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Hey its sidney7659 here

Started by sidney7659, April 04, 2013, 02:42:39 AM

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Hello there minecrafters my name id sidney and i am very interested in joining this server. i am an aussie and im 15 years of age. I have been Owner, co-owner, admin, mod you name it i have been it i definitely devote all my time to a server and always give it my 100%. i am looking to be a head admin or just admin rank so that i can stick to one server for long time. I am very good with plugins, building and design. i also don't take crap form people i follow the rules and i hate greifers.


Welcome! While I don't think Clay (the owner) is looking for anymore admins, we'll sure love to have you stick around! Join the community, join us on mumble chat!
Stay Cool 8)