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We are back baby!


Started by StRiNg_stEp, June 29, 2013, 04:14:42 AM

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Age: 14
Gender: Male
Location: England
Time zone: Gmt
Favorite game other than MineCraft: I like battlefield 3
How you found out about the server: Little_icon told me
How long you have played MC: 2-3 years
Your pets names: Don't have any pes
What you are good at in MC: Building
What you are good at IRL: Shot put and other athletic throwing events
Type of music you like: Dubstep
To you like sports: I like rugby
Do you play any sports: No, but I want to start playing rugby for my school team
Are you apart of any other communities? No
What time do you normally play game? Couple of hours after school and on weekends
Do you like bacon? Yes
Have you ever been in a helicopter? No
Is PvP or raiding allowed? no
Have you ever been out of your home country? yes
Anything else you can think of that you would like to share with the community.
Not at the moment


Cause im so cool im going to post before Dub and say your a member :D


Welcome  StRiNg_stEp, nice to see someone else from GMT :)
This is a great community, a admin will make you a member soon, till then drop on the server, its not white-listed
encase you dont know - go to for the server
here is the info for the voice chat
And some user commands can be found here

This server is great, and everyone is friendly, hope you enjoy it here as much as i have :)
It's all fun 'n games till someone loses a keyboard!


ooops here is my speech:
Hi there and congrats i finding what i think is one of the best servers out there. Again if you have any question do not hesitate to ask we are all very friendly here and willing to help. Just a few things to start we are a mature server, and there are some threads that are marked 18 and older please be mindful of these threads. also sometimes late on weekends we do a community build and stream on twitch your are welcome to join up at anytime. Information on this event can be found here
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 Welcome to the server A list of commands avilable to members can be found Here.
We hope you continue to be an active member by utilizing our forums and join us in our Team Speak 3 voice chat server.-Fishingrat7