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Attack of the B Team!

Started by Blaidrug, February 12, 2014, 01:16:46 PM

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Anyone seen, tried, even heard of this?
It's a modpack from Technic, includes a ton of insane mods, and they've been raising money as well for the Childs Play charity. And I believe they're still accepting donations
They already got, like, 20k over the weekend!

Basically, it was made by a bunch of Youtube minecrafters, "with pure insanity in mind" lol

I've had the chance to play around with it a little bit, and so far it's crazy fun!
For the builders out there, you've got HUGE amounts of blocks to work with, as well as tools to make things look amazing.

Explorers, you got the Enhanced portals and Archemedes Ships, as well as a few other things.

Then there's my personal favorite, the morph mod.
Kill a mob and be able to change into that mob!
There's even a config file to turn on "Hostile Mode" which will keep most mobs from going after you when you're the same mob. (Zombies and skelly's won't chase you when you're a skelly or zombie)

If you're interested, here's the link
Also, for a little help, check out the channels of the youtubers listed on that site. They each should have series dedicated to this mod, and they kind of go over a run down of the things in them.

Don't mean to advertise other things on here, but it's for a good charity (one of the few that aren't bs) so I'm doing my part to help.
Who's afraid of the big, bad wolf...


That sounds awesome, I might have to try it out.

~Zito #corrupt4dmins


Edit: The youtubers involved in making the pack had a livestream up the weekend it was released, accepting donations then (which, each donation gave early access to the pack). They are not accepting donations any longer. However, if you DO want to donate, here's the link to the charity

The pack is still really awesome, and it's being updated and worked on all the time. So check it out, if ya want :3 I'm still getting used to everything that the mods have to offer, nowhere near even half of them XD
Who's afraid of the big, bad wolf...


Ok, I know y'all are prolly tired of this XD
But this pack has me excited.


Minecraft :: I'm Very Happy :: Attack of the B-Team E6

That is Bdubs, Minecrafter BdoubleO100, who is an incredible Stevian architect.
You can imagine he's in love with the Carpenter's blocks XD

Ok, if no one's really interested I'll shut up XD juuust thought I'd bring it up if anyone was.
No? Just me? Kay ^^
Who's afraid of the big, bad wolf...


~Zito #corrupt4dmins


I know this pack, don't use it now, because i think it's better used in multiplayer and not singleplayer, I am currently playing a FTB modpack called magic world 2, with all those random "Magic mods"
There are no stupid questions except for stupid questions


Oh nice. I've heard of that one, sounds like fun.

And I agree, it does look like more fun on SMP, but I'm having difficulty finding a good server.
So many of them have so many people on them, kinda intimidating to someone who's not used to gaming socialization like me XD
Who's afraid of the big, bad wolf...