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What sorcery is this??

Started by Toa Mata Nui 9, October 26, 2016, 03:51:30 PM

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Toa Mata Nui 9

~Current Claytonia Vanilla Minecraft Photographer, Toa Mata Nui 9

(If you need to contact me, you can usually find me on Steam.
However, I will try to check my inbox on the forums more often, so if I'm not [available] on Steam, try PM-ing me here.)


If you look real closely you can tell that there was an error
Like what you see here?

We can't keep doing it without you!

Toa Mata Nui 9

I even refreshed the page, and it was still there. I figured it was an error, but if it is still there, it is a hilarious one at that.
~Current Claytonia Vanilla Minecraft Photographer, Toa Mata Nui 9

(If you need to contact me, you can usually find me on Steam.
However, I will try to check my inbox on the forums more often, so if I'm not [available] on Steam, try PM-ing me here.)