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Blaidrug, the Wanderer

Started by Blaidrug, January 30, 2014, 12:35:08 PM

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Name:: Blaidrug, goes by the name Blaid.
Race:: Earth Golem
Role:: Wanderer
Gender:: Male
Age:: Lost count...

Description:: Tall, but slender. Blaid is composed of a dirt and grass outer layer, with a tree skeleton. emanating from his core, glowing out from his eyes and mouth, is a green aura. The golem is unsure what this energy is, but he feels as though it is life itself, though he doesn't know where he learned even this much. From his chest protrudes an Emerald of the same color as the energy, though darker and solid. He wears the grass growing from his shoulders as a cloak, giving him the ability to hide well among the forests he loves to dearly.

Personality:: Soft spoken, but determined, Blaid is an earth golem on a mission of knowledge. He seeks it wherever he can find it, teaching himself to read so he could understand the writings of these strange, fleshy creatures.
Wherever Blaid went, he was met with anger, hatred, and even greed for the jewel that he held inside. But, even though they were so hostile towards him, he still respected these creatures. Afterall, they had to have been born from the earth as he was, right? Even going so far as to protect those he could from danger, while still staying in the shadows of the forests.

Lore:: See Golem by Zero, and The Mystery Child by Blaid

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