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my application

Started by kitcatgamer11, July 05, 2013, 05:23:22 PM

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Time zone:UTC 06:00
Favorite game other than MineCraft: Lost Saga
How you found out about the server: angryface and emokev
How long you have played MC: about 2 years maybe
Your pets names: Merlin, wiley, and rascel
What you are good at in MC: I think i am good at it
What you are good at IRL: Drawing
Type of music you like: all kinds
Do you play any sports:no
Are you apart of any other communities?:no
What time do you normally play game?: whenever i hav time
Do you like bacon?:no
Have you ever been in a helicopter? :no
Is PvP or raiding allowed?: on this server not sure but i like pvp and raiding :3
Have you ever been out of your home country?: no
Will you ever join us in TeamSpeak?:idk maybe i might.
Anything else you can think of that you would like to share with the community. : I would like ppl to call me dis instead of godwin XD thats my last name and is annoying to me.


Thanks for joining the server and Welcome to our community.
A list of commands avilable to members can be found Here.
We hope you continue to be an active member by utilizing our forums and join us in our Team Speak 3 voice chat server.

Also, griefing and raiding is not allowed.
Steam IGN  : Mzmerize761
Xbox Live IGN: Mzmerize761