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building and spawned in city's

Started by elboone, May 04, 2014, 12:00:16 AM

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What would you preffer?

No more spawning nonsensical towns and make the player's build.
Option 1 with the addition of allowing spawned in environment.
Nothing changes at all.
Less spawning in general.
No more building, only spawned towns and events for major lore.


I don't mind having a few things spawned in because they look cool, but I really want to be able to build my own things aswell.

Vote on this poll and comment below if you agree or disagree with me.

Sometimes these things spawned in don't even make sense, like the McDonalds or KFC recently spawned.

If we are going to have things spawned in, let it be the landscape. Nonsensicle buildings that make no sence take away from the lore
the love lost is the hate found


McDonalds and KFC in game...?  Is this a joke?
Sustainability comes from small gestures. Don't let your comfort become waste.
~ cinema sign.


The names of those places yes a Joke.... as far as things being spawned in. most things spawned in are for the adventure part of the map and the main player city's done by request. The admin team agrees with you elboone. And have already had this conversation. Only things to be spawned in after that last player city are things to be for discovery this is an RP/Adventure map So ruins and treasures to be discovered .

Side note: if you want to build things get to building no one is stoping any player from using there own imagination and building.

How ever this server is about the players we can wipe the whole map if thats what are players want.


Things like KFC's and McDonalds (whether they're called that explicitly or implied) have no place in the RP world.  Anything like that takes away from the continuity of the game. 
Sustainability comes from small gestures. Don't let your comfort become waste.
~ cinema sign.


wow really ..... They don't resemble KFC or MC Donald's what so ever.... But if you're telling me in a RP world players don't eat chicken and steak and pork and farms shouldn't be made then feel free to join the rp server and come up with a new build that will feed your char. It will be nice to see you in the RP world building again. There were 2 signs that were taken down 3 days ago that had the words KFC and McDonalds on them, most players, active members laughed at this joke then it was taken down.


For players knowledge sake there are several shops in the Cross Roads that are making good profits based on their services such as the place that auto cooks chicken and puts it in a chest so you can eat it and donate.  (Let's not give this place a name it wouldn't be very RP)


Wow.....did I at any point say players won't eat steak or pork?  No, I didn't.  I'm bumping this post and criticizing to help you out.  Do not attempt to put words in my mouth.  Its an extremely rude thing to do to someone who's done nothing but help out (including donating and advertising) your server.  I was merely stating an opinion that is shared among a few active players. 

That being said, bud, you need to learn to accept constructive criticism.  I've noticed it quite a bit with you.  You've got a good idea for a server, and a lot of people want to see it get better.  That's all this is about.   
Sustainability comes from small gestures. Don't let your comfort become waste.
~ cinema sign.


And this is why I keep suggesting team speak you can judge a person's tone off of this I'm not an upset person just sharing views so please don't get do offended


Been on teamspeak for the past couple hours.  Even tried to get your attention.  You didn't respond. 
Sustainability comes from small gestures. Don't let your comfort become waste.
~ cinema sign.


I was on all day yesterday I'll be on here in a little bit I'm currently at work when I get lunch I'll be back on thank you


I thought KFC and Mcdonalds were really funny.


Just a clarification, what is meant by "less spawning in general" ?


I believe it means there's still admin spawns, only a whole lot less often.
Sustainability comes from small gestures. Don't let your comfort become waste.
~ cinema sign.


So I'm guessing that means things like dungeons, less things like the automatic farms at crossroads? Sorry I just want to be 100% sure I understand the line of thought there.


Actually, what it means is the various buildings and dungeons and other such builds that the admins spawn in should be less, and builds that we, the players, do should be more.

Nothing to do with the auto farms or dungeons that naturally occur in minecraft.
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