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RPG Server Status

Started by Tslat, May 29, 2014, 03:52:56 AM

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Well As pretty much anyone who plays the RPG server would know by now; the server's activity has dropped quite a bit. Allpone is away doing stuff, leaving me as the only other admin while Obi is job-searching.

I want to get the activity back up now that I'm back, so I'm gonna watch the server when I can, and try get more events and such going.
What I'd like from you guys is some suggestions on what you think would be cool to see in-game.
Posting something here does not guarantee it will happen, I'm merely seeing what you guys think.

Stuff planned for the future of course, but I figured I'd post here aswell.

When it hits the weekend for me, I'm gonna start a new advertising campaign, since CJ dropped that aswell, and hopefully we can get some more people on.
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I personally need someone to do the deity offerings. If you do an event, there isn't really many that would play it, but wether you do or not, is up to you. I think that we should run a server wide story again, but don't know what we could do without allpone.



I have my own stories, Allpone isn't the only one doing lore..

With the offerings, you can leave the items in the chests along with the book, and I'll check them as often as I can..
The deities aren't on call 24/7, they'll come when they're ready
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Sounds good to me. If you want any help till they get back, just let me know.



Yea, I'd say a server-wide story would be good.
Who's afraid of the big, bad wolf...


  Not to sound like the pessimist here too much, but RP is dead. It's been slowly declining for months, and Vanilla's taken the reigns of Claytonia's Minecraft community now. That's my opinion at least.
   About things that would help RP, I'd have to say more events during the daytime. Not sure if you guys have already started that though. All I know is that back when I played, there were Never events during the day, when I could be on. They were always late evening, or middle of the night. Also, the whole adding new races thing was a bad move in my opinion. More races + Less players =  Dead Server. Another thing that would help would definitely be a server-wide story. That might drum up a bit of interest at least. Also, if you put a synopsis of the current happenings, or the planned happenings on the forums. That would get people that browse the forums on, to check it out at least.

~Zito #corrupt4dmins


RP is not dead ,we still have people playing regularly.
Of course there's less players now, a lot because it has been completely inactive for a month, I can't blame people for getting bored then.
The fact that it's declining is true aswell, but you could say the exact same for any other new server. The activity spikes at the start, then dies down a bit as people settle in.

Since the introduction of the new races, I've seen more players being more engaged and filling out their own stories more, it has been a good move for the server, and it's not going to change.
Vanilla is hardly taking over either, it's fairly quiet too, and I'm gonna be doing another recruiting round on the weekend for that aswell.

Events in terms of those held by the admins will be held when admins can get on. I'm in Australia, so it's notoriously hard to get events going in the American prime time of the day.
Allpone tends to hold events at awkward times though, I'll give you that.

The synopsis is there, in the forum of "Server lore" and "player lore" threads. The server lore thread is bare because we haven't furthered the plot yet since it's introduction.
If the player lore thread is out of date, then that's entirely the players fault since we can't monitor everything the players do between each other.

I intend to have an all-race plot going soon, it's just as you can surely assume, I'm quite busy trying to a lot of things.
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Glad to know that you're back Tslat! If you get lore stuff going on again, you'll see me back. I did get a new job, but if theres something going on, I will be online. Been a tad quiet!


Good to hear chickadee, I'm trying to do what i can
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If you need any help, feel free to let me know.
I'll do whatever I can :3
Who's afraid of the big, bad wolf...


I just got back from my field prob ill be on tonight


as far as minecraft servers go allot of the time lack of admin activity means lack of player activity if the addmins real life dies down the server will bump back up