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tekkit error logs

Started by Clay, October 16, 2013, 11:02:23 PM

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knock yourselves out.
please only educated answers / guesses .
dont say "oh this is the problem" and not give a solution.
I am posting this to get solutions not a bunch of guesses and maybes

16.10 22:49:14 [Multicraft] Skipped 287 lines due to rate limit (60/s)
16.10 22:49:04 [Server] SEVERE ------------------------------
16.10 22:49:04 [Server] SEVERE
16.10 22:49:04 [Server] SEVERE
16.10 22:49:04 [Server] SEVERE
16.10 22:49:04 [Server] SEVERE java.lang.Thread.sleep(Native Method)
16.10 22:49:04 [Server] SEVERE Stack:
16.10 22:49:04 [Server] SEVERE PID: 72 | Suspended: false | Native: false | State: TIMED_WAITING
16.10 22:49:04 [Server] SEVERE Current Thread: File IO Thread
16.10 22:49:04 [Server] SEVERE ------------------------------
16.10 22:49:04 [Server] SEVERE
16.10 22:49:04 [Server] SEVERE$1$
16.10 22:49:04 [Server] SEVERE$1.execute(
16.10 22:49:04 [Server] SEVERE$1200(
16.10 22:49:04 [Server] SEVERE
16.10 22:49:04 [Server] SEVERE
16.10 22:49:04 [Server] SEVERE$PeripheralWrapper.attach(
16.10 22:49:04 [Server] SEVERE
16.10 22:49:04 [Server] SEVERE Stack:
16.10 22:49:04 [Server] SEVERE Locked$1.execute(
16.10 22:49:04 [Server] SEVERE Locked
16.10 22:49:04 [Server] SEVERE Locked$PeripheralWrapper.attach(
16.10 22:49:04 [Server] SEVERE Thread is waiting on monitor(s):
16.10 22:49:04 [Server] SEVERE PID: 126 | Suspended: false | Native: false | State: BLOCKED  <--Share the video


