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Vanilla ATM

Started by Tslat, April 05, 2015, 10:27:29 AM

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I've created a blank world, and poult is currently building a new spawn area in creative. My intention is to create a more in-depth experience from the start, and we're looking at other options for the Vanilla server to make it more lively again.

The old world is still there, it's just disabled, so you haven't lost your builds yet (they just aren't there at the moment.)

Feel free to post here if you have questions/comments/suggestions.
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Can I be apart of this build?
It is what it is


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Toa Mata Nui 9

 Phew! So the old world ISN'T dead, just in a comatose state. kk.
And gg on the "button of randomized teleportation" thing. be funny if you tp'd next to spawn. Hint hint ;). XD
~Current Claytonia Vanilla Minecraft Photographer, Toa Mata Nui 9

(If you need to contact me, you can usually find me on Steam.
However, I will try to check my inbox on the forums more often, so if I'm not [available] on Steam, try PM-ing me here.)


I removed the button, not sure why I put it in to be honest.. it's supposed to be community spawn builds only
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Toa Mata Nui 9

Re-add it later, tho', plz?
~Current Claytonia Vanilla Minecraft Photographer, Toa Mata Nui 9

(If you need to contact me, you can usually find me on Steam.
However, I will try to check my inbox on the forums more often, so if I'm not [available] on Steam, try PM-ing me here.)


The more the people of vanilla minecraft impress me with the builds and cooperation, the more I'll give back

I'd like to remind that all builds are to be community only. Building something random in a random place and slapping a community sign on it does not count.
If i catch anyone placing containers with items in them for any reason other than harmless decoration, i will take action.
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I was just on the server and the spawn area needs some work.
Great idea, not sure if its going to work.

the parkour doesnt look good with all the stone and signs in the trees. i have hidden parkour in trees before, if u find it good for you. you dont need the stone or the signs.
the world edited sections also needs fixing...  <--Share the video


That being said...the serious builds look awesome.
i think if we give those guys another week or two the spawn will be amazing  <--Share the video


I have to say that the parkour looks sloppy and out of place, maybe place it somewhere else?
It is what it is


The parkour wasn't there when I last looked.. when the services come back up I'll be looking

I've seen a few builds there I'm not very impressed with
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Nog That I have built The netherhub i will start building a New museum for every block/item in game but because i have an idea for aan greek/roman style of build in dont build it to close to spawn also i only build The building of The museum i will only fill it in when The server is back to survival mode
There are no stupid questions except for stupid questions


Yeah those items in the museum are to come from Survival ONLY.
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For the museum i thought of some things
1: the build will be roman/greek inspired so i will not build it too close to spawn.
2: i wanna make different sections like blocks with subsections like stone/wood, mobs, passive mobs, potions etc.
3: i will only build the exterior of the building, i will only fill it in when server goes to survival. but maybe add an creative mode only section, if tslat/clay agrees, if they don't agree I will not do that
There are no stupid questions except for stupid questions


Survival only, I'll fill in the creative section after the survival section is complete, as an incentive
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I want to help build in Vanilla, but I'm not sure what you need built Tslat.


Mainly I'm just looking to get lighting finished (proper lighting such as lamp posts and such), interior decorating for existing builds, and general cleanups for the current area.

If you have an idea for a build, give it a try.
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