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We are back baby!


Started by m0onlam, July 02, 2014, 05:42:31 PM

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*Age: 21
*Gender: m
*Location: United Kingdom | England
*Time zone: GMT
Your two favorite games: Minecraft & Gta V
*How did you find out about Claytonia (If someone referred you, write their name)? Jamaal (AtomicViolence)!
Your pets names: silktouch (cat)
What you are good at in real life: Trolololling (hobby)
What sort of music you like:pretty much everything
Do you like sports? (Do you play any?): yes. I play basketball, football and tennis.
Other communities you are a part of: None.
*What time you normally come online: 10am-9pm GMT
*Do you like bacon? Nah!
Have you ever been in a helicopter? No
Have you ever been out of your home country? Lots of times! i visit belgium and Dubai.
How long you have played Minecraft: 3years
What you are good at in Minecraft: collecting
Why should you be whitelisted (*Vanilla server only): I am a mature gamer who enjoys sharing my builds with people.
*Is PVP and raiding allowed: rules say "Don't be an ass".
*Have you read the forum posts about Claytonia and its rules: I sure did.
*Will you join us in Teamspeak?: Definitely.
Anything else you want to share with the community: Moonlam isnt my real life name <3.


... Your cat's name is Silktouch?
You named your cat after an MC enchantment?

I approve lol
Who's afraid of the big, bad wolf...



Whitelisted you now, welcome to claytonia
Like what you see here?

We can't keep doing it without you!


Welcome back Moonlam! Good to see you again!

~Zito #corrupt4dmins