I will post every log i see in this thread.  <--Share the video


Boot log

16.10 22:53:28 [Server] INFO Galacticraft remote version found: 2.0.1
16.10 22:53:28 [Server] SEVERE New Galacticraft version available! v2.0.1
16.10 22:53:19 [Server] INFO --------------------
16.10 22:53:19 [Server] INFO Unlimited MC Hosting:
16.10 22:53:19 [Server] INFO --------------------
16.10 22:53:19 [Server] INFO Download: Type "/co version" in-game.
16.10 22:53:19 [Server] INFO Version 2.08 now available.
16.10 22:53:19 [Server] INFO --------------------
16.10 22:53:18 [Server] WARNING Skipping TileEntity with id TileEntityRift
16.10 22:53:18 [Server] WARNING Skipping TileEntity with id
16.10 22:53:18 [Multicraft] Skipped 2 lines due to rate limit (60/s)
16.10 22:53:18 [Server] INFO Registered command tps with permission node mods.immibis.core.commands.TPSCommand
16.10 22:53:18 [Server] INFO Registered command logisticspipes with permission node logisticspipes.commands.LogisticsPipesCommand
16.10 22:53:18 [Server] INFO Registered command ee3 with permission node com.pahimar.ee3.command.CommandEE
16.10 22:53:18 [Server] INFO Registered command ccdebug with permission node codechicken.chunkloader.CommandDebugInfo
16.10 22:53:18 [Server] INFO Registered command chunkloaders with permission node codechicken.chunkloader.CommandChunkLoaders
16.10 22:53:18 [Server] INFO Registered command modflag with permission node universalelectricity.prefab.flag.CommandFlag
16.10 22:53:18 [Server] INFO Registered command buildcraft with permission node buildcraft.core.CommandBuildCraft
16.10 22:53:18 [Server] INFO Registered Dimension: -28
16.10 22:53:18 [Server] INFO Registered command ssuninvite with permission node micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.core.command.GCCoreCommandSpaceStationRemoveOwner
16.10 22:53:18 [Server] INFO Registered command ssinvite with permission node micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.core.command.GCCoreCommandSpaceStationAddOwner
16.10 22:53:18 [Server] INFO Registered command cofh with permission node cofh.command.CommandHandler
16.10 22:53:18 [Server] Startup Done (2.281s)! For help, type "help" or "?"
16.10 22:53:18 [Server] INFO Server permissions file permissions.yml is empty, ignoring it
16.10 22:53:18 [Server] INFO Enabling EssentialsAntiBuild v2.10.1
16.10 22:53:18 [Server] INFO Enabling EssentialsSpawn v2.10.1
16.10 22:53:18 [Server] INFO Initializing c3p0- [built 21-May-2007 15:04:56; debug? true; trace: 10]
16.10 22:53:17 [Server] INFO Enabling EssentialsProtect v2.10.1
16.10 22:53:17 [Server] INFO Enabling EssentialsChat v2.10.1
16.10 22:53:17 [Server] INFO Permissions listed in as player-commands will be given to all users.
16.10 22:53:17 [Server] INFO Essentials: Using config file enhanced permissions.
16.10 22:53:17 [Server] INFO 1.5.2-R1.1-SNAPSHOT
16.10 22:53:17 [Server] INFO git-MCPC-Plus-jenkins-MCPC-Plus-Legacy-636 (MC: 1.5.2)
16.10 22:53:17 [Server] INFO Bukkit version format changed. Version not checked.
16.10 22:53:17 [Server] INFO Enabling Essentials v2.10.1
16.10 22:53:17 [Server] INFO Using SQLite for data storage.
16.10 22:53:17 [Server] INFO CoreProtect version 2.05 is enabled!
16.10 22:53:17 [Server] INFO Enabling CoreProtect v2.05
16.10 22:53:17 [Server] INFO Preparing start region for level 2 (Dimension: -1, Seed: -448010923)
16.10 22:53:17 [Server] INFO Preparing start region for level 1 (Dimension: 1, Seed: -448010923)
16.10 22:53:17 [Server] INFO Preparing start region for level 0 (Dimension: 0, Seed: -448010923)
16.10 22:53:16 [Server] INFO Loading dimension -1 (DIM-1) (net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer@59175ef1)
16.10 22:53:16 [Server] INFO Loading dimension 1 (DIM1) (net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer@59175ef1)
16.10 22:53:16 [Server] INFO Loading dimension 0 (world) (net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer@59175ef1)
16.10 22:53:16 [Server] INFO Registered command scoreboard with permission node vanilla.command.scoreboard
16.10 22:53:16 [Server] INFO Registered command debug with permission node vanilla.command.debug
16.10 22:53:16 [Server] INFO Preparing level "world"
16.10 22:53:16 [Server] INFO Adding biome mapping 66 Ocean Oil Field at BiomeBase[66]
16.10 22:53:16 [Server] INFO Adding biome mapping 65 Desert Oil Field at BiomeBase[65]
16.10 22:53:16 [Server] INFO Loading EssentialsAntiBuild v2.10.1
16.10 22:53:16 [Server] INFO Loading EssentialsSpawn v2.10.1
16.10 22:53:16 [Server] INFO MLog clients using java 1.4+ standard logging.
16.10 22:53:16 [Server] INFO Loading EssentialsProtect v2.10.1
16.10 22:53:16 [Server] INFO Loading EssentialsChat v2.10.1
16.10 22:53:16 [Server] INFO Loading Essentials v2.10.1
16.10 22:53:16 [Server] INFO Loading CoreProtect v2.05
16.10 22:53:16 [Server] INFO Loaded inheritance map of 769 classes
16.10 22:53:16 [Server] INFO Mapping loaded 7 packages, 5185 classes, 17732 fields, 34330 methods, flags dd6
16.10 22:53:16 [Server] INFO ... 14 more
16.10 22:53:16 [Server] INFO at
16.10 22:53:16 [Server] INFO at java.util.jar.JarFile.<init>(
16.10 22:53:16 [Server] INFO at java.util.jar.JarFile.<init>(
16.10 22:53:16 [Server] INFO at<init>(
16.10 22:53:16 [Server] INFO at<init>(
16.10 22:53:16 [Server] INFO at Method)
16.10 22:53:16 [Server] INFO Caused by: error in opening zip file
16.10 22:53:16 [Server] INFO at
16.10 22:53:16 [Server] INFO at
16.10 22:53:16 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.func_71197_b(
16.10 22:53:16 [Server] INFO at cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.handleServerAboutToStart(
16.10 22:53:16 [Server] INFO at cpw.mods.fml.common.Loader.serverAboutToStart(
16.10 22:53:16 [Server] INFO at cpw.mods.fml.common.LoadController.distributeStateMessage(
16.10 22:53:16 [Server] INFO at cpw.mods.fml.common.LoaderState.getEvent(
16.10 22:53:16 [Server] INFO at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(
16.10 22:53:16 [Server] INFO at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
16.10 22:53:16 [Server] INFO at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
16.10 22:53:16 [Server] INFO at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
16.10 22:53:16 [Server] INFO at cpw.mods.fml.common.event.FMLServerAboutToStartEvent.<init>(
16.10 22:53:16 [Server] INFO at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_5_R3.CraftServer.loadPlugins(
16.10 22:53:16 [Server] INFO at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.loadPlugins(
16.10 22:53:16 [Server] INFO at
16.10 22:53:16 [Server] INFO org.bukkit.plugin.InvalidDescriptionException: Invalid plugin.yml
16.10 22:53:16 [Server] SEVERE Could not load 'plugins/random.jar' in folder 'plugins'
16.10 22:53:15 [Server] INFO Forge Mod Loader has successfully loaded 69 mods
16.10 22:53:15 [Server] WARNING Failed to get Thermal Expansion item teleportBase
16.10 22:53:15 [Server] WARNING Failed to get Thermal Expansion item energyFrameFull
16.10 22:53:15 [Multicraft] Skipped 7 lines due to rate limit (60/s)
16.10 22:53:15 [Server] INFO Loaded CCTurtleProxy
16.10 22:53:15 [Server] INFO Loaded IC2 DummyProxy
16.10 22:53:15 [Server] INFO Loaded Forestry DummyProxy
16.10 22:53:15 [Server] INFO [AppEng] Forestry Integration Disabled.
16.10 22:53:15 [Server] SEVERE Error while adding recipe: mekanism.common.RecipeHandler
16.10 22:53:15 [Server] SEVERE Error while adding recipe: mekanism.common.RecipeHandler
16.10 22:53:15 [Server] SEVERE Error while adding recipe: mekanism.common.RecipeHandler
16.10 22:53:15 [Server] SEVERE Error while adding recipe: mekanism.common.RecipeHandler
16.10 22:53:15 [Server] SEVERE Error while adding recipe: mekanism.common.RecipeHandler
16.10 22:53:15 [Server] INFO [AppEng] IC Integration Disabled.
16.10 22:53:15 [Server] INFO [AppEng] Universal Electricity Integration Enabled.
16.10 22:53:15 [Server] INFO [AppEng] Better Storage Integration Disabled.
16.10 22:53:15 [Server] INFO [AppEng] Mine Factory Reloaded Integration Enabled.
16.10 22:53:15 [Server] INFO [AppEng] Factorization Integration Disabled.
16.10 22:53:15 [Server] INFO [AppEng] GregTech Integration Disabled.
16.10 22:53:15 [Server] INFO [AppEng] CC Integration Enabled.
16.10 22:53:15 [Server] INFO [AppEng] LP Integration Enabled.
16.10 22:53:15 [Server] INFO [AppEng] BC Integration Enabled.
16.10 22:53:15 [Server] INFO [AppEng] MJ Power Integration Enabled.
16.10 22:53:15 [Server] INFO Buildcraft Triggers Registered: 8
16.10 22:53:15 [Server] SEVERE Universal Recipes: Error Registering calclavia:MOTOR
16.10 22:53:15 [Server] INFO IC2 API: Call getItem failed for generator
16.10 22:53:15 [Server] SEVERE Universal Recipes: Error Registering calclavia:WRENCH
16.10 22:53:15 [Server] INFO IC2 API: Call getItem failed for wrench
16.10 22:53:15 [Server] SEVERE Universal Recipes: Error Registering calclavia:BATTERY_BOX
16.10 22:53:15 [Server] INFO IC2 API: Call getItem failed for batBox
16.10 22:53:15 [Server] INFO IC2 API: Call getItem failed for reBattery
16.10 22:53:15 [Server] SEVERE Universal Recipes: Error Registering calclavia:ADVANCED_BATTERY
16.10 22:53:15 [Server] INFO IC2 API: Call getItem failed for energyCrystal
16.10 22:53:15 [Server] INFO IC2 API: Call getItem failed for iridiumPlate
16.10 22:53:15 [Server] INFO IC2 API: Call getItem failed for advancedCircuit
16.10 22:53:15 [Server] INFO IC2 API: Call getItem failed for electronicCircuit
16.10 22:53:15 [Server] INFO Registering items and trees...  <--Share the video


