beat three fish with one lure. "Wow," she says. "We'd be set fishing with just that catch. Though I do want to fish a little longer." Turning to Kirito, she answers, "I began adventuring because I was bored of my home city. I mean, Port Unity is big and all, but there's not much action going on around it. It's pretty safe. I like exploring and action and I already explored the port up the wazoo." She is about to ask the same question to him when she realizes it would probably be a touchy subject to who she presumed to be an orphan.

Fishy wanna bite?
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 5, total 5[/blockquote]
I should come up with a clever signature... eh I'll do it later.


"how are your parents do you know?"  Kirito asks Arya


Fishy Want a Bite

Arya waits a few minutes, but feels no activity on her line.  She reels it in, but finds the bait is gone!  Some clever fish must have stolen it without getting caught....
Sustainability comes from small gestures. Don't let your comfort become waste.
~ cinema sign.


The lack of bait on her line frustrates her. Years of fishing and she gets shown up by a newbie. Sigh. She was happy for Aila. She really was. But still, Arya wanted a catch of her own. The ranger baits the line once more and casts once again. She had to catch at least one more decent fish before she was willing to stop.

Kirito's question catches Arya off guard. Her parents? She hadn't thought of them-of just them- in a long while. The ranger thinks back to the last time her family had crossed her mind. Four years ago, perhaps, when she tasted a delicious fish soup that reminded her of her mother's cooking. That day and the last, when she was fishing for the first time in years, are the only times she gave her parents a thought. They weren't bad, by any means. They loved her and cared for Arya. The only thing wrong with them, according to Arya, was that they were too completely normal and mundane.

"They're fine, I expect. I don't know. I haven't seen them since I left home five years ago," Arya finally replies. "They have my sister to take care of them, anyways. She was a pretty good sorcerer from what I remember."

Fishy wanna bite pleeeaase?
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 14, total 14[/blockquote]
I should come up with a clever signature... eh I'll do it later.


Fishey Biteey

Arya casts out again, but this time she's feels nibbling on her line.  Showing off her expert fish collecting skills, Arya allows the fish to tire itself out draging the lure back and forth.  After a few minutes, she, nearly effortlessly, reels it ashore. 
Sustainability comes from small gestures. Don't let your comfort become waste.
~ cinema sign.


Ah much better. Arya held up both fish in front of her and decided the first fish was the more impressive one. Holding up the first fish, Arya asks, "Hey, Zeeto, could you use a ray of frost on this? I want to preserve it for the shop keeper who let us take the fishing rods." The second one she offers to S'kavara and says, "We promised you fish. Here is a nice one." (If she does say so herself) "Now will you please tell us what you know of the guild explosion? Who blew it up?"
I should come up with a clever signature... eh I'll do it later.


"i wish i new where my brother was and my parents are dead" Kirito tears dripping down his face as he thinks of his parents


Happy to have his powers recognized, Zeeto replies to Arya "Sure, I could do that. You probably should set it on a rock or something first though. I don't want to freeze your hand."

~Zito #corrupt4dmins


Arya sets the first fish down on a rock for Zito. Still offering the second fish to S'kavara, she says, "Oh, Kiri! Would you like to talk about it?"
I should come up with a clever signature... eh I'll do it later.


"yes i need someone to talk to i don't want everyone to know though"


Arya is conflicted. Should she wait for S'kavara's answers, or help this boy? In the end, she says, "S'kavara, I'm still waiting on answers. Come to us when you're going to tell us what you know." Then, she led Kirito away from the group and sat down with him. "What is it? You can tell me anything. I won't tell the others."
I should come up with a clever signature... eh I'll do it later.


"2 years ago my father was a psion like me he tought me his ways and 1 day hunters came by the house thought me and my father where abomination's they killed my mother told me and my father where to die my dad told me through are heads that i need to link with my brother who was with us and turn into a freak basically what happened was i did what happened when i met you but more dangerous me and my brother lived my father was killed in the process i couldn't control it my brother left me after i passed out" Kirito imdiatly burst into tears dripping down his face blaming that  moment 2 years ago on himself.


Zeeto attempts to freeze the fish, to preserve it. Afterwords, he says to S'kavara "Apparently, you don't want to talk. When you do, I'll be over there" Zeeto gestures to a nearby oak tree, and proceeds to go and sit under it.

Ray of Frost

[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 10, total 10[/blockquote]

~Zito #corrupt4dmins


Ray of Frost

Zeeto perfectly freezes the seafood for a future meal. 

Spell causes 3 strain on Zeeto

Sustainability comes from small gestures. Don't let your comfort become waste.
~ cinema sign.


Arya breaths in so fast her head briefly swims. "Kirito, that's a terrible thing to happen to your family. But you have to know that wasn't your fault. You do know that, right?"
I should come up with a clever signature... eh I'll do it later.


Name: Zeeto Nailo               Bonuses:          Str: +1     Con: +1
Health Points: 10/10                                    Dex: +3    Int: +3
Strain Points: 11/20                                     Wis: +2    Cha: +1
Armour Class: 16                                         Com: +1    Luk: 9
Gold: 0

   After resting for a few minutes, Zeeto walks over to Aila. "Would you like me to freeze your catches as well? They'll go bad otherwise. Then this would be a wasted day of Fish Collecting."

~Zito #corrupt4dmins


Name: Aila Drakesberth               Bonuses:           Str: +1     Con: +1
Health Points: 11/11                                        Dex: +2     Int: +0
Gold: 2, 5 SP                                                        Wis: +0    Cha: +2
Armour Class: 14                                             Com: +3   Luk: 15

   Aila looked up at Zeeto from her sitting position, the comb halting in her hair mid stroke. "You guys can have the fish, you need them for the General Store right? Besides, even if we were to use them for rations, waiting for night to dinner to come around will only have them spoil. Freezing them sounds like the best bet, whether they go to the store or our stomachs. There are five of them though, could be a tough freeze though." Aila began running the comb again, looking towards the fish as if waiting for Zeeto to try freezing them.
Until next time, this was Toki
   How useful was this post?
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 1, total 1[/blockquote]


"Well, if it works, it works. If it doesn't, it doesn't." Zeeto grabs the fish from the stringer, and takes them over to the rock where he froze the last fish. He sets them down, all side by side, as close as possible. He then attempts to freeze them from left to right.

Ray of Frost
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 6, total 6[/blockquote]

~Zito #corrupt4dmins


"yes it is the reason my family was banished from shaded city its why we lived in the woods they found out what my father was and banished us i was just a baby though"


"But that's not your fault, Kiri. It's the fault of the people who banished you guys and hunted you down. You can't help what you are and there's nothing wrong with being a psion," Arya replies in a soothing hum of a voice.
I should come up with a clever signature... eh I'll do it later.


"i just miss family we where such a good family"