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My Future membership ;)

Started by xD4RKx4NG3LZx, June 27, 2013, 12:05:37 PM

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Hello, My IGN is xD4RKx4NG3LZx but you can call me Nik. :) This is about getting to know me so why not? I started playing Minecraft about a year ago and I found this server when I looked up no grief server in the Minecraft Forums. I'm glad I did though because everyone is so nice. And by the way, I LOVE BACON. And I do play sports, football, baseball, golf and tennis occasionally. And I play Minecraft whenever I got time to. My favorite thing to do in MC is Build and mine. Favorite game besides MC would be Black Ops II. Add me at lock_n_load47 on Xbox if ya want ;) I'm a friendly guy an help whenever I can. I would love to be a member on this server because it's the friendliest server I've seen in a long while. I'd love to be a part of that. :D


A fellow golfer. I like you already.
Steam IGN  : Mzmerize761
Xbox Live IGN: Mzmerize761


Hi there and congrats i finding what i think is one of the best servers out there. Again if you have any question do not hesitate to ask we are all very friendly here and willing to help. Just a few things to start we are a mature server, and there are some threads that are marked 18 and older please be mindful of these threads. also late on weekends we do a community build and stream on twitch your are welcome to join up at anytime. Information on this event can be found here