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The Shaded City Mystery

Started by furryoldlobster, February 26, 2014, 12:51:41 AM

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Name: Aila Drakesberth               Bonuses:           Str: +1     Con: +1
Health Points: 8/8                                          Dex: +2     Int: +0
Gold: 2, 5 SP                                                        Wis: +0    Cha: +2
Armour Class: 14                                           Com: +3   Luk: 15

   Aila was upset, Arya interrupted Colfar's story by fishing. It was night, and the lake was full of man-eating fish. What was she thinking? And here she gave Aila trouble over a pebble and a bush. Aila approached the two at just the right time to hear Colfar exclaim something about something lurking in the waters after dark. A nocturnal fish? Aila heard tales of fish deep down in the waters where the sun didn't shine, it was said they provided their own light by glowing. Perhaps these thing Colfar described glowed as well? It would definitely be worth seeing... but death tends to be a side effect of seeing some really interesting things. She'd sit this one out... but maybe Colfar could describe it?

   "Something far worse? What could be worse than a swarm of man eating fish? Has anyone ever seen it before, Colfar?"
Until next time, this was Toki
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[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 1, total 1[/blockquote]


Daniel rises and with a mighty roar swings his axe at the wolverine.
Attack versus Wolverine
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 9, total 9[/blockquote]


Daniel vs. The Wolverine

The Wolverine, stopped in it's tracks by Daniel's mighty roar, feels the full force of the large great-axe. 

18 damage inflicted on Wolverine

The animal still stands

...minus a hind leg. 

Battle Order:
Daniel, Wolverine 4

The beast lets out a massive bark, and proceeds an attempt to bite Daniel's ankles.

Ankle Bite
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 7, total 7[/blockquote]

Fellowship of the Butter Knife

"Nooooo", Colfar screams.  Its too late.  Arya's already cast her lure into the ominously dark lake.

...something bites



Just as Arya is ready to reel, her intended target snaps her entire rod into the water!  The sudden jolt stumbles Arya, who drops three berries she had hoped to identify earlier.  She recognizes one of them now!  Its a belladonna berry!  Shes unsure if this is the one Aila ate, but is sure there's one in three chance Aila's night will get...interesting.   

"Knifey says, weapons ready", declares Colfar.

Just then, something emerges out of the water.  It climbs from the depths, one scaly claw at a time.  Everyone can see the creature now.  Its covered in green scales and the torso ends in a fish's tail.  The face is different though; snarling snout is more reminiscent of a feline than a fish.  A jet black mane stretches from its head all the way to its tail.

"Its a sea lion", Colfar explains. "and it wants to eat you".

Battle Order
Sea Lion, Aila, Colfar, Arya, Zeeto, S'kavara

I've done several previews for this post, testing out a possible dice rolling bug.  Danny, if I get a reroll error, that'd be why
Sustainability comes from small gestures. Don't let your comfort become waste.
~ cinema sign.


Daniel v Tripod, the Wolverine
Tripod's Bite

Tripod stumbles on his way to Daniel and needs to rethink its approach.

Battle Order:
Daniel, Wolverine 4

A land sea lion?

The large beast, weighing in at least eight hundred pounds, swipes at the fallen Arya. 

Claw Strike
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 9, total 9[/blockquote]
Sustainability comes from small gestures. Don't let your comfort become waste.
~ cinema sign.


Attack on Arya


Arya rolls to dodge the strike, pocketing the berries along the way. 

Battle Order
Sea Lion, Aila, Colfar, Arya, Zeeto, S'kavara
Sustainability comes from small gestures. Don't let your comfort become waste.
~ cinema sign.


Ah yes. Arya caught something! Well, at least it was half a fish. The tail end of it sure looked tasty. Maybe they could have sea-lion sushi for breakfast. Of course, there was the matter of taking the beast down, but the 5 of them who were actually awake could achieve that, couldn't they? Hah the silly creature just tried to take a swipe at her! Granted that thing was huge. Arya sure didn't want to actually get hit by that thing. Her mind switched (sort of) to battle mode, Arya prepares to attack her giant breakfast.
I should come up with a clever signature... eh I'll do it later.


Daniel Roars again and swings his axe at tripod
attack versus tripod the wolverine
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 14, total 14[/blockquote]


Tripod's Demise
Daniel's attack
15 damage inflicted upon Tripod

Daniel strikes, slicing Tripod in half, vertically...right down the middle.  Tripod is no more.

