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Started by Whitehawk, June 21, 2013, 07:08:17 PM

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So i wanted to take a day or two off my castle, (forgot to take a photo of it but ill get one soon), and wanted to go explore somewhere. I looked at the map as found an area thats based on the map had some "black" spots of no explored zones. I took a boat trip to get there and a lot of walking :) When i got to the area i set a new home spot, as im sure a nice admin etc and TP me baack to my main home when i get board lol. So when i got here i needed a place to get food store stuff i find, gems etc and just to have a base! Id like to point out i did not bring enough food :P but will thank creek for giving me some as i should now be good till my crops grow!.

So here is the FOB,  [forward operating base] It dose not look great as i got here in the dark and needed somewhere safe to go, my main thing was to have a roof, it too look somewhat "nice" and have big windows so i can look out check my crop, check for mobs etc. It also will have a fence but its only 1/3 done, after that i think ill go back no small or no windows!

Ok enough talking here it is...

[p.s. one photo would not upload of a front view so ill get that one up laters]
It's all fun 'n games till someone loses a keyboard!


if im on and you need a tp and im on give me a tp


Nice little base there, looks fanceh :P

~Zito #corrupt4dmins