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Crane's trip to the ER.

Started by JudgeCrane, May 12, 2014, 03:57:46 PM

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So last night I was rushed to the ER because I had a allergic reaction to my allergy, peanuts.
This was something that I have not experienced for 15 years and I was very calm and under control until they gave me some drugs through an IV. The first one was fine, but as soon as they gave me benodryl I was awake but blanking out. I remember I was on my moms ipad looking at games and as soon as that benodryl hit me instantly broke into coughs then swelling of the throat and a major high that made me stare at the ceiling while people asked me how I felt for maybe 2-5 minutes I cant remember. Even after coming to I had to talk so quietly and broken, with chills the rest of the night with the worst shivering.
I feel quite fine this morning and will have to take some meds for the next week because I still have the allergens in my body.
Even though it was 2 hours long stay there after midnight it was still a good mothers day...
Oh, you think darkness is your ally, but you merely adopted the dark. I was born in it, molded by it.


Ow that's rough :/ I have allergies and asthma as well though I've never been hospitalized for them. I've come close to it. That's strange though. Benedryl is supposed to make you sleepy, not daze-y. I get dazed when my asthma is bad or my blood pressure is low (I was hospitalized for that once). Since you went into anaphylactic shock, maybe it was the lack of oxygen in your brain that caused you to be daze-y? At any rate, it was brave of you to be calm. I hope you feel totally better soon!
I should come up with a clever signature... eh I'll do it later.


Thanks Millz, yeah I feel fine now I am on some meds that make me pretty drowzy and the prescription is for a week just to be safe. That benodryl defiantly gave me a shock that I was not expecting, luckily I was not in that state or the emergency room for that long.
Oh, you think darkness is your ally, but you merely adopted the dark. I was born in it, molded by it.


Glad you're alright man! I had no idea! I hope you're 100% soon!

~Zito #corrupt4dmins