16.10 22:55:26 [Server] INFO list
16.10 22:55:26 [Multicraft] Skipped 287 lines due to rate limit (60/s)
16.10 22:55:23 [Server] SEVERE ------------------------------
16.10 22:55:23 [Server] SEVERE
16.10 22:55:23 [Server] SEVERE
16.10 22:55:23 [Server] SEVERE
16.10 22:55:23 [Server] SEVERE java.lang.Thread.sleep(Native Method)
16.10 22:55:23 [Server] SEVERE Stack:
16.10 22:55:23 [Server] SEVERE PID: 71 | Suspended: false | Native: false | State: TIMED_WAITING
16.10 22:55:23 [Server] SEVERE Current Thread: File IO Thread
16.10 22:55:23 [Server] SEVERE ------------------------------
16.10 22:55:23 [Server] SEVERE
16.10 22:55:23 [Server] SEVERE$1$
16.10 22:55:23 [Server] SEVERE$1.execute(
16.10 22:55:23 [Server] SEVERE$1200(
16.10 22:55:23 [Server] SEVERE
16.10 22:55:23 [Server] SEVERE
16.10 22:55:23 [Server] SEVERE$PeripheralWrapper.attach(
16.10 22:55:23 [Server] SEVERE
16.10 22:55:23 [Server] SEVERE Stack:
16.10 22:55:23 [Server] SEVERE Locked$1.execute(
16.10 22:55:23 [Server] SEVERE Locked
16.10 22:55:23 [Server] SEVERE Locked$PeripheralWrapper.attach(
16.10 22:55:23 [Server] SEVERE Thread is waiting on monitor(s):
16.10 22:55:23 [Server] SEVERE PID: 96 | Suspended: false | Native: false | State: BLOCKED
16.10 22:55:23 [Server] SEVERE Current Thread: Thread-51
16.10 22:55:23 [Server] SEVERE ------------------------------
16.10 22:55:23 [Server] SEVERE Current Thread State:
16.10 22:55:23 [Server] SEVERE MCPC+ version: git-MCPC-Plus-jenkins-MCPC-Plus-Legacy-636 (MC: 1.5.2)
16.10 22:55:23 [Server] SEVERE Be sure to include ALL relevant console errors and Minecraft crash reports
16.10 22:55:23 [Server] SEVERE Please report this to
16.10 22:55:23 [Server] SEVERE The server has stopped responding!
16.10 22:55:17 [Server] INFO mem
16.10 22:55:09 [Server] INFO mem
16.10 22:55:05 [Server] INFO mem
16.10 22:54:54 [Server] INFO list
16.10 22:54:22 [Server] INFO list
16.10 22:54:03 [Server] INFO World "DIM_SPACESTATION2937": 20 chunks, 11 entities.
16.10 22:54:03 [Server] INFO Nether "DIM-1": 33 chunks, 9 entities.
16.10 22:54:03 [Server] INFO World "world": 729 chunks, 159 entities.
16.10 22:54:03 [Server] INFO Free memory: 972 MB.
16.10 22:54:03 [Server] INFO Allocated memory: 1,457 MB.
16.10 22:54:03 [Server] INFO Maximum memory: 1,457 MB.
16.10 22:54:03 [Server] INFO Current TPS = 19.583332
16.10 22:54:03 [Server] INFO Uptime: 1 minute
16.10 22:54:03 [Server] INFO mem  <--Share the video


