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So.. this is forge..

Started by Tslat, July 03, 2014, 07:36:33 AM

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So this is my experience with getting help from the forge modding community lol

As some of you may know, I've been trying to work on a version of an RPG mod for the Hexxit server, run on forge.
I currently have a limited Bukkit version on there, which isn't very good since it's.. bukkit, and not forge.

Now, this wouldn't be a problem, if it weren't for the fact that I have to work with the single least documented API I've ever seen; Forge 1.5.2.

Since hexxit only runs on 1.5.2, I really have no choice but to try and work with it. To say I've been having issues is a massive understatement.

To give you an idea; I've spent around 20-30 hours on it already, and so far I'm no closer to finishing it than I was in the first hour.

So.. I decided to take to the forge forums in the hope that someone could assist my seemingly dead-end attempts..

Here is the link to the conversation, and abrupt end of it, that I had with a mod on the forge forums..,20749.msg104824.html#msg104824

I'm feeling a little frustrated now.. just a little..only a little..
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Wow, seriously?

Satisfied that he'd given his answer, the wild Belarusian Admin Tortoise retreats into his shell, ignoring any and all outside grievances about the quality of said answer.

Who's afraid of the big, bad wolf...


Wow.  Shall I register and give a stern talking-to? 

This guy is useless, and I've the urge to tell him. 
Sustainability comes from small gestures. Don't let your comfort become waste.
~ cinema sign.


Update.....  Lol
That sucks.  <--Share the video


Wow, that was so random. He was answering questions and then you mention 1.5.2 and he acts like it's taboo or something...

~Zito #corrupt4dmins


In my best obnoxious rich person stuck up voice 'oh We don't use 1.5 anymore....we use the gold plated version covered in caviar.'

Sustainability comes from small gestures. Don't let your comfort become waste.
~ cinema sign.


They call that 1.8 don't they?

~Zito #corrupt4dmins


Regardless, his inability to be flexible has resulted in me being unable to make a mod for Hexxit.. we're looking at other options
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Random question, are you going to be able to out MCMMO on it?

~Zito #corrupt4dmins


I've sent him a personal message requesting an email from his superior.

We'll see who's gold plated now!

...i don't know...
Sustainability comes from small gestures. Don't let your comfort become waste.
~ cinema sign.


No I can't put mcmmo on it, mcmmo is bukkit, and is incompatible with forge
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They refuse to support those unwilling to update.  Its apparently their standard, including from their version of Clay, a fellow named LexManos. 

Claytonia is run so much better than these forge forums.
Sustainability comes from small gestures. Don't let your comfort become waste.
~ cinema sign.


Well unfortunately for them, all their major modpacks are run on 1.5.2..

Dropping support instantly for it is just plain bad HR, and they're not doing their platform any favours..

Is it any wonder there's nowhere near as many mods made for forge as there is for bukkit?
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I've sent messaged all four admins explaining this. 

Lets see what nonsense ad hominem retorts I receive.
Sustainability comes from small gestures. Don't let your comfort become waste.
~ cinema sign.


Lol, looking forward to it
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They've decided the complaint is invalid

Sustainability comes from small gestures. Don't let your comfort become waste.
~ cinema sign.


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best of luck.  i'm pretty sure they're going to ban me. 
Sustainability comes from small gestures. Don't let your comfort become waste.
~ cinema sign.


That thread seemed to get more positive attention.
@furry ,y u getting banned ?  <--Share the video


That thread is only getting more positive attention because I didn't directly state I'm not working with 1.7.2.. notice the actual responses though, most of them are not about solving my problem, but telling me to use 1.7.2
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