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Allow people to help you on your build

Started by Clay, March 19, 2013, 11:57:30 PM

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[Member]'s can now add people to their protected area. Doing this will allow the player you add to build in your area.
Here is what you need to type into chat
to add a player to your area type:
/region addmember [your user name] [other guys user name]
You must put a space after addmember and after your username.
when typing this you are going to leave out the []'s
here is an example
/region addmember claygarth primezz
this would allow primezz to build in ClayGarth's protected area

If you no longer want someone to be able to build in your area you will type this:
/region removemember [your user name] [other guys user name]
You must put a space after addmember and after your username.
when typing this you are going to leave out the []'s
here is an example
/region removemember mzmerize761 claygarth
this would stop claygarth from building in mzmerize761's area.  <--Share the video