boot log

16.10 22:56:52 [Server] INFO Loading dimension -1 (DIM-1) (net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer@380d0038)
16.10 22:56:52 [Server] INFO Loading dimension 1 (DIM1) (net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer@380d0038)
16.10 22:56:52 [Server] INFO Loading dimension 0 (world) (net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer@380d0038)
16.10 22:56:52 [Server] INFO Registered command scoreboard with permission node vanilla.command.scoreboard
16.10 22:56:52 [Server] INFO Registered command debug with permission node vanilla.command.debug
16.10 22:56:52 [Server] INFO Preparing level "world"
16.10 22:56:51 [Server] INFO Adding biome mapping 66 Ocean Oil Field at BiomeBase[66]
16.10 22:56:51 [Server] INFO Adding biome mapping 65 Desert Oil Field at BiomeBase[65]
16.10 22:56:51 [Server] INFO Loading EssentialsAntiBuild v2.10.1
16.10 22:56:51 [Server] INFO Loading EssentialsSpawn v2.10.1
16.10 22:56:51 [Server] INFO MLog clients using java 1.4+ standard logging.
16.10 22:56:51 [Server] INFO Loading EssentialsProtect v2.10.1
16.10 22:56:51 [Server] INFO Loading EssentialsChat v2.10.1
16.10 22:56:51 [Server] INFO Loading Essentials v2.10.1
16.10 22:56:51 [Server] INFO Loading CoreProtect v2.05
16.10 22:56:51 [Server] INFO Loaded inheritance map of 769 classes
16.10 22:56:51 [Server] INFO Mapping loaded 7 packages, 5185 classes, 17732 fields, 34330 methods, flags dd6
16.10 22:56:51 [Server] INFO ... 14 more
16.10 22:56:51 [Server] INFO at
16.10 22:56:51 [Server] INFO at java.util.jar.JarFile.<init>(
16.10 22:56:51 [Server] INFO at java.util.jar.JarFile.<init>(
16.10 22:56:51 [Server] INFO at<init>(
16.10 22:56:51 [Server] INFO at<init>(
16.10 22:56:51 [Server] INFO at Method)
16.10 22:56:51 [Server] INFO Caused by: error in opening zip file
16.10 22:56:51 [Server] INFO at
16.10 22:56:51 [Server] INFO at
16.10 22:56:51 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.func_71197_b(
16.10 22:56:51 [Server] INFO at cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.handleServerAboutToStart(
16.10 22:56:51 [Server] INFO at cpw.mods.fml.common.Loader.serverAboutToStart(
16.10 22:56:51 [Server] INFO at cpw.mods.fml.common.LoadController.distributeStateMessage(
16.10 22:56:51 [Server] INFO at cpw.mods.fml.common.LoaderState.getEvent(
16.10 22:56:51 [Server] INFO at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(
16.10 22:56:51 [Server] INFO at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
16.10 22:56:51 [Server] INFO at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
16.10 22:56:51 [Server] INFO at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
16.10 22:56:51 [Server] INFO at cpw.mods.fml.common.event.FMLServerAboutToStartEvent.<init>(
16.10 22:56:51 [Server] INFO at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_5_R3.CraftServer.loadPlugins(
16.10 22:56:51 [Server] INFO at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.loadPlugins(
16.10 22:56:51 [Server] INFO at
16.10 22:56:51 [Server] INFO org.bukkit.plugin.InvalidDescriptionException: Invalid plugin.yml
16.10 22:56:51 [Server] SEVERE Could not load 'plugins/random.jar' in folder 'plugins'
16.10 22:56:51 [Server] INFO Forge Mod Loader has successfully loaded 69 mods
16.10 22:56:51 [Server] WARNING Failed to get Thermal Expansion item teleportBase
16.10 22:56:51 [Server] WARNING Failed to get Thermal Expansion item energyFrameFull
16.10 22:56:51 [Server] WARNING Failed to get MFFS item!
16.10 22:56:50 [Server] INFO Loaded SpecialTankHandler: logisticspipes.proxy.specialtankhandler.BuildCraftTankHandler
16.10 22:56:50 [Server] INFO Loaded SpecialInventoryHandler: logisticspipes.proxy.specialinventoryhandler.DSUInventoryHandler
16.10 22:56:50 [Server] INFO Loaded SpecialInventoryHandler: logisticspipes.proxy.specialinventoryhandler.AEInterfaceInventoryHandler
16.10 22:56:50 [Server] INFO Loaded BetterStorage DummyProxy
16.10 22:56:50 [Server] INFO Loaded ThermalExpansion Proxy
16.10 22:56:50 [Server] INFO Loaded Thaumcraft DummyProxy
16.10 22:56:50 [Server] INFO Loaded CCTurtleProxy
16.10 22:56:50 [Server] INFO Loaded IC2 DummyProxy
16.10 22:56:50 [Server] INFO Loaded Forestry DummyProxy
16.10 22:56:50 [Server] INFO [AppEng] Forestry Integration Disabled.
16.10 22:56:50 [Server] SEVERE Error while adding recipe: mekanism.common.RecipeHandler
16.10 22:56:50 [Server] SEVERE Error while adding recipe: mekanism.common.RecipeHandler
16.10 22:56:50 [Server] SEVERE Error while adding recipe: mekanism.common.RecipeHandler
16.10 22:56:50 [Server] SEVERE Error while adding recipe: mekanism.common.RecipeHandler
16.10 22:56:50 [Server] SEVERE Error while adding recipe: mekanism.common.RecipeHandler
16.10 22:56:50 [Server] INFO [AppEng] IC Integration Disabled.
16.10 22:56:50 [Server] INFO [AppEng] Universal Electricity Integration Enabled.
16.10 22:56:50 [Server] INFO [AppEng] Better Storage Integration Disabled.
16.10 22:56:50 [Server] INFO [AppEng] Mine Factory Reloaded Integration Enabled.
16.10 22:56:50 [Server] INFO [AppEng] Factorization Integration Disabled.
16.10 22:56:50 [Server] INFO [AppEng] GregTech Integration Disabled.
16.10 22:56:50 [Server] INFO [AppEng] CC Integration Enabled.
16.10 22:56:50 [Server] INFO [AppEng] LP Integration Enabled.
16.10 22:56:50 [Server] INFO [AppEng] BC Integration Enabled.
16.10 22:56:50 [Server] INFO [AppEng] MJ Power Integration Enabled.
16.10 22:56:50 [Server] INFO Buildcraft Triggers Registered: 8
16.10 22:56:50 [Server] SEVERE Universal Recipes: Error Registering calclavia:MOTOR
16.10 22:56:50 [Server] SEVERE Universal Recipes: Error Registering calclavia:WRENCH
16.10 22:56:50 [Server] SEVERE Universal Recipes: Error Registering calclavia:BATTERY_BOX
16.10 22:56:50 [Server] INFO IC2 API: Call getItem failed for generator
16.10 22:56:50 [Server] INFO IC2 API: Call getItem failed for wrench
16.10 22:56:50 [Server] INFO IC2 API: Call getItem failed for batBox
16.10 22:56:50 [Server] INFO IC2 API: Call getItem failed for reBattery
16.10 22:56:50 [Server] SEVERE Universal Recipes: Error Registering calclavia:ADVANCED_BATTERY
16.10 22:56:50 [Server] INFO IC2 API: Call getItem failed for energyCrystal
16.10 22:56:50 [Server] INFO IC2 API: Call getItem failed for iridiumPlate
16.10 22:56:50 [Server] INFO IC2 API: Call getItem failed for advancedCircuit
16.10 22:56:50 [Server] INFO IC2 API: Call getItem failed for electronicCircuit
16.10 22:56:50 [Server] INFO Registering items and trees...
16.10 22:56:50 [Server] INFO Getting tag replacements from configs...
16.10 22:56:50 [Server] INFO Prioritizing User and IMC mod configs...
16.10 22:56:50 [Server] INFO While registering space station recipe, found 1 type(s) of ingotCopper
16.10 22:56:50 [Server] INFO While registering space station recipe, found 1 type(s) of ingotInvar
16.10 22:56:50 [Server] INFO While registering space station recipe, found 1 type(s) of ingotTin
16.10 22:56:50 [Server] SEVERE The entry for custom ore 'Uranite' is invalid - the block is null.
16.10 22:56:50 [Server] WARNING cuttableBlock 789:0 specifies block ID 789 which is not a registered block
16.10 22:56:50 [Server] WARNING cuttableBlock 214:0 specifies block ID 214 which is not a registered block
16.10 22:56:50 [Server] WARNING cuttableBlock 213:0 specifies block ID 213 which is not a registered block
16.10 22:56:50 [Server] WARNING cuttableBlock 203:0 specifies block ID 203 which is not a registered block
16.10 22:56:50 [Server] WARNING IMC failed - blacklist-transitionplane expects items[,meta]
16.10 22:56:50 [Server] INFO ProjectBench: Registered block id @ 976. Rendering: true @: 5
16.10 22:56:50 [Server] INFO [BalkonsWeaponMod] Properties file read succesfully!
16.10 22:56:49 [Server] INFO OpenCCSensors version starting
16.10 22:56:49 [Server] INFO NetherOres registered world generator
16.10 22:56:49 [Server] WARNING XyCraft missing - MFR Xycraft Compat not loading
16.10 22:56:49 [Server] WARNING Twilight Forest missing - MFR Twilight Forest Compat not loading
16.10 22:56:49 [Server] WARNING Thaumcraft missing - MFR Thaumcraft Compat not loading
16.10 22:56:49 [Server] WARNING Sufficient Biomes missing - MFR Sufficient Biomes Compat not loading
16.10 22:56:49 [Server] WARNING SoulShards missing - MFR SoulShards Compat not loading
16.10 22:56:49 [Server] WARNING RedPowerWorld missing - MFR RedPower2 Compat not loading
16.10 22:56:49 [Server] WARNING Pam's Weee! Flowers missing - MFR Pam Weee! Flowers Compat not loading
16.10 22:56:49 [Server] WARNING Pam's HC base missing - MFR Pam HC Compat not loading
16.10 22:56:49 [Server] WARNING Mystcraft missing - MFR Mystcraft Compat not loading
16.10 22:56:49 [Server] WARNING Magical Crops missing - MFR Compat: Magical Crops not loading
16.10 22:56:49 [Server] WARNING IC2 missing - MFR IC2 Compat not loading
16.10 22:56:49 [Server] WARNING Forestry missing - MFR Forestry Compat not loading
16.10 22:56:49 [Server] WARNING ExtraBiomesXL missing - MFR ExtraBiomesXL Compat not loading
16.10 22:56:49 [Server] INFO Chococraft is not available; MFR Chococraft Compat not loaded
16.10 22:56:49 [Server] WARNING Biomes O' Plenty missing - MFR Biomes O' Plenty Compat not loading
16.10 22:56:49 [Server] WARNING BackTools missing - MFR BackTools Compat not loading
16.10 22:56:49 [Server] WARNING Atum missing - MFR Atum Compat not loading
16.10 22:56:49 [Server] INFO Basic Components: wrench already exists in Ore Dictionary, using the ore instead.
16.10 22:56:49 [Server] INFO Basic Components: copperWire already exists in Ore Dictionary, using the ore instead.
16.10 22:56:49 [Server] INFO Basic Components: oreCopper already exists in Ore Dictionary, using the ore instead.