Daniel wounds aren't so deep that they won't heal on their own.  They will not become infected.

Daniel gains 100 experience for taking down Tripod

I've added a little something here.  Its a check against Daniel's constitution modifier to see if the wound would become infected due to Tripod's dirty claws.  He scored a successful roll, so there's no risk.

Sustainability comes from small gestures. Don't let your comfort become waste.
~ cinema sign.


Daniel decides that it would be a good idea to make camp so he lights a fire
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 17, total 17[/blockquote]


Daniel's Journey

Daniel's Firestart

Daniel strikes his flint and steel together just once, and in just a few minutes has the comforting warmth a campfire. 
Sustainability comes from small gestures. Don't let your comfort become waste.
~ cinema sign.


Daniel makes sure the fire won't spread before resting for the night.


Name: Aila Drakesberth               Bonuses:           Str: +1     Con: +1
Health Points: 8/8                                          Dex: +2     Int: +0
Gold: 2, 5 SP                                                        Wis: +0    Cha: +2
Armour Class: 14                                           Com: +3   Luk: 15

   Aila looked up at the large creature before her. It was a lot more.... adorable of a creature than she anticipated. She'd heard stories of large water serpents that attack vessels out in the sea, this one somewhat resembled Aiden. Aila drew her blades, a dagger in her left one while her short sword resided in her other. She took a step back to view the creature over to see if there was anything peculiar about it, well, as peculiar as a giant sea lion emerging from a fresh water gets.

   Spot Check on the Sea Lion:
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 15, total 15[/blockquote]
Until next time, this was Toki
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[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 1, total 1[/blockquote]


Aila's Spot Check:

Aila doesn't note any particular weakness in the large creature, although has some good news.  She sees the fishing lure caught on its tail!  The line is still connected to the rod, and drags behind the beast. 

Battle Order
Sea Lion, Aila, Colfar, Arya, Zeeto, S'kavara

simply looking at the enemy doesn't take up a full action, although it must be done before an attack.  Otherwise, the attack will take up your full turn
Sustainability comes from small gestures. Don't let your comfort become waste.
~ cinema sign.


Name: Aila Drakesberth               Bonuses:           Str: +1     Con: +1
Health Points: 8/8                                          Dex: +2     Int: +0
Gold: 2, 5 SP                                                        Wis: +0    Cha: +2
Armour Class: 14                                           Com: +3   Luk: 15

   Aila thrusts her short sword and dagger forward towards the 'paw' of the sea lion. Damage wasn't the intent, she was trying to catch it's attention from the others. "Everyone move back! Let's try to get that fishing rod caught on something! A sitting fish is a lot easier to hit than one that can move freely." She motioned with her head towards the trees behind them in the forest.

[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 20, total 20[/blockquote]
Until next time, this was Toki
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[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 1, total 1[/blockquote]


Aila's Strike:

14 damage inflicted on Sea Lion

Aila's blades successfully stakes the sea lion to the ground.  The creature is immobilized...for now. 

Battle Order
Sea Lion, Aila, Colfar, Arya, Zeeto, S'kavara

Sustainability comes from small gestures. Don't let your comfort become waste.
~ cinema sign.


Colfar holds Knifey in his right hand, lets out as terrifying scream a half-ling can, and attacks the sea lion.

Knifey Strikey
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 16, total 16[/blockquote]
Sustainability comes from small gestures. Don't let your comfort become waste.
~ cinema sign.


Knifey Strikey

Knifey sinks deep into the blubbery flesh of the sea lion.  Colfar leaves the small cutlery in creature's torso.

1 damage inflicted on Sea Lion

Battle Order
Sea Lion, Aila, Colfar, Arya, Zeeto, S'kavara
Sustainability comes from small gestures. Don't let your comfort become waste.
~ cinema sign.


Sounds of battle wake Kirito.  He rushes to the battleground to find the group battling a blubberous sea lion!

Kirito gained 4 sp from resting

Battle Order
Sea Lion, Aila, Colfar, Arya, Zeeto, S'kavara, Kirito
Sustainability comes from small gestures. Don't let your comfort become waste.
~ cinema sign.


Hm. Arya supposes the group doesn't have a net big enough to trap this beast. She scans the area for something that might be able to tangle the beast up so it couldn't escape. She looked at the long grass and reeds bending under the sea-lion's underbelly. Maybe, just maybe, the grass could be used to trap him? Arya stares at the vegetation surrounding the floppy, ungraceful sea beast and concentrates all her energy into making the greenery and cattails grow and weave around the beast so her breakfast was a little more secured.

