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Online Since 2012

Ethan Chao Cuteblade

Started by Cuteblade, November 27, 2013, 11:20:05 AM

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Age: 14
Gender: Male
Location: United States of America
Time zone: Eastern
Race you wish to be?: Human
Favorite game other than MineCraft: Spiral Knights, League of Legends, Maplestory, Dragon Pals, ROTMEG
How you found out about the server? (post friends name if you were referred): i went to (new servers)
How long you have played MC: about 2 years
Your pets names: Xiaohei
What you are good at in MC: building and mining
What you are good at IRL: playing video games and origami
Type of music you like: country
Do you like sports: soccer and tennis
Do you play any sports: tennis
Are you apart of any other communities?: a lot
What time do you normally play game?: 6:00-7:00 AM 4:00-10:00 PM
Do you like bacon?: lol YES
Have you ever been in a helicopter?: no
Have you read the forum posts about the server and its rules? (You need to, no seriously do it before you apply): yes
Have you ever been out of your home country?: yes
Will you join us in Teamspeak? Join the teamspeak after filling out this app to get your app approved faster. ( sry i dont do stuff online that much
Anything else you can think of that you would like to share with the community.: nothing