16.10 22:57:01 [Server] INFO Unloading dimension 1
16.10 22:56:59 [Server] INFO Galacticraft remote version found: 2.0.1
16.10 22:56:59 [Server] SEVERE New Galacticraft version available! v2.0.1
16.10 22:56:55 [Server] INFO --------------------
16.10 22:56:55 [Server] INFO Unlimited MC Hosting:
16.10 22:56:55 [Server] INFO --------------------
16.10 22:56:55 [Server] INFO Download: Type "/co version" in-game.
16.10 22:56:55 [Server] INFO Version 2.08 now available.
16.10 22:56:55 [Server] INFO --------------------
16.10 22:56:54 [Server] WARNING Skipping TileEntity with id TileEntityRift
16.10 22:56:53 [Server] WARNING Skipping TileEntity with id
16.10 22:56:53 [Server] INFO Loading dimension 2937 (DIM_SPACESTATION2937) (net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer@380d0038)
16.10 22:56:53 [Server] INFO Loading NEI
16.10 22:56:53 [Server] INFO Registered command tps with permission node mods.immibis.core.commands.TPSCommand
16.10 22:56:53 [Server] INFO Registered command logisticspipes with permission node logisticspipes.commands.LogisticsPipesCommand
16.10 22:56:53 [Server] INFO Registered command ee3 with permission node com.pahimar.ee3.command.CommandEE
16.10 22:56:53 [Server] INFO Registered command ccdebug with permission node codechicken.chunkloader.CommandDebugInfo
16.10 22:56:53 [Server] INFO Registered command chunkloaders with permission node codechicken.chunkloader.CommandChunkLoaders
16.10 22:56:53 [Server] INFO Registered command modflag with permission node universalelectricity.prefab.flag.CommandFlag
16.10 22:56:53 [Server] INFO Registered command buildcraft with permission node buildcraft.core.CommandBuildCraft
16.10 22:56:53 [Server] INFO Registered Dimension: -28
16.10 22:56:53 [Server] INFO Registered command ssuninvite with permission node micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.core.command.GCCoreCommandSpaceStationRemoveOwner
16.10 22:56:53 [Server] INFO Registered command ssinvite with permission node micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.core.command.GCCoreCommandSpaceStationAddOwner
16.10 22:56:53 [Server] INFO Registered command cofh with permission node cofh.command.CommandHandler
16.10 22:56:53 [Server] Startup Done (2.376s)! For help, type "help" or "?"
16.10 22:56:53 [Server] INFO Server permissions file permissions.yml is empty, ignoring it
16.10 22:56:53 [Server] INFO Enabling EssentialsAntiBuild v2.10.1
16.10 22:56:53 [Server] INFO Enabling EssentialsSpawn v2.10.1
16.10 22:56:53 [Server] INFO Initializing c3p0- [built 21-May-2007 15:04:56; debug? true; trace: 10]
16.10 22:56:53 [Server] INFO Enabling EssentialsProtect v2.10.1
16.10 22:56:53 [Server] INFO Enabling EssentialsChat v2.10.1
16.10 22:56:53 [Server] INFO Permissions listed in as player-commands will be given to all users.  <--Share the video


