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Whitelist Application - Sei Ryoku

Started by Sei_Ryoku, March 30, 2014, 01:57:52 AM

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This is my first time using a forum (yes, shocking, I know - "At this day and age?!"), so please excuse me if this doesn't show up or do things properly..

I also wish to join both Vanilla and Towny servers, and I hope this application reflects that.
(I do not know how to check forum answers, so you might have to email me my reject/acceptance. I apologize for the inconvenience.)

*Age: 1 week away from being 18 :D
*Gender: I prefer to stay anonymous - I'm sorry ><
*Location: Indiana, USA
*Time zone: Eastern Standard Time (I think)
Your two favorite games: Minecraft and Interactive Fiction
*How did you find out about Claytonia (If someone referred you, write their name)? A dandy website called
Your pets names: I don't have pets, unfortunately.
What you are good at in real life: Being Asian, pretending to study, reading and writing :D
What sort of music you like: Post-grunge rock, Korean pop, old Korean ballads
Do you like sports? (Do you play any?): No sir, to both questions
Other communities you are a part of: In Mindcraft, Keep On Crafting and Crime City. (I think this is what you are asking)
*What time you normally come online: Weekday, possibly in the evening (or not at all); Weekend, from whenever in the afternoon to whenever in the early day (1, 2 am)
*Do you like bacon? Yes sir - although I confess to preferring Korean bacon over American
Have you ever been in a helicopter? No sir
Have you ever been out of your home country? Yes sir - I would have had to, being born in Israel and living in America, whilst having heritage in Korea
How long you have played Minecraft: 5 or 6 months (not that long, really)
What you are good at in Minecraft: Farming, dying, and failing to attack skeletons
Why should you be whitelisted (*Vanilla server only): I've not had much experience with white-listed servers (try not any), and I wish to rectify that with this server. Also, I prefer small, compact communities where I can get to know people and befriend them. I do have a tedency to refer to everyone as Mr./Ms. or sir/ma'am, so if you think that will be annoying to anyone (especially yourself), please feel free to not accept this application). I do try, in other servers, to be as helpful as I can to newcomers and old-timers alike, and I plan on doing the same in this server.
Also, I have had experience with young players who try to seem older than they actually are. I hope, through these servers (Vanilla and Towny), to befriend people around the same age and/or older than I am and bask in the mental equality that I'm sure I'll feel. :) If my being a week away from 18 concerns you, please disregard this application until after a week (I would sincerely prefer that you didn't, though.) Thank you.
What race do you want to be (*RPG server only):
*Is PVP and raiding allowed: Yes sir, but only if PvP is agreed upon by the players who are doing it. Raiding is not allowed.
What is rule #4 (*Towny server only): Don't be a butt/donkey.
*Have you read the forum posts about Claytonia and its rules (You seriously need to before you apply): Yes, sir.
*Will you join us in Teamspeak (Join Teamspeak after posting this application to be approved quicker): I do not believe so.
Anything else you want to share with the community: I will come off as an aloof, too-mannered, and a newbie to Minecraft at times, but when you get to know me I hope to show that I am a fun-loving person (although the "newbie" part is true) who strives to be as kind and welcoming as I can.

Thank you for reading my extensive application!
I am Asian.   ...   That is all you need to know.


Welcome to Claytonia!
Come join Teamspeak, you will have a blast!  <--Share the video


Thank you, sir! (At least, I assume you're a sir. If not, I apologize, ma'am.)

Joining TeamSpeak will not be possible until after I get into college (roughly 5 months into the future).

I look forward to meeting you all!

And yes, I now realize that there is a random parantheses in one of my answers. I must have overlooked it - I am sorry.

Also, you do not want to know how long it me to learn how to reply to a post - I am hopeless with technology somedays. :)
I am Asian.   ...   That is all you need to know.


No worries once u get the hang of forums you will love them. If you cant get in teamspeak i recommend hanging out on the forums as much as u can to get to know the community.  <--Share the video


Sustainability comes from small gestures. Don't let your comfort become waste.
~ cinema sign.


~Zito #corrupt4dmins


Welcome to Claytonia, Ryoku; you should definitely consider the role-play server as well! We're pretty awesome.