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Keeping Informed!

Started by Blaidrug, May 14, 2014, 07:51:22 PM

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So, how's everyone in our fine world of Valebat doing???

Even when I'm on I'm a bit disconnected.
So, here I am, trying to start a convo, see what's happening and how everybody is :3

Also, as far as I'm concerned, I'm asking about the players as well as the characters.
aaand I wanna see how many posts this can get XD

SO! What's up :3
Who's afraid of the big, bad wolf...


TS has not had many RPers on it at all lately.  <--Share the video


I'm getting a few finishing touches done before exploring and documenting the land, Walden style. 
Sustainability comes from small gestures. Don't let your comfort become waste.
~ cinema sign.


Currently, I'm working on a story for my character on RP. This is it so far. (Just thought this whole thing up in about five seconds.)

   Zito, the Former High Elf, after going in to a deep trance for reasons unknown, awoke in an Abandoned Mineshaft after many months. He did not know how he got there. He did not know who he even was. His memory was completely gone. All that he knew, was that he was an Elf. That was it.

~Zito #corrupt4dmins


...for reasons unknown.   Say for reasons unknown!!!
Sustainability comes from small gestures. Don't let your comfort become waste.
~ cinema sign.


Where would you put that in there lol?

~Zito #corrupt4dmins


It could be inserted just about anywhere.  Throw in a 'eons ago', and you win.

....after going in  trance, for reasons unknown, awakens in a long abandoned mineshaft.
Sustainability comes from small gestures. Don't let your comfort become waste.
~ cinema sign.


~Zito #corrupt4dmins