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Application for Rumz

Started by rumz, October 26, 2013, 01:18:34 AM

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Age 21

Gender M

Location Detroit

Time zone Central Time

Favorite game other than MineCraft - DayZ

How you found out about the server - PM on minecraft forums

How long you have played MC - since Alpha release

Your pets names - Shaggy

What you are good at in MC - Building structures that coinside with the natural landscape

What you are good at IRL - Paintball

Type of music you like - All kinds, no specific taste

Do you play any sports - Softball, Baseball, Basketball

Are you apart of any other communities? - Not online

What time do you normally play game? - 5pm weekdays Central time

Do you like bacon? - Who doesn't

Have you ever been in a helicopter? - Yes

Is PvP or raiding allowed? Only if attacked first/ given permission

Have you ever been out of your home country? - Frequently

Will you ever join us in TeamSpeak? - Of course

Anything else you can think of that you would like to share with the community.

I have a very different building perspective and hope to bring something unique to the server, and I'm friendly :)


Welcome to claytonia Rumz I've whitelisted you, good to see you're already active in teamspeak

Hope to see you around the forums and ingame aswell.
Like what you see here?

We can't keep doing it without you!


~Zito #corrupt4dmins