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F***ing sudden-link

Started by zerokiriyu, July 05, 2014, 05:27:46 PM

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So, moving into a new apartment. Call sudden-link and ask for a transfer. 3 days later installer man does his magic. 3 hours later call sudden-link and ask where my internet is at. Now waiting for f***ing week for a technician to come figure out why my modem works but the internet does not. ****ing sudden-link.



Sounds like 3rd-party installers, yep.
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reminds me of hughs-net.

I called them to set up an appointment.  The earliest they could manage was two weeks from the call.  I say, 'ok', because it didnt' sound like much choice.

they never show.

i call to ask, and the excuse was, 'we couldn't find the house'.  Instead of calling me, they simply gave up.  They offered to show up again in two weeks.  Same thing happens again.

They became upset with me when I told i'd be using a different provider (as there's a grand total of two in the area).  Nevertheless they offered to do an installation in three days.  I told them, unless its three days from several weeks ago, they should do what they've done best..and not bother with it. 

The fact that these companies stay in business is ridiculous....
Sustainability comes from small gestures. Don't let your comfort become waste.
~ cinema sign.


When I got rid of Hughes Net, they wouldn't even come out and get their dish and the radio back. They just sent me a box and if I didn't send the radio, they'd charge me like $200...

~Zito #corrupt4dmins


I have had Hughes net, and I swear on all holy and unholy beings that I will never even consider it again.



That's the same thing I've heard from everyone that's had it XD.

~Zito #corrupt4dmins


Well, today I turned my xbox on, and it connected to Xbox live without a problem. Tried it on my phone, again no problem. Then I tried it on my laptop, no connection. WTF?!



Was it Wifi with your laptop? You could try ethernet if so.

~Zito #corrupt4dmins


I tried that, still no connection.



That's really odd... I don't have any clue why that would be. have you tried connecting your laptop to another internet source?

~Zito #corrupt4dmins


I don't have another internet source....



Oh, ell that shoots that idea.. I was hoping yo could just like go to a local Free WiFi place and see if you can connect there. :l

~Zito #corrupt4dmins


Hmmm, there might be, unsure of where though.



Spent two hours goofing about on a useless no internet laptop, and did what Microsoft and sudden-link couldn't. I, a dumbass southern who has been told that I am a retard and would never be able to become smarter then people who work on technology for a living, fixed the internet! (I say it that way because when I called suddenlink thy told me to wait till wensday because the worker they where sending out would be able to fix it, while I would most likely brake it more. Not shitting you, the chick actually said that... -.-) 


Clay  <--Share the video


At some point, the PC got set to a specific IP, so when the new internet came about, instead of loading the new ip, it was searching for the old one. All I had to do was set it to automatically load the new ip, instead of manually looking for one.



So simple, and yet it caused so much trouble...

~Zito #corrupt4dmins




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