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Finishigor's App

Started by Kaz, July 13, 2013, 10:32:44 PM

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Age: 25years old

In Game Name: Finishigor

Gender: Male

Location: Sweden

Time zone: GMT+01:00 Stockholm

Favorite game other than MineCraft: Don't play much game at all exept minecraft now days. Before it was Dota, Wow and Cs

How you found out about the server?: You send me a message about making an apply if i was intressted.

How long you have played MC: 1 ½ year i think.

What you are good at in MC: Building structures and transformations.

What you are good at IRL: Telling jokes and storys

Type of music you like: Mostly hardstyle

Any chance you will join us in voice chat?: It would be a pleasure, can't join all the time when i have a child that sleeps.

What time do you normally play game?: Hard to tell, but i spend around 5-8hours atleast infront of the computer. Most of the time goes to minecraft.

Do you like bacon?: Yeah if they arent to salty.

Why should you be white listed on our Vanilla server?: The server seems to be a good server with mature and friendly players. And that's the most important when i join any server. I always drop off when i found out that someone burned down my house, stole something or just begging me after materials or minerals really often.

Are you allowed to grief on this server?: Of course not
Stay Cool 8)