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Robert (Qyv)

Started by Qyv, March 24, 2013, 01:10:44 AM

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Well.. I'm never really good at these. I'm Qyv in game. Robert in real life. Call me either. Or Q. I'm 21. My birthday's june 8th. I'm not much of a pvper, but I do love building and redstone. I live in Washington State (on the west coast of the usa for those who aren't good with US geography). I've been playing minecraft for a good while and I don't mind mining as much as a lot of people seem to. Umm... I work at a daycare. Oh, and I'm a he. I usually play minecraft in the evenings and weekends. Blaw! That's all I have to say! If you want to know anything else ask away.


thanks for coming to check us out. I hope you stick around!
Be sure to join us in mumble some time soon.
any questions... ask.  <--Share the video


Welcome! Make sure to use the forums and mumble for any questions you may have! We're all happy to have you join us :)

Stay Cool 8)
Stay Cool 8)