continued from previous post

16.10 22:56:53 [Server] INFO Essentials: Using config file enhanced permissions.
16.10 22:56:53 [Server] INFO 1.5.2-R1.1-SNAPSHOT
16.10 22:56:53 [Server] INFO git-MCPC-Plus-jenkins-MCPC-Plus-Legacy-636 (MC: 1.5.2)
16.10 22:56:53 [Server] INFO Bukkit version format changed. Version not checked.
16.10 22:56:53 [Server] INFO Enabling Essentials v2.10.1
16.10 22:56:53 [Server] INFO Using SQLite for data storage.
16.10 22:56:53 [Server] INFO CoreProtect version 2.05 is enabled!
16.10 22:56:52 [Server] INFO Enabling CoreProtect v2.05
16.10 22:56:52 [Server] INFO Preparing start region for level 2 (Dimension: -1, Seed: -448010923)
16.10 22:56:52 [Server] INFO Preparing start region for level 1 (Dimension: 1, Seed: -448010923)
16.10 22:56:52 [Server] INFO Preparing start region for level 0 (Dimension: 0, Seed: -448010923)
16.10 22:56:52 [Server] INFO Loading dimension -1 (DIM-1) (net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer@380d0038)
16.10 22:56:52 [Server] INFO Loading dimension 1 (DIM1) (net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer@380d0038)
16.10 22:56:52 [Server] INFO Loading dimension 0 (world) (net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer@380d0038)
16.10 22:56:52 [Server] INFO Registered command scoreboard with permission node vanilla.command.scoreboard
16.10 22:56:52 [Server] INFO Registered command debug with permission node vanilla.command.debug
16.10 22:56:52 [Server] INFO Preparing level "world"
16.10 22:56:51 [Server] INFO Adding biome mapping 66 Ocean Oil Field at BiomeBase[66]
16.10 22:56:51 [Server] INFO Adding biome mapping 65 Desert Oil Field at BiomeBase[65]
16.10 22:56:51 [Server] INFO Loading EssentialsAntiBuild v2.10.1
16.10 22:56:51 [Server] INFO Loading EssentialsSpawn v2.10.1
16.10 22:56:51 [Server] INFO MLog clients using java 1.4+ standard logging.
16.10 22:56:51 [Server] INFO Loading EssentialsProtect v2.10.1
16.10 22:56:51 [Server] INFO Loading EssentialsChat v2.10.1
16.10 22:56:51 [Server] INFO Loading Essentials v2.10.1
16.10 22:56:51 [Server] INFO Loading CoreProtect v2.05
16.10 22:56:51 [Server] INFO Loaded inheritance map of 769 classes
16.10 22:56:51 [Server] INFO Mapping loaded 7 packages, 5185 classes, 17732 fields, 34330 methods, flags dd6
16.10 22:56:51 [Server] INFO ... 14 more
16.10 22:56:51 [Server] INFO at
16.10 22:56:51 [Server] INFO at java.util.jar.JarFile.<init>(
16.10 22:56:51 [Server] INFO at java.util.jar.JarFile.<init>(
16.10 22:56:51 [Server] INFO at<init>(
16.10 22:56:51 [Server] INFO at<init>(
16.10 22:56:51 [Server] INFO at Method)
16.10 22:56:51 [Server] INFO Caused by: error in opening zip file
16.10 22:56:51 [Server] INFO at
16.10 22:56:51 [Server] INFO at
16.10 22:56:51 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.func_71197_b(
16.10 22:56:51 [Server] INFO at cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.handleServerAboutToStart(
16.10 22:56:51 [Server] INFO at cpw.mods.fml.common.Loader.serverAboutToStart(
16.10 22:56:51 [Server] INFO at cpw.mods.fml.common.LoadController.distributeStateMessage(
16.10 22:56:51 [Server] INFO at cpw.mods.fml.common.LoaderState.getEvent(
16.10 22:56:51 [Server] INFO at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(
16.10 22:56:51 [Server] INFO at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
16.10 22:56:51 [Server] INFO at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
16.10 22:56:51 [Server] INFO at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
16.10 22:56:51 [Server] INFO at cpw.mods.fml.common.event.FMLServerAboutToStartEvent.<init>(
16.10 22:56:51 [Server] INFO at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_5_R3.CraftServer.loadPlugins(
16.10 22:56:51 [Server] INFO at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.loadPlugins(
16.10 22:56:51 [Server] INFO at
16.10 22:56:51 [Server] INFO org.bukkit.plugin.InvalidDescriptionException: Invalid plugin.yml
16.10 22:56:51 [Server] SEVERE Could not load 'plugins/random.jar' in folder 'plugins'
16.10 22:56:51 [Server] INFO Forge Mod Loader has successfully loaded 69 mods
16.10 22:56:51 [Server] WARNING Failed to get Thermal Expansion item teleportBase
16.10 22:56:51 [Server] WARNING Failed to get Thermal Expansion item energyFrameFull
16.10 22:56:51 [Server] WARNING Failed to get MFFS item!
16.10 22:56:50 [Server] INFO Loaded SpecialTankHandler: logisticspipes.proxy.specialtankhandler.BuildCraftTankHandler
16.10 22:56:50 [Server] INFO Loaded SpecialInventoryHandler: logisticspipes.proxy.specialinventoryhandler.DSUInventoryHandler
16.10 22:56:50 [Server] INFO Loaded SpecialInventoryHandler: logisticspipes.proxy.specialinventoryhandler.AEInterfaceInventoryHandler
16.10 22:56:50 [Server] INFO Loaded BetterStorage DummyProxy
16.10 22:56:50 [Server] INFO Loaded ThermalExpansion Proxy
16.10 22:56:50 [Server] INFO Loaded Thaumcraft DummyProxy
16.10 22:56:50 [Server] INFO Loaded CCTurtleProxy
16.10 22:56:50 [Server] INFO Loaded IC2 DummyProxy
16.10 22:56:50 [Server] INFO Loaded Forestry DummyProxy
16.10 22:56:50 [Server] INFO [AppEng] Forestry Integration Disabled.
16.10 22:56:50 [Server] SEVERE Error while adding recipe: mekanism.common.RecipeHandler
16.10 22:56:50 [Server] SEVERE Error while adding recipe: mekanism.common.RecipeHandler
16.10 22:56:50 [Server] SEVERE Error while adding recipe: mekanism.common.RecipeHandler
16.10 22:56:50 [Server] SEVERE Error while adding recipe: mekanism.common.RecipeHandler
16.10 22:56:50 [Server] SEVERE Error while adding recipe: mekanism.common.RecipeHandler
16.10 22:56:50 [Server] INFO [AppEng] IC Integration Disabled.
16.10 22:56:50 [Server] INFO [AppEng] Universal Electricity Integration Enabled.
16.10 22:56:50 [Server] INFO [AppEng] Better Storage Integration Disabled.
16.10 22:56:50 [Server] INFO [AppEng] Mine Factory Reloaded Integration Enabled.
16.10 22:56:50 [Server] INFO [AppEng] Factorization Integration Disabled.
16.10 22:56:50 [Server] INFO [AppEng] GregTech Integration Disabled.
16.10 22:56:50 [Server] INFO [AppEng] CC Integration Enabled.
16.10 22:56:50 [Server] INFO [AppEng] LP Integration Enabled.
16.10 22:56:50 [Server] INFO [AppEng] BC Integration Enabled.
16.10 22:56:50 [Server] INFO [AppEng] MJ Power Integration Enabled.
16.10 22:56:50 [Server] INFO Buildcraft Triggers Registered: 8
16.10 22:56:50 [Server] SEVERE Universal Recipes: Error Registering calclavia:MOTOR
16.10 22:56:50 [Server] SEVERE Universal Recipes: Error Registering calclavia:WRENCH
16.10 22:56:50 [Server] SEVERE Universal Recipes: Error Registering calclavia:BATTERY_BOX
16.10 22:56:50 [Server] INFO IC2 API: Call getItem failed for generator
16.10 22:56:50 [Server] INFO IC2 API: Call getItem failed for wrench  <--Share the video