[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 16, total 16[/blockquote]
I should come up with a clever signature... eh I'll do it later.


Entangle Attempt:

Vines, cattails, branches, and even massive roots surround the sea lion.  Just in time too! The creature jolts its clawed flipper from the two blades staking it to the ground.  The weapons fly behind the beast, and out of Aila's reach. 

spell causes 6 strain on Arya

Battle Order
Sea Lion, Aila, Colfar, Arya, Zeeto, S'kavara, Kirito

I made a hint in the DM response to Aila's hit, that the beast would be held...for now.  I intended to roll a check against the creature's strength after every player turn, and was successful second time around.  Entanglement will be treated similarly, only slightly tougher to break out of initially
Sustainability comes from small gestures. Don't let your comfort become waste.
~ cinema sign.


Name: Zeeto Nailo               Bonuses:          Str: +1     Con: +1
Health Points: 10/10                                      Dex: +3    Int: +3
Strain Points:   20/20                                     Wis: +2    Cha: +1
Armour Class: 16                                         Com: +1    Luk: 9

  Seeing the creature immobilized, Zeeto attempts to cloak his Khopesh in electricity, and runs at the Sea Lion, blade raised. His intent is to stab the beast through the head.

Shocking Grasp
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 12, total 12[/blockquote]

~Zito #corrupt4dmins


Electric Sword Strike

The sea lion does its best to defend, but hindered by Arya's entanglement spell, can maneuver only enough to avoid blocking the blade with its face. 

Zeeto's Khopesh cuts through layers of flesh, electrifying and cauterizing along the way.

13 damage inflicted upon Sea Lion
Spell causes 7 strain on Zeeto

The beached Sea Lion struggles to break free of its restraints, and is still trapped.

Battle Order
Sea Lion, Aila, Colfar, Arya, Zeeto, S'kavara, Kirito
Sustainability comes from small gestures. Don't let your comfort become waste.
~ cinema sign.


"What a drag." While the beast was busy trying to get free, S'kavara draws his sword. Running behind the Sea Lion, S'kavara lungs his sword forward into the creatures back, as he attempts to do a sneak attack.

Short Sword Sneak Attack
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 2, total 2[/blockquote]


S'kavara's Attack

S'kavara easily sneaks around the entangled animal, but striking it is another issue.  S'kavara stumbles midswing when the sea lion, jolting left and right, trying to break free of its bindings, surprises the Anthro Panther.  He can't get enough force in the swing to even break skin. 

He still stands behind the beast when it manages to finally muscle free, sending an especially large root soaring at Kirito.  The psion is knocked unconscious.

Battle Order
Sea Lion, Aila, Colfar, Arya, Zeeto, S'kavara, Kirito

The Sea Lion turns his vision to Zito, and tries to maul the sorcerer.

[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 14, total 14[/blockquote]
Sustainability comes from small gestures. Don't let your comfort become waste.
~ cinema sign.



The sea lion is thwarted with defensive strikes from Zeeto's khopesh. 

Battle Order
Sea Lion, Aila, Colfar, Arya, Zeeto, S'kavara, Kirito
Sustainability comes from small gestures. Don't let your comfort become waste.
~ cinema sign.


Name: Aila Drakesberth               Bonuses:           Str: +1     Con: +1
Health Points: 8/8                                          Dex: +2     Int: +0
Gold: 2, 5 SP                                                        Wis: +0    Cha: +2
Armour Class: 14                                           Com: +3   Luk: 15

   Aila watched in disbelief as her blade were sent flying. It wasn't easy acquiring those...

   With the sea lion broken free from the bindings holding it to the ground, it wasn't safe for her to skirt around it to grab them, doing so would probably leave her open to an attack. Dismayed she stepped back, pulling out her bow which hung on her back. She pulled an arrow from her quiver and took aim at the beasts neck and fired a shot.

   Attack with Short Bow
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 12, total 12[/blockquote]

   Afer firing her shot, she yelled at S'kavara. "Anthros, keep an eye on my weapons! Grab them if you can, I'll want them back if I'm to attack properly!" Hinting the idea that S'kavara should grab her weapons for her in the event they're close enough to exchange hands.
Until next time, this was Toki
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[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 1, total 1[/blockquote]


Aila's Short Bow Attack:

The arrow shoots through the air and effortlessly pierces the creatures flesh right in the chest. 

