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Vanilla Minecraft Server Application

Started by Izzit, October 28, 2015, 05:22:03 PM

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*Age: 18
*Gender: Male
*Location: near Seattle, WA, US
*Time zone: PST
Your two favorite games: Minecraft & Block N Load
*How did you find out about Claytonia (If someone referred you, write their name)? Found while browsing server lists on the Interwebs
Your pets names: Chopper the boston terrier & Daisy the chocolate pointer
What you are good at in real life: Track & Field / Swimming
What sort of music you like: EDM
Do you like sports? (Do you play any?): I am the captain of the Track Team and the Swim Team at my school, I love them both!
Other communities you are a part of: None at the moment
*What time you normally come online: No specific time(s)
*Do you like bacon? Yes, preferably cooked
Have you ever been in a helicopter? Yes, I once got to tour the beautiful island of O'ahu in one
Have you ever been out of your home country? I once went to Canada when I was very young
How long you have played Minecraft: I've been playing since around Beta 1.2 (January 13th, 2011)
What you are good at in Minecraft: Surviving and thriving, while being neat and efficient at the same
*Why should you be whitelisted?: I have been looking for a community like this for a while, and I feel that both the Claytonia Gaming community and myself would benefit ^^
*Is PVP and raiding allowed: PvP and raiding are only allowed when all parties agree to the same conditions
*Have you read the forum posts about Claytonia and its rules: I agree to the terms and conditions listed above
*Will you join us in Teamspeak?: Whenever possible
Anything else you want to share with the community: I look forward to playing with everyone - I'll likely be playing on both the Vanilla and Semi servers, see you there!

Clay  <--Share the video