Ok I'm getting the same error that we were getting a couple days ago. The "Failed to verify username" error. I don't know if that helps but that's all I can seem to find on my end at the moment

Clay  <--Share the video


No problem I know that we all wanna get back on the server


16.10 23:03:37 [Multicraft] Skipped 287 lines due to rate limit (60/s)
16.10 23:03:05 [Server] SEVERE ------------------------------
16.10 23:03:05 [Server] SEVERE
16.10 23:03:05 [Server] SEVERE
16.10 23:03:05 [Server] SEVERE
16.10 23:03:05 [Server] SEVERE java.lang.Thread.sleep(Native Method)
16.10 23:03:05 [Server] SEVERE Stack:
16.10 23:03:05 [Server] SEVERE PID: 76 | Suspended: false | Native: false | State: TIMED_WAITING
16.10 23:03:05 [Server] SEVERE Current Thread: File IO Thread
16.10 23:03:05 [Server] SEVERE ------------------------------
16.10 23:03:05 [Server] SEVERE
16.10 23:03:05 [Server] SEVERE$1$
16.10 23:03:05 [Server] SEVERE$1.execute(
16.10 23:03:05 [Server] SEVERE$1200(
16.10 23:03:05 [Server] SEVERE
16.10 23:03:05 [Server] SEVERE
16.10 23:03:05 [Server] SEVERE$PeripheralWrapper.attach(
16.10 23:03:05 [Server] SEVERE
16.10 23:03:05 [Server] SEVERE Stack:
16.10 23:03:05 [Server] SEVERE Locked$1.execute(
16.10 23:03:05 [Server] SEVERE Locked
16.10 23:03:05 [Server] SEVERE Locked$PeripheralWrapper.attach(
16.10 23:03:05 [Server] SEVERE Thread is waiting on monitor(s):
16.10 23:03:05 [Server] SEVERE PID: 158 | Suspended: false | Native: false | State: BLOCKED
16.10 23:03:05 [Server] SEVERE Current Thread: Thread-82
16.10 23:03:05 [Server] SEVERE ------------------------------
16.10 23:03:05 [Server] SEVERE Current Thread State:
16.10 23:03:05 [Server] SEVERE MCPC+ version: git-MCPC-Plus-jenkins-MCPC-Plus-Legacy-636 (MC: 1.5.2)
16.10 23:03:05 [Server] SEVERE Be sure to include ALL relevant console errors and Minecraft crash reports
16.10 23:03:05 [Server] SEVERE Please report this to
16.10 23:03:05 [Server] SEVERE The server has stopped responding!  <--Share the video