3 damage inflicted on Sea Lion

Colfar sees his opportunity to strike and materializes two darts that fly through the air towards the animal. 

Dart Strike x2
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 10, total 10[/blockquote]
Sustainability comes from small gestures. Don't let your comfort become waste.
~ cinema sign.


Dart Strike

Colfar's darts don't hit a vulnerable part of the Sea Lion, and harmlessly bounce off its tough skin. 

Spell causes 12 strain on Colfar

Battle Order
Sea Lion, Aila, Colfar, Arya, Zeeto, S'kavara, Kirito
Sustainability comes from small gestures. Don't let your comfort become waste.
~ cinema sign.


Arya considers using the poison from the bees to take down the magnificent creature, but then she realizes her stupidity in the thought. She couldn't eat poisoned fish, silly. That left one option. Well, two. Stick em or shoot em. Now where was her bow? Right, with her bag. Arya jogs the short distance to get her bow and arrows and comes back, too far away for the beast to hit her but close enough for a good shot. Arya waits for a lull in its wild raging and when she thinks she has a clear shot, she shoots for its eye.

[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 14, total 14[/blockquote]
I should come up with a clever signature... eh I'll do it later.


Arya's Shot

Arya's arrow flies sharply, and although it misses the creature's eye, the missile still impacts near the billowy neckline. 

8 damage inflicted on Sea Lion

Battle Order
Sea Lion, Aila, Colfar, Arya, Zeeto, S'kavara, Kirito
Sustainability comes from small gestures. Don't let your comfort become waste.
~ cinema sign.


Name: Zeeto Nailo               Bonuses:          Str: +1     Con: +1
Health Points: 10/10                                      Dex: +3    Int: +3
Strain Points:   20/20                                     Wis: +2    Cha: +1
Armour Class: 16                                         Com: +1    Luk: 9

   Zeeto  attempts to strike the Sea Lion with a Magic Missile immediately after Arya's arrow strikes

Magic Missile
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 19, total 19[/blockquote]

~Zito #corrupt4dmins


Magic Missile

Zeeto nearly effortlessly sends the projectile at the beast. 

3 damage inflicted on Sea Lion
Spell causes 3 strain on Zeeto

Battle Order
Sea Lion, Aila, Colfar, Arya, Zeeto, S'kavara, Kirito
Sustainability comes from small gestures. Don't let your comfort become waste.
~ cinema sign.


Annoyed at himself, for that pathetic attempt. With the best still preoccupied on the others, he tries for the sneak attack once again.

Short Sword Sneak Attack
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 19, total 19[/blockquote]


Sneak Attack

S'kavara, already behind the sea lion, sneaks within striking distance of the distracted animal.  With extreme stealth, the Anthro Panther ends the beast with his short blade.

8 damage inflicted on Sea Lion

Colfar retrieves Knifey from the still warm carcass.  "Knifey tried to warn you", he explains.  "Fish at dark, and YOU'RE the bait".

All participants receive 200 experience
Sustainability comes from small gestures. Don't let your comfort become waste.
~ cinema sign.


Using his shirt, he wipes the blood from his sword. After sheathing it, he walks over the the forest edge and leans against a tree. Despite the fact that he has no want to protect these people, that is one big fish. He didn't know if the creature was edible, but he was willing to try.


Name: Aila Drakesberth               Bonuses:           Str: +1     Con: +1
Health Points: 8/8                                          Dex: +2     Int: +0
Gold: 2, 5 SP                                                        Wis: +0    Cha: +2
Armour Class: 14                                           Com: +3   Luk: 15

   Aila gave a deep sigh of relief and walked around the beast, eyeing it carefully all the while, and retrieved her weapons. She also walked up to the spot where she had shot it and pulled out the arrow she had shot. Putting away her gear she turned to Colfar and said "So how about that, Colfar? We slayed the beast. Not so scary, was it?". She smiled a smug smile, as she proceeded to unhook the rod from the large seals tail. "Ha, fishing during the day is going to be fun. Man eating fish shouldn't be a problem if that's all the lake will throw at us.". She began walking back to her bed to rest for the night. although the fight was quick an no one was hurt, it was still tiring. They had also been walking all day.
Until next time, this was Toki
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[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 1, total 1[/blockquote]


Zeeto, slightly exhausted from the spell casting, follows Aila's lead. He walks over to a nearby grove of trees and lays down. Soon, he Trances out.

