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66 Minute Game

Started by Zito, May 26, 2016, 12:16:21 AM

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This game was super back and forth. Felt like we'd never end.

~Zito #corrupt4dmins


Pretty impressive they had like 4 hyper carrys but no front line.
Oh, you think darkness is your ally, but you merely adopted the dark. I was born in it, molded by it.


Azir is a hell of a front line

I'm playing now
Will post results
From Lizard to John O' Groats, is the land I own


Tbh what really saved us was the AS slow on Nunu snowball. Anytime trist or xin tried to do something I snowballed them and they died.

~Zito #corrupt4dmins


That snowball is so effective against anyone on their team and the attack speed/movespeed buff is very nice on a 6 item caitlyn or even darius.
Oh, you think darkness is your ally, but you merely adopted the dark. I was born in it, molded by it.


Yep, I kept hitting cait with the buff whenever I could. Althoug I wish she'd have built runaan's early. SHe didn't get it til last item. Her waveclear was severley lacking.

~Zito #corrupt4dmins


Zyra Queen Of Thorns
From Lizard to John O' Groats, is the land I own


Nice one Woodsy! You should come play on NA sometime :P. I'd go to EU, but my ping is bad enough here, I'd have like 250 there lol.

~Zito #corrupt4dmins


From Lizard to John O' Groats, is the land I own


Alright I have to work soon but maybe tomorrow morning around say, 7 AM Pacific? I think that's 8 hrs behind GMT.

~Zito #corrupt4dmins


Knocked out Plat 1 and Mastery 7 in one go :D

Game before was pretty close was decided by a fight that we lost in their base so I was kinda bummed but requed right after I guess I didn't let the loss phase me or because I'm spamming a champion I enjoy.

The game I promoted from was kinda awkward we had a teemo jungle who started out 0/4 but me and botlane were doing good. People started to get titled quick I told them look at how top and bot are doing fine they opened the scoreboard and I guess they realized this. They also had pantheon and elise jungle who I told them we will outscale. Well I did anyway I started to 1v2 people constantly they didn't really have a answer to kill me because I was pretty ahead and building lots of damage.
Ended 14/7/15 and the most damage.

Hope I wont demote before I get 50 or 100 LP I've been pretty unlucky doing that a lot this season. Then there is the dreaded best of 5 games for diamond just need to get lucky I guess :)

Oh, you think darkness is your ally, but you merely adopted the dark. I was born in it, molded by it.


Bearing in mind We Lost this game, I am Zyra and I hate the ranking system of this game
From Lizard to John O' Groats, is the land I own


Well done Shadow! Congrats on Plat I!!!! Woodsy, if you just practice carrying and work on decision making, your Zyra will be able to carry you to at least Silver, probably Gold.

~Zito #corrupt4dmins