17.10 02:55:19 [Server] INFO list
17.10 02:55:19 [Multicraft] Skipped 374 lines due to rate limit (60/s)
17.10 02:55:17 [Server] SEVERE PID: 147 | Suspended: false | Native: false | State: BLOCKED
17.10 02:55:17 [Server] SEVERE Current Thread: Thread-78
17.10 02:55:17 [Server] SEVERE ------------------------------
17.10 02:55:17 [Server] SEVERE Current Thread State:
17.10 02:55:17 [Server] SEVERE ------------------------------
17.10 02:55:17 [Server] SEVERE
17.10 02:55:17 [Server] SEVERE
17.10 02:55:17 [Server] SEVERE net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71217_p(
17.10 02:55:17 [Server] SEVERE net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.func_71190_q(
17.10 02:55:17 [Server] SEVERE net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71190_q(
17.10 02:55:17 [Server] SEVERE
17.10 02:55:17 [Server] SEVERE
17.10 02:55:17 [Server] SEVERE
17.10 02:55:17 [Server] SEVERE
17.10 02:55:17 [Server] SEVERE
17.10 02:55:17 [Server] SEVERE$RemotePeripheralWrapper.attach(
17.10 02:55:17 [Server] SEVERE openperipheral.common.tileentity.TileEntityProxy.attach(
17.10 02:55:17 [Server] SEVERE openperipheral.common.core.HostedPeripheral.attach(
17.10 02:55:17 [Server] SEVERE$RemotePeripheralWrapper.unmount(
17.10 02:55:17 [Server] SEVERE$PeripheralWrapper.unmount(
17.10 02:55:17 [Server] SEVERE Stack:
17.10 02:55:17 [Server] SEVERE PID: 14 | Suspended: false | Native: false | State: BLOCKED
17.10 02:55:17 [Server] SEVERE Current Thread: Server thread
17.10 02:55:17 [Server] SEVERE ------------------------------
17.10 02:55:17 [Server] SEVERE Server thread dump (Look for plugins here before reporting to MCPC+!):
17.10 02:55:17 [Server] SEVERE ------------------------------  <--Share the video


17.10 03:04:12 [Server] SEVERE PID: 151 | Suspended: false | Native: false | State: BLOCKED
17.10 03:04:12 [Server] SEVERE Current Thread: Thread-80
17.10 03:04:12 [Server] SEVERE ------------------------------
17.10 03:04:12 [Server] SEVERE Current Thread State:
17.10 03:04:12 [Server] SEVERE ------------------------------
17.10 03:04:12 [Server] SEVERE
17.10 03:04:12 [Server] SEVERE
17.10 03:04:12 [Server] SEVERE net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71217_p(
17.10 03:04:12 [Server] SEVERE net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.func_71190_q(
17.10 03:04:12 [Server] SEVERE net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71190_q(
17.10 03:04:12 [Server] SEVERE
17.10 03:04:12 [Server] SEVERE
17.10 03:04:12 [Server] SEVERE
17.10 03:04:12 [Server] SEVERE
17.10 03:04:12 [Server] SEVERE
17.10 03:04:12 [Server] SEVERE$RemotePeripheralWrapper.attach(
17.10 03:04:12 [Server] SEVERE openperipheral.common.tileentity.TileEntityProxy.attach(
17.10 03:04:12 [Server] SEVERE openperipheral.common.core.HostedPeripheral.attach(
17.10 03:04:12 [Server] SEVERE$RemotePeripheralWrapper.unmount(
17.10 03:04:12 [Server] SEVERE$PeripheralWrapper.unmount(
17.10 03:04:12 [Server] SEVERE Stack:
17.10 03:04:12 [Server] SEVERE PID: 14 | Suspended: false | Native: false | State: BLOCKED
17.10 03:04:12 [Server] SEVERE Current Thread: Server thread
17.10 03:04:12 [Server] SEVERE ------------------------------
17.10 03:04:12 [Server] SEVERE Server thread dump (Look for plugins here before reporting to MCPC+!):
17.10 03:04:12 [Server] SEVERE ------------------------------
17.10 03:04:12 [Server] SEVERE MCPC+ version: git-MCPC-Plus-jenkins-MCPC-Plus-Legacy-646 (MC: 1.5.2)
17.10 03:04:12 [Server] SEVERE Be sure to include ALL relevant console errors and Minecraft crash reports
17.10 03:04:12 [Server] SEVERE Please report this to
17.10 03:04:12 [Server] SEVERE The server has stopped responding!  <--Share the video


Judging by the numerous computercraft errors, someone has a computercraft terminal running which is either incorrectly connected, or is over-connected..

Consider updating plugins.

Also of note, a notice that galacticraft apparently has an update available, aswell as a few other mods.
Like what you see here?

We can't keep doing it without you!


Quote from: Tslat on October 17, 2013, 03:16:17 AM
Judging by the numerous computercraft errors, someone has a computercraft terminal running which is either incorrectly connected, or is over-connected..  <--Share the video


Quote from: Tslat on October 17, 2013, 03:16:17 AMAlso of note, a notice that galacticraft apparently has an update available, aswell as a few other mods.

Not of note at all. Many of the mods have updates well into Minecraft 1.6.X, which is far past 1.5.2 which is what Tekkit runs on. Updating would cause them to cease functioning.


Thanks for the clarification, I don't play Tekkit much, I'm vanilla
Like what you see here?

We can't keep doing it without you!


Notice the numerous errors involving PeripheralAPI. There is the problem. Get rid of Open Peripheral.

~Zito #corrupt4dmins


so my guess is it may be coming from my base even though my program for computer craft isnt runnig it still crashes ill try to undo all of it and see if it stops


We'll soon see then I guess
Like what you see here?

We can't keep doing it without you!


Just take out all computercraft consoles. They may be the problem, they may not. Only one way to find out...

~Zito #corrupt4dmins


But according to the log, it's an open peripheral unmount call, which would mean it's something that's loaded ingame, wouldn't it?

That's why we're looking at the space station with the anchor in it, and the spawn and its surrounding area
Like what you see here?

We can't keep doing it without you!


What do you mean by Unmount Call?

~Zito #corrupt4dmins


It's a java call, check the error log..

Can't say too much while I'm at work
Like what you see here?

We can't keep doing it without you!


I'm trying to start learning Java, yet my knowledge is still very limited...

~Zito #corrupt4dmins


Eh, I'm not a java person either..

My programming partner does java where I do other languages..
I picked up a few things from him though
Like what you see here?

We can't keep doing it without you!


Ah ok. I want to learn it because I have big dreams XD

~Zito #corrupt4dmins


Like what you see here?

We can't keep doing it without you!


~Zito #corrupt4dmins