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Server Crash Restarted everyones Tags

Started by CJConch13, January 12, 2014, 02:33:42 PM

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Today at 1200 ET the server kicked everyone out and also took away their player name tags. Everyone still has permissions (except for Zito) it seems as though if you try to set someones group using Pex, it will actually take away their permissions. Everyone had their name tags when we first got onto the server but as soon as the server crashed all those were gone, rangers still have their nametags.


Set everyone to the pex group member until tslat gets online  <--Share the video


We've fixed up the perms for zito, everyone else should still have their basic perms.  My bad for not posting a warning here about the teething problems on the plugin.   Though CJ's been telling me Zito & Woodsy apparently still had their non-plugin tags up until that restart, which is weird.

I've checked with Tsplat, the plugin doesn't currently allow us to tag people who aren't online... we're starting a list of bugs/changes for the next plugin update.
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