~Zito #corrupt4dmins


Colfar turns to Aila and simply states, "Like Arya is bait for Sea Lion, Sea Lion is bait for something far more devastating".
Sustainability comes from small gestures. Don't let your comfort become waste.
~ cinema sign.


"Mm we're having fish tail for breakfast! How about that, S'Kavara?" Arya cheers as the last strike fells the horrid beast. Colfar's comment to Aila catches her ear and she stops her celebration in her tracks. "Something else? We'd better move part of this carcass then and get the heck out of here. Everyone take a slice, get your stuff, and run!" Arya pulls out the hunting knife from her backpack and starts cutting off slabs of sea-lion tail and hands it to whoever's closest. After cutting a fillet for everyone, the human girl starts running away from the lake and to a forest close by. As she runs, she mutters, "And I was not fish bait. Even if I was, heck, it worked," under her breath.

Roll for good measure.
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 9, total 9[/blockquote]
I should come up with a clever signature... eh I'll do it later.


Name: Aila Drakesberth               Bonuses:           Str: +1     Con: +1
Health Points: 11/11                                        Dex: +2     Int: +0
Gold: 2, 5 SP                                                        Wis: +0    Cha: +2
Armour Class: 14                                           Com: +3   Luk: 15

   Aila watched as Arya seemed to be hysterical over the large fish-thing. She must really love her meat. Then Aila wondered why she was taking off to the closest forest when their campsite was over here, not entirely to far off but still sheltered from the lake. She laid down on her bedroll, pulling the blankets over her. Warmth seemed slow to gain. Colfar's words rang in her head. This was a dangerous place to be, at this lake, and she wasn't as happy to be here as she thought that statement. Closing her eyes, Aila pulled her sword and dagger close for comfort. Soon after, she had drifted off into the realm of dreams.
Until next time, this was Toki
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[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 1, total 1[/blockquote]


As Arya starts running toward the forest, she realizes that no one is following her. She turns around and walks far enough back to not have to shout at Aila when she speaks. "What are you doing? It's not wise to stay by the lake with that huge carcass just calling worse things out of the lake." She perceives Aila eyeing her funny and huffs. "You'll thank me in the morning when we have fish to eat and not a few bland food rations to split between all of us. Not to mention fish for S'kavara. You know, the one with information about the guild blowing up?" Arya internally shakes her head internally and recalls Mayar to her necklace so his glow doesn't attract any trouble. She begins to walk to the forest with her stuff. Turning back to the party, she asks, "You coming?"
I should come up with a clever signature... eh I'll do it later.


Name: Aila Drakesberth               Bonuses:           Str: +1     Con: +1
Health Points: 11/11                                        Dex: +2     Int: +0
Gold: 2, 5 SP                                                        Wis: +0    Cha: +2
Armour Class: 14                                           Com: +3   Luk: 15

   Aila opened her eyes only half-wide. Why did we pick this spot next to the lake if it wasn't safe? Still, Arya had a point about the large carcass. Aila had just assumed whatever was in the dark would probably go after the free meal over the many sleeping heroes, plus, wandering around to find another good campsite in the dark wasn't the best idea. Who knows what they aroused from slumber during the fight. they weren't exactly quiet. Aila figured she'd humor Arya though. She packed up her gear and hung her weapons in their normal locations. With a huge yawn Aila said: "Fair's fair. You seem to be the lead in the party. Lead on."
Until next time, this was Toki
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[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 1, total 1[/blockquote]


Arya is taken aback at Aila's words, though on the outside she only barely opens her eyes wider. In the darkness, the small sign of her shock is unnoticeable. Leader? Arya had never been the leader of anything. As a child, she stuck to to forests and had a small group of friends in school. She lead no one but herself. Of course, since leaving her home city, things have definitely changed for her. From the moment she had gotten into the Shaded City Guild, things were different. There, she was among people with similar interests as her yet with vastly different backgrounds and all had a lot to learn from each other. Here too, in this party, she thought. It deeply saddened her when her relatively new guild was exploded. Some of her guild friends were in there when it went down and she has no idea what happened to them. She had gone from being a little girl prancing in the woods to a girl with a purpose. Maybe even a woman. Still, she looks at herself more as a girl than a woman. She has more maturing to do before then.

