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Started by Timmyly759, February 21, 2014, 08:35:56 PM

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Location:Gilroy CA
Time Zone:Pacific
Race Wished:Elf
Favorite Game:Garry's Mod
How I Found Out Of This Server:Chickadee Told Me
How Long Have I Played MC:3 Years
Pet Name:Mimi
What I'm Good At In MC:Archery
What I'm Good At IRL:Pogo Jumping
Type Of Music I Like:Country
Do I Like Sports:Yes
Do I Play Any Type Of Sports:Yes (Karate)
Am I Apart Of Any Community:Yes
What Time I Most Often Play Games:11:00 am-4:00 pm
Do I Like Bacon:Yes
Have I Been In A Helicopter:No
Have I Read The Forum & Rules:Yes
Have I Ever Been Out Of My Home Country:Yes
Will I Join Team Speak:No (I Don't Have A Mic)
Anything Else That I Would Like To Share:No

Yellow Goat

Looks good. Welcome to Claytonia! I'll set you up when you log back on.