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Started by Jonstriker, February 21, 2014, 11:35:18 PM

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Age:12, will be 13 on the 25 on febuary (4 days after this post)
Location: Milky Way, Earth,North America, U.S.A, California, Gilroy
Time Zone: Pacific Standardized Time (PST)
Race You Wish To Be: Golem (cause my skin is for it)
Favorite game other then mc: League Of Legends
How have you found out about the server : chickadee sent me
How long have you played mc: since the 1.5 update (redstone update)
Pets names: Molly and and 8 more fish that i was too lazy to name
What are you good at in mc: redstoning (who know i joined during the redstone update), survival and architecture
What are you good at irl: I enjoy playing in school band and would say i'm quite good on the trombone
What type of music you like: i prefer to listen to techy mostly
Do you like sports : not much but i do prefer to do cross-county over all if were to choose and what i'm best at
Do you play any sports: not atm but i'm thinking about joining next year
Are you apart of any other communities: yes
What time do you normally play game? about 7:00am-9:00am and  5:00pm-8 or 9:00pm on weekends and rarely at 3:00pm-6:00pm weekdays
Do you like bacon? yes, the crunchy ones
Have you ever been in a helicopter?  no
Have you read the forum posts about the server and its rules? yes
Have you ever been out of your home country? yes
Will you join us in Teamspeak? no i do not have a mic
I play my games tactically and fast paced


Welcome to Claytonia. Once you get back on while a Ranger or Admin is on, we can finish setting you up. Unfortunately, there aren't any slots for Golem open right now, so you'll have to choose a different race.
"These are not the mobs you're looking for..."