All this realization over being called "leader." She supposed she was. Arya tried getting people moving towards their objectives, helped them when they could, gave people advice (though definitely not in the best or most tactile way. She does feel guilty for making verbal jabs at her party members), and tried to come up with solutions to some of their problems. Still, Arya wasn't so sure she wanted to be called leader. That put on a lot of responsibilities on her, and with that, pressure as well. Enough for now. Arya has to focus her mind on the task at hand, navigating the land in the dark.

Being farther away from the lake, the ranger finds it safer to take out Mayar so no one trips on anything. She walks a little ways into the forest so the lake would still be in view in the daylight if they strained to look for it and stops. "How's right here?" Arya asks. "It's just close enough to the lake for reasonable morning fishing yet far enough so anything sniffing around the carcass won't find us."
I should come up with a clever signature... eh I'll do it later.


Name: Aila Drakesberth               Bonuses:           Str: +1     Con: +1
Health Points: 11/11                                        Dex: +2     Int: +0
Gold: 2, 5 SP                                                        Wis: +0    Cha: +2
Armour Class: 14                                           Com: +3   Luk: 15

   Aila didn't particularly care where they settled down. If something was looking for them, the smell of dead fish would lead them right to the party. Aila followed nonchalantly behind Arya, watching the surroundings all the while. The rest of the party may have slight difficulties seeing in the dark, but Aila was half-elf. She could see quite well in the moonlight and she used that fact quite regularly. Upon stopping at their destination, Aila undid her gear the same way as before. Laying down on her bedroll, her weapons where in the same positions. Nuzzling the blanket that still had faint traces of her previous warmth she fell asleep.
Until next time, this was Toki
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[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 1, total 1[/blockquote]


Arya decides to ward the surrounding area with alarms so nothing unwanted could sneak up on them. This time at least her party is all here and won't trip the alarm. She wards in front of them between the lake and themselves as well as one behind them leading into the forest. Or at least she tries to.

Ward 1
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 17, total 17[/blockquote]

Ward 2
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 1, total 1[/blockquote]
I should come up with a clever signature... eh I'll do it later.


Still aware of his surroundings, even while tranced out, Zeeto noticed the conversation nearby. He figured it would be safer to go with the two girls, even If their little trek was pointless. Safety in numbers is what they always say. Zeeto gets up and follows the two to their new campsite. He then finds a nice Cottonwood tree nearby, sits under it, and trances out once more.

~Zito #corrupt4dmins


Arya's attempt to score a 9

Colfar and the others follow Arya until she finds a decent campground.  Immediately upon finding one, Colfar lays out a small bed of leaves for Knifey, and tears a small piece of cloth from his cloth robe.  He places the torn fabric over the butter knife, as if a miniscule blanket.  Colfar proceeds to spin in a few circles, and coils into a comfortable position...if he were a canine. 

Lake Ward Attempt

With a wave of her hand, Arya's spell is set.  She moves on to the second point of weakness, the path leading to the forest. 

Forest Wart Attempt

Arya motions her hands to set another ward spell. 



She tries again, and again.  Nothing.  Arya puts all her concentration into one last attempt, and the ward appears in front of her.  She steps back to admire a job well done and immediately activates a blaring alarm in her mind.  After a few minutes, the ringing recedes.  She takes another step forward and activates a second alarm!  The alarm finally ends, but Arya is wide awake, and has quite the headache.  Apparently she did cast the first two wards....just missed her target by 100%

spells cause 14 strain on Arya
Sustainability comes from small gestures. Don't let your comfort become waste.
~ cinema sign.


Apparently Arya absolutely stinks with wards. The near migraine in her head can attest to that. Oi vey. She recalls Mayar and curls up into a ball using Aiden as a mutual blanket to keep the both of them warm. She'd curl up with the others if it weren't for the fact that it would be insanely awkward to do so. Making those wards exhausted her and she was dead to the world in a heartbeat the minute her eyes closed to sleep.
I should come up with a clever signature... eh I'll do it later.


Kirito runs over to arya "are you ok" "is she ok".


Arya is completely exhausted, and won't awaken easily.  It'll probably be best if the young psion gets some rest as well. 

Soon everyone is enjoying a restful slumber.

all party members regain full sp

Arya awakens, just as sunlight creeps over the lake, to the familiar internal blaring of one of her alarm wards! 

Sustainability comes from small gestures. Don't let your comfort become waste.
~ cinema sign.