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Started by Zito, May 07, 2014, 03:25:04 AM

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So, Toki and I just played a game, duo queue. We were pitted against a full team of Level 30s (I'm 29 btw). None of their team had under 300 wins. A couple had over 600. I have 95 and Toki has 120-ish. WHAT did we do to get put up against these people?!!?! Also, only one person on our team had over 200, and he only had 226. What did we do to deserve such cruelty!?!? TT_TT  :'(

~Zito #corrupt4dmins


   Cruelty? I feel as though I'm a better player because of it :P

   It may have been playing so much with Judge and Axe. Either way, I feel that once we get to level 30, Zito and I are going to have fun in the duo ranked slots. I will, at the very least. It does kinda bring up the question of how Riot scales players with ELO. I've heard all sorts of stories, but I have yet to see a definitive answer.
Until next time, this was Toki
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