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Screwing around on Arma 3 Wasteland

Started by Clay, July 13, 2014, 04:02:04 AM

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you can tow anything with wheels with any other thing with wheels.
so we towed a jet...
then the jet blew up

nanananananananana jet-tank  <--Share the video

Clay  <--Share the video


I concur, it is my crack of choice right now.

nanananananananananana jet-tank, jet tank


That sounds like it could be a lot of fun lol. A lot of possibilities.

~Zito #corrupt4dmins


In wasteland you can gather up base components and build an entire base. You also can find weapon crates that will have a stash of some sort of weapons from rpgs to sniper rifles. It is a fun game and a good way to get used to how the in game mechanics work. It has help me extend my average life in breaking point from around 5 minutes to around 15 :)


15 minutes still doesn't sound like a lot lol. Is Wasteland like and open world game then?

~Zito #corrupt4dmins